토스시험공부 Q11

woom·2025년 2월 9일


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🌼 Q11 의견 제시하기

준비시간 45초, 답변시간 60초

  • 필기노트 활용
    • 해석 꼼꼼히
    • 명사, 동사 키워드 영어로 적기
  • 시작하기에 앞서
    • 동사편, 주제편 필수 문장 확실히 학습
    • 명확한 명사, 동사 형용사를 사용한 한글 아이디어
    • 영작 연습하기 (AI는 문장 검토용)
    • 완성한 답변 반복해서 말하기
  • 답변의 구성
    • Q. For business leaders, which of the following qualities is the most important for thier success? Making quick decisions or Being passionate about work
      1. 시작문장 2. 이유 3.예시 4마무리(생략가능)
    • I think making quick decisions is the most important for their success.
    • Most of all, we can solve problems quickly.
      So, we are able to reduce the damage a lot.
    • In my case of my boss
      he always makes quick decisions.
      so he finds solutions to problems quickly
      As a result, we can avoid wasting time during work.

🐣 필수문장 take

  • takes : 걸리다
    • It takes about 2 hours to go home on foot(걸어서)
    • It takes 1 hour to go there by bus
  • take notes : 필기하다

    • I can take notes in a book
    • Many students take notes on tablet PCs nowadays.
  • take : 교통수단.

    • I take public transportation on weekdays.
    • I take a bus or subway almost every day.
  • take place : 열리다

    • The conference will take place at the U Hotel.
    • The seminar will take place on May 19th in hall C.
  • take a lecture(class) : 강의듣다

    • I take a computer class on Friday evening.
    • I took an online lecture to study Chinese.
  • take a picture : 사진찍다

    • A man is taking a picture of a building.
    • I like to take pictures of food.
  • a picture was taken : 사진이 찍히다

    • I think this picture was taken on the street or in a square.
  • take an order : 주문을 받다.
    • A man is taking an order from two women
    • It seems like she is taking an order over the phone.
  • take a walk : 산책하다

    • My hobby is taking a walk alone
    • We enjoy taking a walk at night.
  • take a rest : 휴식을 취하다

    • I like taking a rest in nature.
    • I usually take a rest at home on weekends.
  • take out a loan : 대출을 받다.

    • He took out a loan to buy a house.
    • She took out a loan from the bank to open a cafe.
  • take a nap : 낮잠을 자다

    • I took a nap for about 30 minutes in the afternoon.
    • I used to take a nap after lunch.

📕 기초다지기

  • 입장 결정하기

    • I agree theat people care more about their physical fitness than in the past
  • 이유 설명하기

    • Most of all, people have healthier eating habits.
  • 예시 설명

    • When I was a new employee, I had unhealthy eating habits
      For example, I drank beer almost every day with my coforkers.
      But nowadays, I rarely drink and I usually have dinner at home.
      As a result, I lost about 5kg of weight.
  • 마무리

    • Therefore, I agree theat people care more about their physical fitness than in the past

📙 답변 전략

  • 입장결정
    • 동의 여부 말하기 : I agree/disagree that
    • 택일 : I think ~ is the most important ~
    • 장단점 : There are some advantages of~
    • 선호 사항 : I prefer to ~
  • 이유설명

    • Most of all(무엇보다도)/Because로 시작
    • 한문장으로 만들기
    • 1인칭 주어 사용 피하기
  • 예시설명

    • When I was a / About 시간 ago / In my case of my
    • 빈도 : once a day / twice a week / almost every day
    • 장소 : at school / at work
    • 사람 : with my coworkers
    • 시점 : in the morning / on weekends / after work
    • 목적 : to + 동사
    • 열거 : and / or
    • 이유 : because
  • 연결어구 사용

    • So
    • Also
    • For example
    • While -ing
    • However
    • But one day
    • But nowadays
    • As a result
    • Therefore
  • 마무리

    • Therefore, 첫문장 반복
    • 시간없으면 생략
  • 예시

    • I agree that being able to cook is getting more important nowadays.
    • Most of all, it is possible to have a meal at a cheaper price
    • When I was new employee, I often ate out at a restarant near my house
    • So I spent a lot of money on food
    • But nowadays, I usually cook at home in person.
    • As a result, I can save living expenses a lot.
    • Therefore, I agree that being able to cook is getting more important nowadays.
  • 이유 문장에 자주 쓰이는 다섯가지 표현

    • can
    • it is 형 to V
    • there are
    • we need to
    • we don't have to

📒 주제별 연습


  • 필수 표현

    • do business : 거래를 하다
    • large corporation : 대기업
    • employee benefit : 사원 복지혜택
    • free of charge : 무료로
    • gain trust : 신뢰를 얻다
    • get promoted : 승진하다
    • go on a business trip : 출장을 가다
    • go on a vacation : 휴가를 가다
    • meet a deadline : 마감기한을 맞추다
    • performance evaluation : 인사 고과
    • qualification for the job : 근무 자격 요건
    • video conference : 화상회의
  • 업무에 필요한 자질 : 시간관리능력

    • I think time-management skill is the most important for their success.
      Because they can gain trust from business partners.
      In the case of my team manager, he is a very punctual person.
      For example, he is never late for meetings with our business partners.
      Also, he always meets deadlines for our projects.
      So, his business partners like to do business with our company.
      Therefore, I think time-management skill is the most important for their success.
  • 업무 방식의 차이 관련 : 국제 회사 업무의 어려움
    • I agree that the tasks at international companies are more difficult than the tasks at local businesses.
      Most of all, we need to use a foreign language often at work.
      In my case, I'm working at an international company.
      So, I often have a video conference in English once a week.
      Also, I go on a business trip to the USA regularly.
      However I usually have difficulty in communicating with them and I sometimes make mistakes at work.
      For that reason, I agree that the tasks at international companies are more difficult than the tasks at local businesses.
  • 업무 지식의 습득 방식 관련 : 온라인 강의
    • I think taking an online class is the most helpful way to learn a new skill for a job.
      Because, we can learn a new skill regardless of time and location.
      Last year, I had to study Shinese for a promotion test.
      However, I couldn't study at a language school because I worked overtime almost every day.
      So, I took an online class at home after work.
      As a result, I was able to pass the promotion test.
      For that reason, I think taking an online class is the most helpful way to learn a new skill for a job.


  • 필수 표현

    • anywhere at anytime : 언제 어디서나
    • attach files : 파일을 첨부하다
    • get information : 정보를 얻다
    • in real time : 실시간으로
  • 인터넷이 생활에 미치는 영향 : 음악 산업

    • I think the music industry has been most affected by the internet.
      Most of all, we can buy music more conveniently.
      When I was a high school student, I always bought music at a record shop.
      But, popular music was always sold out.
      However, nowadays, I purchase music on my smartphone directly.
      So I can download popular music anywhere at anytime
      Moreover, I can buy music at a cheaper price.
      So, I think the music industry has been most affected by the internet.
  • SNS 장단점 : 작가들이 이용하는 장점

    • I think there are some advantages authors receive by using a social network service.
      Most of all, they can communicate with their fans more often.
      For example, one of the famous authors in Korea has regular meetings with her fans in SNS.
      And they have a discussion about her latest book.
      Also, she gets various ideas from her fans.
      So, she always makes a good impression on her fans.
      Therefore, I think there are some advantages authors receive by using a social network service.

사회적 이슈

  • 필수 표현

    • attract their interest
    • objective information : 객관적인 정보
    • private lives of celebrities : 연예인의 사생활
    • put an advertisement : 광고를 게재하다
    • exaggerated information : 과장된 정보
    • impose a fine : 벌금을 부과하다
    • natural resources : 천연자원
    • in the long term : 장기적으로는
  • 뉴스 매체 관련 : 부정확한 뉴스 기사

    • I agree that nowadays, there are more inaccurate news articles than in the past.
      Because, there are many journalists who are not professional.
      Nowadays, it is easy to become a journalist because there are a lot of online news agencies.
      So, they don't have to major in journalism to be a journalist.
      Also, some journalists are only interested in attracting readers.
      As a result, the quality of some news articles is very low.
      For that reason, I agree that nowadays, there are more inaccurate news articles than in the past.
  • 광고 관련 : 과장 광고

    • I agree that people do not trust advertising as much today as in the past.
      Because, there is a lot of exaggerated information nowadays.
      About 6 months ago, I bought a smartphone after watching a TV commercial.
      The commercial said the battery lasts over 15 hours.
      However, I had to recharge the smartphone twice a day and it was very inconvenient.
      So, I bought another smartphone in the end.
      For that reason, I agree that people do not trust advertising as much today as in the past.

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