[AOSP] Android Build System - envsetup

정은·2024년 3월 6일

posted based on udemy video - Android OS Internals 😁

Android Build System

Build system Step 1. To execute the envsetup.sh


> source build/envsetup.sh
  • source : it is basically a built in shell command that reads and executes the file in the current shell.

you can change this,

> . build/envsetup.sh
  • . : alias to source

💡 참고

> hmm
  • hmm : The full list of available commands can be seen by running.


lunch : show you the lunch menu

  • lunch command serves you with the build variants available for Aosp.

if you can see lunch menu,

> lunch

aosp_arm-eng : arm architecture CPU, eng - Engineering Build
aosp_car_x86-userdebug : x86 the Intel
aosp_cf_x86_64_tv-userdebug : tv device (different types)
etc ....

여러가지 명령어 사용 방법 및 구현되어 있는 코드를 보고 싶다면,
envsetup.sh or definition.mk 파일을 보면 된다.

정니의 이런거 저런거 기록 일지 😛

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