[Linear Algebra] Orthogonal to QR Factorization
Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets
- Definition: A set of vectors {u1,⋯,up} in Rn is an orthogonal set
if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is orthogonal
That is, if ui⋅uj=0 whenever i=j
- Definition : A set of vectors {u1,⋯,up} in Rn is an orthonormal set
if it is an orthogonal set of unit vectors
- Orthogonal or orthonormal set is also linearly independent, but not vice versa
Orthogonal Projection Perspective
- Consider the orthogonal projection b onto ColA as
where C=A(ATA)−1AT
- We can see that the orthogonal projection is actually a linear transformation f(b)=Cb
where the standard matrix is defined as C=A(ATA)−1AT
- If A is orthonormal, ATA=⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎡a1Ta2T⋮anT⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎤[a1a2⋯an]=I
Thus b^=Ax^=A(ATA)−1ATb=AATb=Cb
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

- Using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, we can make any basis to orthogonal or orthonormal basis
QR Factorization

- If A is an m×n matrix with linearly independent columns,
then A can be factored as A=QR
where Q is an m×n matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis for ColA
and R is an n×n upper triangular invertible matrix with positive entries on its diagonal
- Using Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, we can do QR factorization