🌼 Q5~Q7 듣고, 질문에 답하기
준비시간 각 3초, 답변시간 15/ 15/ 30초
- 답변전략(준비시간 활용)
- 주어찾기 (be동사 유무)
- 문제 다시 확인(시제, 의문사)
- 답변 아이디어 준비
📕 의문사 별 정리
- at/around 7pm
- after work
- on weekdays
- yesterday
- in the evening
when was the last time
- last week
- two weeks ago
- a month ago
how often
- almost every day
- twice a week
- once or twice a day
how long
- play badminton
- various exercise equipment
- a convenient location
- in a park
- on the subway/bus
- at home/work
- in a library
- on the internet
- in my office
- because there are many subways stations and bus stops in my town.
- with my family/ friends/ coworkers
Q6. 이유를 추가로 묻는 유형 (besides : ~외에)
- ex. Besides coffee, what else would you like a coffee shop to serve, and why?
- I'd like a coffee shop to serve fruit juice
it's because I can't drink coffee because of caffein
- I would like a coffee shop to serve a kids menu
It's because there are not many menu item for children.
- 추천 공부법
- 노트에 내가 만든 이유 문장을 정리하기
- 다수의 이유를 만들기
- 대표 표현만으로 답변 만들어보기
- 긍정적 이유 VS 부정적 이유
- 공통 => it is 형 to +V : 동사 하는 것은 형용사 하다
긍정적이유 | 부정적이유 |
can + V | can't + V |
there is/are + 단/복수명사 | there is not |
| there are not many 복수명사 -> 부족하다 |
| there are too many |
don't have to + V | need to + V |
Q7. 선택형 문제 답변 구성
Q7. 비선택형 문제 답변 구성
- ex. What are the advantages of drinking coffee at a cafe instead of instant coffee?
- 시작문장(생략가능) -> 의견1 First -> 의견2 Second
- 시작문장(생략가능) -> 의견 First -> 추가문장 So
=> There are some advantages of drinking coffiee at a cafe instead of instant coffee.
First, it is posible to drink fresh coffee.
Second, i can drink/enjoy coffee in a cozy/luxurious atmosphere
- 추천 공부법
- 노트에 내가 만든 답변 정리 + 반복 학습
- 모든 이유/의견 문장에 대한 추가 문장 만들기
- 선택형 문제의 경우 다양한 입장으로 답변 만들기
- 대표 표현만으로 답변 만들어보기
🐣 연습문제
Q5. Where do you usually study, and how long do you study at a time?
- I usually study at public library. And I study for about 2 hours at a time.
Q6. Do you use digital tools or apps to help with studying? Why or why not?
- It's because it is convenient to take notes
- I can search for information
- it is light and convenient to carry
Q7. What study habits do you need to change, and why?
- My study habits I need to change is listening to loud music.
- I should not listen to loud music.
It's because I can be distracted by music
So it is hard for me to concentrate on studying
- I need to study early.
It's because I usually study late at night
So, I am always tired during the day/ in the daytime.
📙 추가 문장으로 자주 사용되는 6가지 유형
- I usually go there in the evening
- I usually exercise on weekends.
- I usually go there in the morning or after work.
- I go there almost every day
- I usually take a bus twice a day
- It's because it is a good place to have a chat with my coworkers.
- Because there are various brands
- Because I am very interested in cooking
행동 습관
- I usually study English in the cafe with my friends
- I usually take a bus and the subway
- I usually play tennis or go jogging
- I usually buy some milk and snacks.
- I went there with my parents.
구체적 사례
- I usually drink some tea called 'English Breakfast'
- I especially like a show called 'black and white chef'
- I watched a movie called 'A fire fighter'
- Also, I like a cafe in my office building too.
- Also, I prefer to buy clothes on the Internet too.
🐣 7번 문제 예제
Q. Would you recommend your hometown to your friends for sightseeing? Why?
A. I would recomment my hometown to my friends for sightseeing.
Because we can enjoy various outdoor activities such as camping.
Also, there are many popular restaurants in my hometown
So, they can enjoy various local foods.
Q. Do you think it is convenient to use public transportation in your city? Why or why not?
A. I think it is convenient to use public transportation in my city.
Because it is easy to find a subway station or a bus stop.
Also, we can transfer to another type of transportation conveniently.
Therefore, I think it is convenient to use public transportation in my area.
Q. What are the advantages of exercising at a fitness center?
A. There are some advantages of exercising at a fitness center.
First, we can use various exercise equipment such as a treadmill.
Second, it is possible to learn exercise from an expert.
Q. What are the advantages of watching a sporting event on television?
There are some advantages of watching a sporting event on television.
First, I can enjoy a sporting event regardless of the weather.
Also, I don't have to pay a lot of money for a ticket.
Q. What is the best way to learn how to cook out of the following options?
- Learning from friends
- Participating in a cooking class
- Learning from a book
I think learning from friends is the best way to learn how to cook.
Because I don't have to pay a lot of money for a book or a class.
Also, it is easier to ask questions about cooking.
It's because we are close.
Q. Do you prefer drinking a beverage in cafe or taking out the beverage? Why?
I prefer taking out the beverage.
Because I can get a discount about 20%.
Also, the cafes in my town are very noisy.
Therefore, I prefer taking out the beverage.
📒 주제별 답변 연습1
- 학교생활
Q. Do you think high school students should take more online classes?
- They can study difficult parts again.
- Also, They can have a better quality of education.
- Electronic devices can distract students from concentrating on their studies.
- Also, It is impossible to ask questions during online classes.
- 직장생활
Q. What is the most important factor you would consider when you look for a job?
- 온라인 쇼핑 & 매장 쇼핑
Q. Where do you prefer to purchase clothes between the local clothing store and the online store?
- I can try on clothes in person.
- It is easier to exchange clothes or get a refund.
- We can buy clothes at a cheaper price.
- There are more kinds of clothes compared to local clothing stores.
- 휴가
Q. Where is a popular area for a vacation in your country?
- Busan, Jeju island
- There are many popular tourist attractions and restaurants.
- we can enjoy a beautiful night view.
- we can travel conveniently without a car.
- 여행
Q. When you travel, do you prefer to go backpacking or take a package tour? Why?
- I can have a meal anywhere.
- I don't have to rush to follow a schedule.
- I'm not good at speaking a foreign language.
- I don't have to prepare a tour schedule personally.
- 의사소통
Q. What do you prefer between a text message and a phone call when you contact your friends? Why?
- text message
- I can check text messages anytime.
- It is possible to send pictures and videos.
- phone call
- I'm not used to typing on my mobile phone.
- We can talk a lot in a short time
- 휴대전화
Q. When you buy a new mobile phone, what is the most important factor out of the following options?
Screen size
- I watch various videos on my mobile phone on the subway.
Internet speed
- I usually surf the web in my free time
Battery life
- I can't recharge my phone often because I usually work outside.
- 전자책
Q. Do you think e-books will replace paper books entirely in the future? Why?
- 동의
- E-books have convenient fuctions for reading.
- We don't have to carry heavy books.
- 반대
- We can't use an e-book if we don't have power.
- Using an e-book can be difficult for old people.
📗 주제별 답변 연습2
- 영화
Q. Do you prefer watching movies alone or with your friends? Why?
- I can concentrate on watching a movie.
- I don't have to have a discussion to select a movie.
with friends
- We can share our opinions after watching a movie.
- I'm not used to watching a movie alone at a movie theater.
- 카페
Q. What are the important features you would consider when you choose a cafe?
- A quiet atmosphere
- It needs to be quiet because I usually read books at a cafe.
- Business hours
- The cafe should be open until late.
- 도서관
Q. What are the advantages of going to a library besides borrowing books?
- I can be motivated by others to study hard.
- We can use multimedia devices such as a computer or a tablet PC for free.
- I can study in a group study room with my friends.
- 레스토랑
Q. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or cook food at home? Why?
- restaurant
- I'm not good at cooking
- I don't have to do the dishes after I have a meal.
- home
- I can have a meal at a cheaper price.
- I can use healthy ingredients for a meal.
- 은행
Q. What improvements do you want from the banks in your city?
- They need to open more bank windows during the lunch time.
- They should extend the business hours until 6 o'clock.
- Bankers need to provide kind customer service.
- 피트니스 센터
Q. What is the most important factor when you choose a fitness center?
- Kind trainers
- I tend to ask trainers many questions when I exercise.
- Operating hours
- I exercise late at night because I work overtime often.
- 편의점 & 슈퍼마켓
Q. When you buy some snacks, which do you prefer more between a convenience store and a supermarket? Why?
convenience store
- We can purchase snacks regardless of time.
- It is easier to find a convenience store in my town.
- We can purchase snacks at a cheaper price compared to convenience stores.
- Supermarkets have more kinds of snacks.
- 의류 매장
Q. Are you satisfied with clothing stores nearby your home? Why?
- 만족
- They provide a clothing repair service for free.
- They sometimes sell clothes at a discounted price.
- 불만족
- It is inconvenient because they don't have enough fitting rooms.
- Some employees are rude to customers.
📘 실전연습
Q5. What is the name of your hometown and do you still live there?
- A. The name of my hometown is Seoul. and I still live there.
Q6. What activities do you enjoy in your hometown?
- A. I enjoy hiking in my hometown.
- And I usually do it with my family.
- Also, I enjoy fishing too.
Q7. Would you recommend your hometown to your friends for sightseeing?
- A. I would not recommend my hometown to my friends for sightseeing.
- Because It is inconvenient to use public transportation in my hometown.
- Also, there are no popular tourist attractions.
Q5. How often do you travel and what transportation do you usually use?
- I travel about twice a year and I usually use a train.
Q6. When was the last time you used an electronic devices to find a route and what did you use?
- The last time I used an electronic devices to find a route was last month.
- And I used my smartphone.
Q7. What do you prefer to use between a paper map and an electronic device when you travel?
- I prefer to use an electronic device when I travel.
- Because It provides the latest information.
- Also, I can use it in a dark environment.
- For these resons, I prefer to use an electronic device when I travel.
mobile phone
Q5. I need to buy a new mobile phone. Where do you usually buy a mobile phone?
- I usually buy a mobile phone on the internet.
- Because I can buy it at a cheaper price.
- Also, I buy it at an electronics store called Hi-Mart.
Q6. Which mobile phone is the most popular among your friends? Why?
- The most popular mobile phone is Galaxy Note.
- Because It has a large screen.
Q7. Which of the following would you prefer the most when buying a mobile phone?
- I would prefer battery life the most when buying a mobile phone.
- Because I play mobile phone games every day.
- Also, I can't recharge mobile phone often.
Q5. How often do you read books and what kind of books do you usually read?
- I read books once a week.
- and I usually read comic books.
Q6. Where is your favorite place to read books? Why?
- My favorite place to read is cafe near my home.
- Because I like reading books while drinking some coffee.
Q7. What are the advantages of using an e-reader when you read?
- I think there are some advantages of using an e-reader.
- First, I don't have to carry heavy books.
- Second, I can buy books at a cheaper price.
- Third, I can read books in a dark environment.
- Finally, It provides convenient functions for reading, such as underlining.
Q5. When was the last time you purchased a shirt or a blouse and where did you buy it?
- The last time I purchased a shirt was last month.
- And I bought it at a department store.
Q6. Do you prefer to buy clothes from the same brand or try a new one?
- I prefer to buy clothes from the same brand.
- Because I can trust the quaility of the closthes
Q7. Do you think an online store is a good place for clothing shopping? Why?
- I think an onlne store is a good place for clothing shopping.
- Because I can buy clothes at a discounted price.
- Also, there are more types of clothes at an online store.
- For these reasons, I think an onlne store is a good place for clothing shopping.
- Q5. How can I get to the downtown area from the airport?
- You can get to the downtown area by express train.
- Also, you can take a but too.
- It takes about 1 hour.
- Q6. Do you think it is easy for foreigners to use public transportation in your city?
- I don't think it is easy for foreigners to use public transportation in my city.
- Because most drivers don't speak a foreign language.
- Q7. What type of public transportation in your city do you think is the most convenient for traveling? Why?
- I think the subway is the most convenient for traveling.
- First, It is easy to find the subway station.
- Second, They always run on time.
- Also, It is convenient to transfer.
- So, I think the subway is the most convenient for traveling.
department store
Q5. When was the last time you went to a department store and what did you do there?
- The last time I went to a department store was last month.
- And I bought a suit there.
Q6. In your area, what do people usually buy at a department store?
- People usually buy some clothes at a department store.
- Also, some people buy electronics too.
Q7. For shopping, would you recomment the department stores in your city to your friends?
- I would recomment department stores in my city to my friends.
- Because there are large department stores in my city.
- Also, they provide excellent customer service.
- There are many popular restaurants in the department stores.
- Therefore, I would recomment department stores in my city to my friends.
Q5. When was the last time you gave a gift to a friend or a family member and what was it for?
- The last time I gave a gift to a friend was about 1 month ago.
- And it was for his birthday.
Q6. Where is a good place to buy a gift in your city? Why?
- A good place to buy a gift in my city is a department store called 'Lotte'.
- Because it is convenient to compare products there.
- There are a lot of well-known brands in the department store.
Q7. When you give gifts to others, do you prefer to give cash or a specific item? Why?
- I prefer to give cash.
- First, I don't need to waste my time choosing a gift.
- Second, it is more practical, because they can buy what they need.
- For these reasons, I prefer to give cash.