Data Processing in Shell

All We Need is Data, itself !·2022년 3월 29일

옵션 - --의 차이


  • - : 축약
  • -- : 서술형

data processing with csvkit

# Take top 15 rows from sorted output and save to new file
csvsort -c 2 Spotify_Popularity.csv | head -n 15 > Spotify_Popularity_Top15.csv
# Convert the Spotify201809 tab into its own csv file 
in2csv Spotify_201809_201810.xlsx --sheet "Spotify201809" > Spotify201809.csv

# Check to confirm name and location of data file

# Preview file preview using a csvkit function
csvlook Spotify201809.csv

# Create a new csv with 2 columns: track_id and popularity
csvcut -c "track_id","popularity" Spotify201809.csv > Spotify201809_subset.csv
# Convert the Spotify201809 tab into its own csv file 
in2csv Spotify_201809_201810.xlsx --sheet "Spotify201809" > Spotify201809.csv

# Check to confirm name and location of data file

# Preview file preview using a csvkit function
csvlook Spotify201809.csv

# Create a new csv with 2 columns: track_id and popularity
csvcut -c "track_id","popularity" Spotify201809.csv > Spotify201809_subset.csv

# While stacking the 2 files, create a data source column
csvstack -g "Sep2018","Oct2018" Spotify201809_subset.csv Spotify201810_subset.csv > Spotify_all_rankings.csv

pulling data from databases

supported by sql2csv : firebird, microsoft sql server, mysql, postgresql

  • not MongoDB
# Verify database name 

# Save query to new file Spotify_Popularity_5Rows.csv
sql2csv --db "sqlite:///SpotifyDatabase.db" \
        --query "SELECT * FROM Spotify_Popularity LIMIT 5" \
        > Spotify_Popularity_5Rows.csv

# Verify newly created file

# Print preview of newly created file
csvlook Spotify_Popularity_5Rows.csv

pushing data in to DB

# Preview file

# Upload Spotify_MusicAttributes.csv to database
csvsql --db "sqlite:///SpotifyDatabase.db" --insert Spotify_MusicAttributes.csv

# Store SQL query as shell variable
sqlquery="SELECT * FROM Spotify_MusicAttributes"

# Apply SQL query to re-pull new table in database
sql2csv --db "sqlite:///SpotifyDatabase.db" --query "$sqlquery" 
# Store SQL for querying from SQLite database 
sqlquery_pull="SELECT * FROM SpotifyMostRecentData"

# Apply SQL to save table as local file 
sql2csv --db "sqlite:///SpotifyDatabase.db" --query "$sqlquery_pull" > SpotifyMostRecentData.csv

# Store SQL for UNION of the two local CSV files
sqlquery_union="SELECT * FROM SpotifyMostRecentData UNION ALL SELECT * FROM Spotify201812"

# Apply SQL to union the two local CSV files and save as local file
csvsql 	--query "$sqlquery_union" SpotifyMostRecentData.csv Spotify201812.csv > UnionedSpotifyData.csv

# Push UnionedSpotifyData.csv to database as a new table
csvsql --db "sqlite:///SpotifyDatabase.db" --insert UnionedSpotifyData.csv
  • $ : shell variable

python in shell

  • pip list
  • crontab -l
# Add CRON job that runs every minute
echo "* * * * * python" | crontab

# Verify that the CRON job has been scheduled via CRONTAB
crontab -l 
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