You have just heard about a wonderful festival that will last for D days, numbered from 1 to D. There will be N attractions at the festival. The i-th attraction has a happiness rating of hi and will be available from day si until day ei, inclusive.
You plan to choose one of the days to attend the festival. On that day, you will choose up to K attractions to ride. Your total happiness will be the sum of happiness ratings of the attractions you chose to ride.
What is the maximum total happiness you could achieve?
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow.
The first line of each test case contains the three integers, D, N and K. The next N lines describe the attractions. The i-th line contains hi, si and ei.
For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the maximum total happiness you could achieve.
Memory limit: 1 GB.
1≤si≤ei≤D, for all i.
1≤hi≤3×105, for all i.
Test Set 1
Time limit: 20 seconds.
Test Set 2
Time limit: 90 seconds.
For at most 10 test cases:
For the remaining cases, 1≤N,D≤1000.
Sample Input | Sample Output |
2 | Case #1: 2300 |
Below code passes for Test set 1 but exceeds time limit for Test set 2.
def f(D, N, K, attractions):
"""Returns the maximum total happiness
When given the attractions up to `K` in the festival,
it returns the maximum total happiness with one day attention.
D (int): festival days
N (int): the number of attractions at the festival
K (int): the number of attractions can be chosen
attractions ([[hi, si, ei]]):
hi: happiness rating,
si: available days from `si`
ei: available days up to `ei` (inclusive)
happiness(int): the maximum total happiness chosen at the festival
def make_attraction_map(attractions):
ret = {}
for attraction in attractions:
hi, si, ei = attraction
for day in range(si, ei+1):
ret[day] = [hi] + ret.get(day, [])
return ret
max_happiness = 0
# key: day, value: list of happiness of possible attractions
attraction_map = make_attraction_map(attractions)
for i in range(1, D+1):
if not i in attraction_map:
attractions = attraction_map[i]
happiness = sum(sorted(attractions, reverse=True)[:K])
max_happiness = max(max_happiness, happiness)
return max_happiness
def read_ints(): return [int(v) for v in input().strip().split()]
if __name__ == '__main__':
T = int(input())
for i in range(T):
D, N, K = read_ints()
# [[hi, si, ei]] where `hi` happiness rating, `si` <= available days <= `ei`
attractions = [read_ints() for i in range(N)]
print (f'Case #{i+1}: {f(D, N, K, attractions)}')