
wonderful world·2022년 9월 14일

Amazon 14 leadership principles

  • customer obession, ownership,
  • invent and simplify, Are right a lot, learn and be curious
  • hire and develop the best, insists on the highest standards
  • think big, bias for action, frugality, earn trust
  • dive deep, have backbone(disagree and commit)
  • deliver results: Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.
  • strive to be earth's best employer
  • Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility


pomo 9

Focus completely for 2-4 hours every day on your highest priority thing

  • top amazon question
    Two Sum
    LRU Cache
    Trapping Rain Water
    Number of islands
    Merge intervals
  1. sliding window
  2. two pointers
  3. fast slow pointers
  4. merge interval
  5. cyclic sort
  6. in-place reversal of a linked list
  7. tree bfs
  8. tree dfs
  9. two heaps
  10. subsets
  11. modified binary search
  12. bitwise xor
  13. top k elements
    • use Heap. heappush, heappop, heapify
  14. k-way merge
    • use Heap whenever given K sorted arrays.
    • time complexity: O(N * logK) where N is the total number of elements in all the K input arrays.
  15. knapsack (DP)
  16. topological sort


STAR(Situation, Task, Action, Result) template

Tell me about yourself:
Hi, My name is X and I am a s/w engineer for automotive industry. I am passionate about solving challenging problems and delivering results.

I am working for developing camera system in automotive industry. It ranges from SDK in PC to embedded s/w

Tell me what is exactly..

coding interview review

jump game: greedy

hello wirld

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