DB 영어 스터디

백은진·2020년 9월 28일

TIL (Today I Learned)

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매일 월요일 저녁 8시30분마다 영어 스터디를 진행하기로 했다.

팀원은 나, 황채영님, 이지영님, 구현정님으로 총 4명이다.

전주에 공부한 부분 중 사람들에게 발표하고 싶거나,
해외 취업 면접 시 질문 받을 것 같은 부분을 따로 정리해서
사람들에게 발표를 하는 방식이다.

나는 저번주에 진행한 session 중 Database 내용이 가장 기억에 남고 흥미로웠으므로,
그 부분을 오늘 발표하려고 한다.


The part of session I wanna share with you is DataBase.

Database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.


There are two part of Database Management System, Relational one, and Non Relational one.


Relational Databases are made up of a set of tables with data that fits into a predefined category.
Each table has at least one data category in a column and its own Primary Key, and each row has a certain data instance for the categories which are defined in the columns.

The Structured Query Language, SQL for short, is the standard user and application program interface for a relational database.
The MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Database are the most popular for SQL.

SQL is gauranteed the functions of transaction,
that it is good for storing structured data and data which completeness is important.
For example, electronic-commerse data, bank account data, and transaction data.

However, it also have disadvantages to some of things. SQL is not flexible to change structure of table, and expansion. Because the structure of table is already defined, it needs to scale up server to increase the size of a database.


On the other hand,
Non-Relational Databases do not use the tabular schema of rows and columns.

NoSQL are effective to organize must massive amounts of unstructred data.
The most popular management systems of NoSQL are Mongo DB, and IBM DB2.

NoSQL is flexible to change a structure of tables and easy to expand server because it does not need to define the structure of tables in advance.
Thus, Non-Relational Databases are advantageous to save massive amounts of information.

However, it does not guaranteed the functions of transaction and completeness of data.

Thus, NoSQL is good for storing unstructured data and data which completeness is not important.
For example, log data.

💡 Software Engineer - F.E

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