화상영어 복습

Kiwoong Park·2022년 9월 5일

월 수 금 저녁 11시 T.Rowsey 선생님과 함께하는 영어 회화에서 배운 것을 정리하는 곳


뭐니 뭐니 해도 vocabulary 가 정말 부족하다. 말을 하다보면 두 문장째부터 같은 단어를 중복하여 표현하고 있는 나를 발견할 수 있다. Too much redundancy..

강조해서 읽다, 발음하다

  • read with emphasis
  • pronounce with stress

읽기 간 적절한 정지

  • pause

연음이 영어로 뭐지..

  • on a continuous tone

동사가 영어로 생각이 안난다..

  • verb (동사가 영어로 생각이 안난다...)

사람이름은 성을 강조하여 읽기

대문자로 시작하는 특정 명칭은 강조하여 읽기

collision (콜X, 컬O)

대문자가 영어로 생각이 안난다..

  • Capital letter


의자 뒤에 매달려 있는 가방을 어떻게 표현하지...

  • there is a black bag-pack hanging behind

바닥에 있는?

  • floor?
  • a bag is placed on the ground

유리벽? glass wall?

  • a person is leaning on the fence.

버스킹용 가방?

  • I think a bag is to collect money

악기가 영어로 생각이 안난다..

  • instrument

악기 앞에는 'the'를 붙여주자

  • Ex. the piano

연주를 듣고 있다

  • listen to (one's) play



  • country house
  • rular house
  • suburban house


  • firefly, lightning bug

소원을 빌다..?

  • make a wish
  • we made a wish while looking at the full moon

조상님에게 절하다..?

  • we have a custom to bow my ancestor buried in a hill at a rural area with alchol and dry fish.


  • 구글링보단 youtube를 통해 훈련하는 게 좋음!
  • preposition


  • pedestrian


  • stroller



Oct 31st??

  • October thirty first!

475 West 55th St.

  • 생각없이 Saint로 읽음.. Street

수업이 시작하다.. start 말고.. 좀

  • The classes will be held at SUNLIGHT Studio. It is located at 475 West 55th Street.

진행될 것이다. proceed 말고.. 좀

  • It will be conducted through out the whole October from 1st to 31st.


격리된 환경??

  • isolated environment
  • be separated to the outer world

다른 말로 하자면.. 이 생각이 안난다.

  • in other words,

사병이 영어로..?

  • soldier


  • In the past

10가지 영어 이디엄

  1. At the drop of a hat (without hesitation)
  2. Beat around the bush (to avoid the point/topic)
  3. Devil's advocate (to present a counter argument)
  4. Let the cat out the bag (to reveal a secret)
  5. Miss the boat (to miss the chance)
  6. Sit on the fence (to avoid making a choice/decision)
  7. Straight from the hose's mouth (somethig directly said by the main source)
  8. Taste of your own medicine (to get the same treatment that you have given to others)
  9. Steal someone's thunder (to steal the limelight)
  10. The ball is in your court (it is up to you make the next move)


오랜만에 뵙습니다...?

  • It's been a while

Indian accent

If I encounter an unfamiliar person, who I haven't ever met before ...

We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation.

intonation 억양? accent 억양?
In linguistics|lang=en terms the difference between intonation and accent is that

  • intonation is (linguistics) the rise and fall of the voice in speaking
  • while accent is (linguistics) the distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc, whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect.

I need to pronounce a sentence for a while ( for a second)

자음 ? 모음??

  • consonants and vowels

생각하고 말하기..


보트를 타다..?

  • riding a boat

사람들이 지나다니다. 공원에 있는 거리를

  • people are passing by a street in the park

is kayaking in the lake (현재 진행형이므로)

there is a kayak on the lake

구명 조끼..?

  • red life vest
  • she is wearing a red life vest on top of it.

머리를 묶은 그녀..?

  • Her hair is tied in ponytail.

노를 쥐고 있다..?

  • She is holding a blue paddle

사진 속에서 본 것을 바탕으로

  • From what I see from the picture,



  • number (of times)


  • tense


  • list, arrange, enumerate (파이썬인줄..)

강조가 생각이 안난다..

  • emphasis

avoid repetition

proper diet

나열할 때 다양한 표현

  • First/First of all/Most of all/Above all/On top of all Second/Secondly/Next/Also/In addition/To add more/Furthermore



  • service company

평가위원..? 면접관??

  • be selected as an evaluation commitee
  • interviewer

현재 시제, 미래 시제..?

  • present tense
  • future tense

22.10.04(화) - 보강

영어로 토론하기... 간단한 의견인데도 영어로 하려니 매우 어려운 경험이었다. 예시를 말하고 싶은데 단어 범위의 한계로 굉장히 추상적인 근거만 대다가 의견을 두루뭉실 마무리한 감이 있어서 너무 아쉬운 경험이었다.

선생님께서 토론 주제를 놓고 셀프로 의견을 주고 받는 연습을 하면 실력향상에 큰 도움이 될거라고 해주셨다.

관계를 늘리다

  • expand a connection

다른 관점?

  • different perspective


culture shock

adapt to other people,

동양 문화..?

  • Eastern culture


언급하다.. 가 영어로 뭐였지? 자꾸 써야 안까먹지

  • mentioned..

극복하다..? 뭐였더라

  • overcome
  • defeat
  • conquer

At some point

적용이 뭐더라..?

  • apply..

enunciate your words and sentences


호수를 말하려니 맨날 river만 나오네.. 아오

  • lake


  • telephone pole
  • telegraph pole

자전거가 기대져있다..?

  • few bicycles are parked

옷은 맨날 clothes냐..

  • apparel

나무에 기대 있다?

  • the woman is sitting against a tree

which must be belonged to her

사진의 배경에는 뭐뭐가 있다

  • In the background of the picture,

호수쪽에 앉아 있다.

  • other people sitting at the lake side

~하는 것으로 보인다.

  • Generally, it appears that people are resting peacefully at the lake side in the park


This is a picture taken in a bakery.

I'd guess that the baker is going to put the bread on some kind of bread rack



  • club, society


  • guide

속담이 뭐지..?

  • proverb

주소 읽기 - 작은 곳부터 큰 곳으로 나열해서

  • 6 Temple St, Victoria Park, Perth
  • 6 Temple Street, Victoria Park in Perth

손님이 상점에 전화가 온 상황이라면?

  • Hi, This is Jonna's Pizza | Thank you for calling Jonna's Pizza


Is it blurly?

  • Is it blurry? 가 정확한 단어
  • blurry : 흐릿한, 모호한

잘못된 정보를 알고 계십니다.

  • No, your daugther told you wrong information.
  • No, your daughter must be mistaken

1 - 2 p.m

  • The pick up time is between one to two p.m
  • pick up 은 잠시 들린다는 의미이기에, between 을 활용하는 것이 좋음

총 금액??

  • grand total


Which of the following do you think is the best trait to be a best friend?
Empathy, Generosity, Common ground

의견 말하기를 시작할 때,
Most of all, I believe

자세히 말할 때
To be specific,

나의 주장을 펼칠 때, 반복적인 표현을 피하자
difference, gap

22.10.20(목) - 보강


  • put pressure, put stress

끝을 약하게 하는 발음 / 끝을 올리는 발음

  • falling down / lower down
  • rising up an intonation

You need to pause mili second, need to stop

stop for a second, for a half of second.

read it smoothly

verb, adverb, noun, adjective 에 put pressurue

  • 동사 / 부사 / 명사 / 형용사에 강조 ~ 중요한 내용일 경우


여행에 갔을 때?

  • When I went on a trip, I felt peaceful because I could see a tall trees and dense forest.

It is amazing to see high mountains with white snow next to the long highway.


일이 수월한?

  • easygoing

It seems like, It appears like, It looks like

  • It seems like the woman in an orange car is lost.

trying to ~~

  • She is trying to ask for direction from the older woman.
  • The older woman is trying to tell the direction

In this picture, I can see two woman ~~

location 말고 position

눈에 띄는 ~ notable, remarkable

The first thing I catched ~~

What I notice first is ~~


예비군은 또 영어로 뭐지..

  • reserve forces training


  • It's a real hassle to wire money abroad
  • It's a real quite cumbersome to wire money abroad


내 등반 능력이 성장하고 있다..?

  • My ability(capability) of climbing is growing.


  • I wasn't sure on a few of the questions, so I took guess

For the procedure, process, sequence


경험? experience / history / background / happening / episode

remind better time

Opinion을 말할 때 ...

  • first : definition > second: Example > last: conclusion

There are few reasons to support it / There are several reasons to back up my opinion.

Most of all, First of all,


드디어 해냈다..?

  • I finally solve the problem that I couldn't solve


  • outdoor

This is a picture taken outdoors

The first thing I see is a woman enjoying the snow

목도리? 스트라이프?

  • A red striped muffler,

전구가 켜져 있다..?

  • the lights are on.

입고 있다 말고

  • She is fully covered with a white jacket

~~ 으로 보아

  • By looking at the snow and her outfit, it must be winter.
  • By judging the people's body postures in this picture, the presenter has the listener's full attention

5명의 사람..? person ? people ?

  • I can see five people


  • brunette
  • A woman with brunette hair tied back in a ponytail

사진 묘사하기 팁

    1. 장소 -> 2. 주요 인물 / 사물 -> 3. 주변 인물 / 사물 -> 사진에 대한 전반적인 느낌 및 개인적인 의견


  • be nervous
  • be strained

애완동물을 키우다..?

  • raising a pet, animal

의견 정리하기에 좋은 표현

  • A pet is not just a cute creature, but it will be your dependable friend in the end

depression, companisonship

  • lessen one's depression and raise companionship(동료애, 우정, 동지애)


금액이 있는 주문내역 말하기
There are 4 different kinds of shoes. First, 2 black track shoes that cost $35 each. Next, she ordered 1 pair of yellow jogging shoes which is $30. Also, she ordered 1 red sneakers at $28. Finally, 1 brown sandals that cost $18. To sum up,
the grand total is $146



  • congregate dining
  • staff dining
  • business dinner after work
  • get-togethers


  • let's keep doing our best

식물을 키우다, 과일? 채소를 기르다

  • grow plants, fruits, vegetables

일정 변동 시

  • synonym ~ reschedule, move, postpone

convenient, interactive, cheap,

hard copy, paper book

in my mind // To add more,

신경을 더 쓰다..?

  • pay more attention to teach

각 항목별 시간을 먼저 명시해주면 더 깔끔하고 정확한 정보전달 가능

  • First, from 11 to 12, there is

proper intonation


Both jacket and gloves have Spiderman characters drawn.

knee guards

There is a blue and white wall, decorated with a snowflake(눈꽃송이) pattern

in ? at?

  • This is a picture taken in a coffee shop
  • This is a picture taken at a coffee shop
    at 은 특정 지점, 상대적으로 좁은 곳, 경계가 모호한 곳 ~ territory, 관공서 지칭 시
  • I live at Daejeon in Korea
  • I live at home
  • I did hard time at work
  • I'll go at the post office

in은 경계가 확실한 경우, 공간 내부, at보다는 넓은 공간, 국가, 도시와 같은 보이지 않는 경계가 있을 경우도

  • I'm in the building
  • I finished at the pond in the village
  • I live in Korea
  • I live in Seoul

검은 모자를 쓴 사람?

  • The man in the black cap

The man looks like taking the order of young couple

데님 셔츠 = denim shirt

아늑한 느낌?

  • cozzy feeling
  • Overall, it gives me a cozy feeling

가장 눈에 띄는 사람?

  • Someone who stands out the most is the man in the black cap

주문을 하다 = make an order / 주문을 받다 = take an order

커피를 따르다..??

  • pour cofee into a cup(=mug)


  • Most of the time, I like to buy gifts from the outlet near my house.

I rather recommend buying an accessory


과거부터 현재까지

  • 2013 till now

경력 ..? 을 뭐라고 표현하지?

  • work experience
  • career

현재진행형을 영어로..?

  • present progressive form



It is important for students to do a project as a team?

  • socialize, boost communication, social skill, independently


세계관이 영어로 뭐지..?

  • world view
  • outlook


주장을 추가 뒷받침 할 때,

  • some more,
  • furthermore,
  • so that,


important, internet, interview

  • 임포런트
  • 이너넷
  • 이널뷰


오랜만에 보는 친구들? 1년만에 보는 친구들?

  • I have a great time with my friends after a long time / after a year

야외 식당?

  • This is a picture taken outdoors
  • two women sitting at a terrace seat

포크로 먹다?

  • She is eating something using a fork

식당과 관련된 표현

  • Will you take my order, please?
  • make(=place) an order
  • take an order
  • have a meal at the table
  • clear off the table
  • most of the chairs are occupied


  • swimsuits


  • sunbathing


  • resort building

the sheer number of people??

  • The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it (아주 많은)



  • In my point of view, there are few advantages of taking public transportations compared to driving a car

사람들 사이에 낑기다..?

  • It will be a bit uncomfortable being sandwiched between people during peak hours but at least, you won't be a latecomer who seems not to have basic manner

쉼표, 마침표..?

  • comma
  • a period at the end of sentence.
  • full stop (Brit)


깃이 있고, 단추가 2-3개 달린 반소매 셔츠 ~ 폴로 경기 할 때 입었던 데서 유래

  • polo shirts!!

상점이 생각이 안나..

  • golf store


  • clerk

깔끔하게 장식되어 있다..?

  • caps in various colors are neatly displayed on the shelves

조명이 좋아서 멋져 보인다..?

  • Overall, it looks great with good lightning
  • persuade
  • neatly


  • focus on the grammer more


안정감을 주다..?

  • I read a book to relax before going to the bed.
  • I do all kinds of thing to relieve myself
  • I felt comfortable when i watch the TV drama

밤을 새다..?

  • stay up all night


언제 어디서 열려요..?

  • What time does the first session start and where does it take place?
  • The first session will start at 10 a.m in the conference room 102

세미나, 행사 주요 표현

  • will be led by [사람]
    • Then, from 2:30 p.m., the presentation called "What makes a great salesman" will be led by Eunice Lee
  • will give a speech
    • Joseph Cheong will give a speech about the Annual Sales Report at 12:40 p.m.


목이 쉬었어요..?

  • I have a hoarse voice

주장을 지지하는 이유가 있어요...?

  • There are several reasons why I support this statement.

그것은 나에게 어려웠어요..?

  • It was quite nonsense to me with the school lectures and textbooks.

유료강의를 들을 여유가 없었다..?

  • As I was a student, I couldn't afford premium services.

영상을 우연히 발견했다..?

  • I came across the video explaining the concepts so well



  • cosmopolitan feeling


  • picturesque

그림 상 메인을 강조하고 싶을 때,

  • Especially, there are two women in the foreground of the picture.
You matter, never give up

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