미래 진행과 미래 완료, 미래 완료 진행 시제

Kiwoong Park·2023년 2월 8일

Future continuous vs Future perfect simple

Future continuousFuture perfect simple
Billionaires will be working hard to make space tourism a reality over the next few years.By the turn of the century, I suspect we'll have fully understood what lies beneath the surface of Mars
for predictions about actions in progress in the futurefor predictions about actions that will be completed before a specific future time
미래에도 지속될 행위에 관해 예측할 때미래의 특정 시점 전에 끝날 예정인 행위에 관해 예측할 때

미래 완료의 경우 의미 상 특정 시점 전에 끝날 예정인 어떤 것에 대해 얘기하기 때문에, 미래의 시간 표현이 항상 포함됨.
하지만, 미래 진행형의 경우 항상 필요하지는 않음.

  • By next year, we'll have learned more about Mar's interior.
  • By the time I turn fifty, we'll probably have discovered a new planet.
  • Within the next five years, one of Earth's billionaires will have commercialised space travel.
  • Maybe billionaires will be launching commercial space flights in as little as five years from now! (time specified)
  • Well, I certainly won't be living on Venus! (time not specified - referst to future in general)

미래 완료 시제는 그냥 미래 시제와 비교해서 특정 시점 전에 어떤 일이 일어날 것을 말함.

  • I will have graduated by June : 졸업이 6월 전 특정 시점에 일어남.
  • I will graduate in June : 졸업이 6월에 일어날 것임.


Future perfect simple

  • I'd say that by the time people realise that space tourism isn't very scalable, we'll have wasted a lot of money on it!
  • I doubt they'll have found extraterrestrial life on another planet by the time I die.
  • We'll have abandoned Earth by 2200.
  • They won't have commercialised space travel by 2030.
    • Action completed between now and a specific future time

Future continuous

  • I'd have thought that only the very richest people on Earth will be travelling to space in the future.
  • We'll be learning more about Mars this decade.
  • We won't be living on Venus anytime soon.
  • Billionaires will be pioneering efforts to colonise space.
    • Action in progress at a specific future time

Future perfect continuous

  • We will have been living together for a year in March.
    • 3월이 되면 우리가 같이 산지 1년이에요.
  • Next week, I will have been working on my book for a year.
    • 다음주면 내 책을 작업한지 1년이 되요.
  • By 8pm, I will have been watching TV for an hour.
    • 난 오후 8시까지 한 시간 동안 TV를 볼 거야.
  • And will you have been working at your school for the same amount of time?
    • 너 그러면 학교에서 같은 기간 동안 일할 거야?

위의 예문과 같이 미래 완료 진행 시제는 미래의 특정 시점 전에 일어날 행위의 지속시간(duration)에 집중한다.

It's made up of 4 words:
1. "will" / "won't"
2. "have"
3. "been"
4. gerund(verb + "ing")

  • In June, I will have been living in Istanbul for 6 months
    • 6월이 되면 나는 이스탄불 생활 6개월 차야.
      We need to specify a point in the future and the duration of the action.

Future perfect vs Future perfect continuous

  • I'll have finished work by 9pm.
    • I will finish work before 9pm.
    • 오후 9시 전에 일을 마칠 것이다!
  • By 9pm, I'll have been working for 2 hours.
    • 9pm will mark 2 hours since I started working.
    • 오후 9시면 나는 일을 시작한 지 2시간이 된다.
You matter, never give up

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