토스시험공부 Q8 ~ Q10

woom·2025년 1월 12일


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🌼 Q8~Q10 제공된 정보를 사용하여 질문에 답하기

표 읽는시간 45초, 문제별 준비시간 각 3초, 답변시간 15/ 15/ 30초

  • 준비시간 활용법
    • 표의 유형 확인 + 질문자와 나의 관계 파악
    • 해석에 유의하며 표 읽기
    • 눈에 띄는 정보 확인 (취소선, 별표)

📌 일반명사 VS 고유명사

  • 고유명사

    • 이름
    • 회사명
    • talk 주제
  • 일반명사 : 앞에 a

🐣 자주 사용하는 전치사

  1. 시간과 장소
on + 날짜on August 11th
on + 요일on Friday
at + 시간at 10AM
in + 도시in Sydney
in + 실내in room / hall 103
at + 건물at A center / university / hotel
at + 번지수at 413
on + 길이름on Main Street
  1. 그 외 주요 전치사
on프로그램 주제
with함께하는 사람
by진행하는 사람
from재직중인 회사

📕 대표 유형 학습

전 유형 공통 표현

  • 시간 및 장소 설명 : The conference will be held/take place on May at hotel.

  • 사람 이름이 포함되어 있지 않은 세션
    : A workshop on energy is scheduled at 2PM
    : There will be a workshop on energy at 2PM.

  • 잘못된 정보 지적
    : I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information.
    : I'm sorry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding.

  • 비용설명 : It is $50. or It costs $50

  • 취소된 정보 설명 : (명사) has/have been canceled

  • 9번 답변 시작 표현

    • 긍정적 : Yes/ Sure/ fortunately
    • 부정적 : Unfortunately/ Actually/ I'm sorry but
  • 10번 답변 시작 문장

    • There are two scheduled 명사(interview) first/second

프로그램 일정

  • 핵심표현

    • give, lead, be conducted => 사람O
    • be scheduled, there will be => 사람X
  • 사람 will give a 프로그램(presentation) on 주제 + 시간정보

    • 정보전달, 단독진행
    • give a speech/report/lecture/introduction/presentation/demonstration(시현)
  • 사람 will lead a 프로그램(workshop) on 주제 + 시간정보

    • 사회자
    • lead a workshop/session/discussion/seminar
  • A presentation on 주제 will be conducted by 사람 + 시간

강의 일정

  • 핵심표현

    • teach a class, be conducted, take a class, be scheduled
  • 강사이름 포함

    • 강사 will teach a class on 과목명 + 시간
    • A class on 과목명 will be conducted by 강사 + 시간
  • 강사이름 미포함

    • You can take a class on 과목명 + 시간
    • A class on 과목명 is scheduled on Mondays

개인 일정

  • There are two scheduled appointments.

  • 확인해둘점

    • 유형확인 : 일일일정표(첫번째 일정) or 출장일정표(항공편 및 숙박 정보)
    • 변동사항 유무
    • 동사 선정
    • 키워드 간 연결어 선정
  • 핵심표현

    • be going to : You are going to have lunch at 장소
    • have(모임이나 행사를 이끄는 상황) : I have a meeting/call/lunch
    • attend(참가자로서 모임이나 행사에 참여하는 상황) : We attend conference/seminar/workshop/lecture
    • do(conduct)
    • be scheduled to
  • 비행일정포함 핵심표현

    • 현재시제(내 의지로 조정 불가 : 교통편) : You depart London at 7AM on East Airlines flight A.
    • stay(숙박 정보 설명) : You are going to stay at the Manor Hotel.

면접 일정

  • There are two scheduled interviews.
  • 확인해둘점

    • 면접시간과 장소
    • 변동사항 여부
    • 반복해서 나오는 키워드
  • 핵심표현

    • interview를 동사로 사용 : You will interview 지원자 for the 직책 position + 시간 정보
    • interview를 명사로 사용 : There will be an/another interview with 지원자, who is applying for the 직책 position + 시간 정보

📙 실전연습1

🐣 실전연습1

  • What time am I supposed to arrive in Berlin, and where will be staying?
    • You arrive in berlin at 10:20AM.
    • and you are going to stay at the Manor Hotel
  • I heard I'm having a lunch meeting with Adortech Software. At which restaurant is the lunch meeting going to be held?

    • Actually, the lunch meeting is scheduled in their corporate office
  • What activities are scheduled for Wednesday before I leave Berlin?

    • There are two scheduled appointments.
    • First, you are going to have a meeting with Peats Technologies on a New Business Proposal from 9:00 to 10:30AM.
    • Second, you are scheduled to conduct Market Research at Berlin Trade Center at 10:30

🐣 실전연습2

  • Where will the conference be held and what time is it scheduled to start?

    • The conference will be held at the LDS conference center
    • and it is scheduled to start at 9am.
  • I was told the team building activities are scheduled in the afternoon. Am I right?

    • I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information.
    • The team activities have been canceled.
  • I'm a college student majoring in marketing. Could you tell me all the sessions related to marketing?

    • There are 2 scheduled sessions.
    • First, Dr.Susan Miller will give a Welcome Speech on the future of marketing at 9am.
    • Second, The Importance of online marketing will be given/conducted by Joe Easton at 11am.

🐣 실전연습3

  • Where will the conference be held and what time will it start?

    • The conference will be held at LDS conference center
    • and it will start at 9.
  • Will I have a chance to ask questions during the conference?

    • Yes. a Q&A session is scheduled at 4:30.
  • What is the last program before we have lunch?

    • Joe Easton will give a speech on the importance of online marketing at 11.

📒 유형별 연습


  • 8번문제

    • What date will the presentations be held and where is the location?
    • The presentation will be held on December 15th in room 16.
  • 잘못된 사실 정정

    • I was told that these presentations are scheduled in the morning. right?
    • I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information. The presentations are scheduled in the afternoon.
  • 정보 문의

    • I saw on the website that the conference costs $60. Is there a way I can attend the conference at a cheaper price?
    • You can get a $20 discount if you sign up before Dec. 7th
  • 놓치는 세션 문의
    • I might have to leave at 4PM. for the meeting with my clents. What presentations will miss?
    • Fortunately, you will not miss anything. Because the seminar will finish at 4PM.
  • 10번문제
    • I'm especially interested in the work with plastics. Can you give me all the details about presentations that are related to platics?
    • There are two scheduled session.
    • First, 'the futer of hybrid plastics' will be given by Robert Chen at 1:30.
    • And then, Anthony will give a presentation on 'Environment-friendly Plastics' at 2:30.
  • 연습문제
    • Lunch (will be served)/(is scheduled) in the cafeteria.
    • Morris, the CEO/President will give a presentation.
    • A speech will be conducted by Perry.
    • A seminar on hiring is scheduled on Monday
    • There will be a seminar on training on Tuesday.


  • 8번문제

    • What time do I leave Chicago and which flight do I take?
    • You are going to leave Chicago on Jet Air Flight 153 at 2:45
  • 9번문제

    • There is a restaurant I'd like to visit on Thursday evening. Do you think it's possible?
    • Fortunately, dinner with the CEO of Morgan Furnishings has been canceled. So you can visit the restaurant.
    • I want to have dinner with my clients in Philadelphia on Friday. Is it possible?
    • I'm sorry, but you don't have enough time for dinner because you are going to leave Philadelphia at 4PM.
  • 10번문제

    • Could you explain my schedule for Friday before I depart Philadelphia?
    • There are two scheduled appointments.
      First, you are going to have a meeting with Morgan from 9:30 to 11AM.
      And then, you are scheduled to have lunch with Jacob from Evergreen Kitchen at 1PM.
  • 연습문제

    • What time do I leave Washington and which flight should I take?
    • You are going to leave Washington at 10:30AM on East Wings Airlines, flight number 512.
    • There is an art gallery I'd like to visit in New York. Am I free on Sunday morning?
    • Fortunately, your first appointment is scheduled at 1PM
      so, you can visit the art gallery on Sunday morning.
      so, you have enough free time on Sunday morning.
    • What is my schedule on Saturday afternoon in New York?
    • There are 2 scheduled appointments.
      First you are going to have a meeting about the book cover design with Jessica at 3PM.
      Second, a book signing event is schduled at Riverside Bookstore at 6PM.

💡 자주 사용되는 동사 표현

  • give : a speech, a presentation, a lecture
  • lead : a workshop, a discussion
  • have : lunch, a meeting
  • attend : a seminar, a conference, a tour


  • 8번문제

    • How much is the registration fee and what date do the summer classes start?
    • The registration fee is $50 per course and the classes start on June 15th.
  • 9번문제
    • I understand Fred Ross is in charge of teaching the Business class. Right?
    • I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information. He will teach a class on the introduction to ecotourism.
    • I'll be on a business trip from Auguest 20th. Will it be a problem?
    • Fortunately, the classes will finish on August 19th. So, it's okay.
  • 10번문제

    • Can you tell me the topics and time of the classes Janet is teaching this summer?
    • There are two scheduled classes. First, she will teach a class on energy on Mondays from 5 to 7PM.
      Second, there will be a course on environmental on Thursdays at the same time.
  • 연습문제

    • How much does each course cost and when is the deadline for the registration?
    • It is $80 per course and you need to register by February 12th.
    • It is scheduled for Wednesday mornings. Am I right?
    • I'm sorry. but you have the wrong information. It has been rescheduled to Tuesdays from 10 to 11:50AM.
    • Can you give me all the details for each course that starts after at 6PM?
    • There are two scheduled courses. First, there will be a course on transportation on Mondays from 6 to 8 PM.
      Second, you can [participate in/take/attend] a course on communication on Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

💡 이력서 단변전략

  • 학력관련

    • S + received + 학위 종류 + in 전공 + at 출신대학 + in 졸업년도
  • 특이사항

    • He has a certification in + 자격증 이름
    • She received an award in + 상 이름
    • He is fluent in + 외국어 종류
    • She has some experience in + 업무분야
  • 경력

    • 과거 : S + worked + at 직장명 + as a 직급 + 근무기간
    • 현재진행 : S + has been working + at 직장명 + as a 직급 + 근무기간


  • 8번문제

    • At which university did he get his master's degree from and when did he graduate?
    • He received a master's degree in Business Adminstration at South University in 2012.
  • 9번문제

    • Do you think he is a suitable applicant?
    • I think he is a suitable applicant because he has a certification in Risk Management.
  • 10번문제

    • Could you please tell me about his career background?
    • He has two different kinds of work experience.
      First, He worked at CLE Management as an investment advisor from 2007 to 2012.
      And then, he has been working at Tyler Cooperation as a financial specialist since 2012.
  • 연습문제

    • Which school did he get his bachelor's degree and what was his major?
    • He received a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science at Victoria University in 2011.


  • 8번문제

    • What date will the job interviews be held and what time does the first interview start?
    • The job interviews will be held on Friday, March 10th, and the first interview will start at 9 AM.
  • 9번문제

    • I have an urgent appointment at 1PM. would it be a problem?
    • Fortunately, the interview at 1PM has been canceled. So it's okay
  • 10번문제

    • Are there any applying for a position related to research?
    • There are 2 applicants.
      First, You will interview Barker for the research assistant position at 9AM.
      Second, there will be an interview with Andy who is applying for the research analyst position at 2:30PM
  • 연습문제
    • What dates are the interviews scheduled for and where will they be held?
    • The interviews are scheduled from June 25th to the 26th and they will be held in library room 107.
    • One of the interviews is scheduled at 1PM on the 25th.

영수증 및 주문서

  • 8번문제

    • Where is your store located and what time do you close?
    • Our store is located at 26 Road and we close at 7PM.
  • 9번문제

    • How much is the order and should I pay when I pick it up?
    • It is 150$. However, it is already paid. / it is not paid yet.
  • 10번문제

    • Could you tell me all the details about the order I'll be picking up?
    • Sure. First you will get 10 ham and 5 tuna sandwiches and they are 7$ each.
      Also, there will be 15 assorted sodas which are 2 dollars each.
      Lastly, you will get 9 chocolate chip and 6peanut butter cookies which are 1$ each.
  • 연습문제

    • Our restaurant is located at 135 street. And it will be ready at 12PM
    • The order is not paid yet. You need to pay when you pick up the order.
    • So, it is 83$ in total.

📗 실전연습2


  • 8번문제
    • What is the date of the event and what time will it begin?
    • The event will take place on October 5th, and it will begin at 9:30AM
    • The event will be held on October 5th at 9:30AM
  • 9번문제
    • none of the activities will take place there, right?
    • I'm sorry, but that's not true.
      There will be a concert from the Orchestra in Perth Plaza at 1:30PM
  • 10번문제
    • Could you give me all the details about those historical talk?
    • There are two schedule sessions. First a historical talk on Early is scheduled in Moringside at 10AM.
      And then, there will be another historical talk on Industry in Owen Part at 1PM.


  • 8번문제

    • What time do I leave Detroit and which flight should I take?
    • You leave Detroit at 10:15 and you should take United Air flight #510.
    • You are going to leave Detroit at 10:15 on United Air flight #510
  • 9번문제

    • I want to have lunch with my friend on Wednesday. Do you think it is possible?
    • I'm sorry, but you are going to depart from Boston at 11AM. So, I don't think it is possible.
    • Unfortunatley, you are scheduled to depart from Boston at 11AM. So, I don't think it is possible.
  • 10번문제
    • Can you give me all the details on the 16th?
    • There are 2 scheduled sessions. First A panel discussion on architecture is scheduled in room 103 at 10:30.
      and then, there will be a Lecture on learn by Dr.Lorenzo at 1PM


  • 8번문제
    • How much do the classes cost?
    • It is $100 for three hour couses and it is $50 for all other courses.
  • 9번문제
    • Yoga classes will take place on Saturday morning, right?
    • I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information.
      Yoga classes are scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
  • 10번문제
    • There are two scheduled classes.
      First, Louis will teach strength training for an intermediate level on Mondays from 5 to 6PM.
      Second, another strength training class will be conducted by Kurt on Tuesdays from 7 to 8PM.


  • 8번문제

    • She received a master's degree at Newcastle University in 2008.
  • 9번문제
    • I think she is a suitable applicant.
      She received a Golden Award in Innovative Designs for Energy Saving.
  • 10번문제
    • She has two different kinds of work experience.
      First she worked at Marigold as a product designer from 2010 to 2013.
      And then, she has been working at Best as a senior designer since 2013.


  • 8번문제

    • The interviews will be held on Wednesday, May 5th. in meeting room D
  • 9번문제

    • There is one interview at 1:45PM
  • 10번문제
    • There are three scheduled interviews.
      First you will interview Matt for the assistant position at 10:15AM.
      Second, there will be an interview with Aiden who is applying for the senior position at 2:30PM.
      Lastly, you will interview Michael for the assistant position at 4PM.

영수증 및 주문서

  • 8번문제
    • Our store is loacated at 27Lindoum Road and
      our business hours are from 9AM to 7PM.
  • 9번문제
    • That won't be necessary. The order was already paid on Monday Jan 17th.
  • 10번문제
    • Sure he ordered 10 staplers and they are 100 dollars.
      Also, 10 Scissors were ordered for 70 dollars.
      Lastly he ordered 40 Notepads which are 40dollars.
      It is 210dollars in total

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