Goal of computer vision is to give computers the ability to extract high-level understanding from digital images and video.
- Color marker tracking and similar algorithms are rarely used, unless environment can be tightly controlled.
- Computer vision algorithms have to consider small regions of pixels, called patches.
- Calcalating the difference between the pixels uses matchmatical notation kernel/filter.
- Applying kernel to a patch of pixels is called convolution.
- Prewitt operators - image enhancing kernels
- Viola-Johns face detection
- Convolutional neural networks
- Convolutional neural networks aren't required to be many layers deep, but they usually are, in order to recognize complex objects and scenes, That's why the technique is considered deep learning.
- Can be applied to many image recognition problems like recognizing handwriting, spotting tumors in CT scans, and monitoring traffic flow on roads.
- By recognizing the pattern of the face it can read emotions of a face. - conctext sensative: aware of the surroundings.
- self-driving car, superimposing images on pictures.
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