[AOSP] Android Build System - croot, m, mm

정은·2024년 3월 11일

posted based on udemy video - Android OS Internals 😁

Android Build System


croot helps us to change the directory to the top of the tree.

  • 상위 디렉토리 이동하는 명령어


m makes from the top of the tree. (Make)

  • to build the complete aosp

it compiles the entire thing and it will build the images

$ m -j
  • -j : you can specify the number of logical codes to be used while building

mm, mmm, mma, mmma

mm : command basically builds and installs all of the moudle in the current directory and their dependencies.

  • will not install the apk into the image files, only build or compile the current module
  • m : change the images, mm : not change the image

compiles only the current directory it won't install the APK on its own

  • if you want to install the pick it to the current emulator, you need to do it using the ADB command

mmm : command builds and installs all of the moudle in the supplied directories and their dependencies.

  • To limit the modules being built use the syntax: mmm dir/:target1, target2.

mma : Same as mm

mmma : Same as mmm

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