AI and HCI
- human behavior를 해석하고 무엇을 기대할지 디자인한다.
- Predictive analytics is at the foundation of both.
- 컴퓨터가 human speech 혹은 wirtten text를 이해한다.
- Speech recognition
- Voice speech
- AI-powered chatbots
Human-AI bot 인터렉션 분석
- Computer Vision
- 컴퓨터가 content와 context of images를 이해할 수 있게 만든다.
- Image label detection
- Image text generation
- Eye-tracking
- Motion-tracking
AI, HCI, Data Integration
- AI는 Data에 크게 의존한다.
- Objectively collected?
- Subjectivity?
- Any possibility of having bias, errors, misinterpretations?
- Privacy?
- Ethical issues?
- What are the roles that HCI play in?
- Design of data collection
- Methods: surveys, interviews
- Theoretical approach
- Collection size
- Careful thoughts on study implications
- What do results mean?
- How do we better measure and collect data?