
Jisu Lee·2022년 11월 3일

C# 코드 모음집

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저의 작고 소중한 네 번째 과제(Mortgages)입니다. 이번에는 새롭게 배운 class와 object를 기반으로 코드를 짜보았습니다.

using System;

// Create Mortgage Class
public class Mortgage
   // Declare properties for Loan, Rate & Term
   public double Loan { get; set; }
   public double Rate { get; set; }
   public int Term {get; set;}

   // Create overload method for validation (double)
   public static double GetDouble(string prompt, double min, double max)
     double number = 0.0;
		string input;
		bool valid;
         Console.Write("{0} ({1} <= range <= {2}) : ", prompt, min, max);
input = Console.ReadLine();
			valid = double.TryParse(input, out number) && number >= min & number <= max;
			if (!valid) Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number in the correct range");
		} while (!valid);
		return number;
   // Create overload method for validation (integer)
   public static int GetInt(string prompt, int min, int max)
      string input;
      int number;
     bool valid;
         Console.Write("{0} ({1} <= range <= {2}) : ", prompt, min, max);
        input = Console.ReadLine();
			valid = Int32.TryParse(input, out number) && number >= min & number <= max;
			if (!valid) Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number in the correct range");
		} while (!valid);
		return number;
   // Setup read-only property for Payment
   private double _Payment;
   public double Payment 
         if (_Payment == 0) _Payment = CalcPayment(Loan, Rate, Term);
         return _Payment;
   // Setup read-only property for TotalCost
   private double _TotalCost;
   public double TotalCost 
         if (_TotalCost == 0) _TotalCost = CalcTotalCost(Payment, Term);
         return _TotalCost;
   // Setup read-only property for TotalInterest
   private double _TotalInterest;
   public double TotalInterest 
         if (_TotalInterest == 0) _TotalInterest = CalcTotalInterest(TotalCost, Loan);
         return _TotalInterest;
   // Create method to calculate the monthly payment amount
   public double CalcPayment(double principal, double annualRate, int months)
      double output = 0;
      double Monthrate = annualRate / 12;
      output = (principal * (Monthrate * Math.Pow(1 + Monthrate,months))) / (Math.Pow(1 + Monthrate, months) - 1);
      return output;
   // Create method to calculate the total cost
   public double CalcTotalCost(double payment, int months)
      double output = 0;
      output = payment * months;
      return output;
   // Create method to calculate the total interest
   public double CalcTotalInterest(double cost, double principal)
      double output = 0;
      output = cost - principal;
      return output;
   // Convert all values to a single string
   public override string ToString()
      string output = "";
      output = Loan.ToString("C2") + ";" + 
              Rate.ToString("P") + ";" +
              Term.ToString() + ";" +
              Payment.ToString("C2") + ";" +
              TotalCost.ToString("C2") + ";" +
      return output;

public class Program
  public static void Main (string[] args) 
     // Create values for the header and the separator
    int[] field = new int[] {16,10,8,15,16,16};
		string Header = "Loan".PadLeft(field[0]) +   "Rate".PadRight(field[1]) + "Months".PadRight(field[2]) + "Payment".PadRight(field[3]) + "Total Cost".PadRight(field[4]) + "Interest".PadRight(field[5]);
		string Separator = " ".PadLeft(field[0], '=') + " ".PadLeft(field[1], '=') + " ".PadLeft(field[2], '=') +" ".PadLeft(field[3], '=') +" ".PadLeft(field[4], '=') +" ".PadLeft(field[5], '=');

      //Ask for the user to input the mortgage product amount    
     string s;
     int i;
     bool IsInt = false;
        Console.WriteLine("How many mortgage products would you like to compare? (0 to 10)");
        s = Console.ReadLine();
        IsInt = Int32.TryParse(s, out i);
     } while (i<0 || i>10 || !IsInt);

     Mortgage[] m = new Mortgage[i];
     string[] CompileInfo = new string[i];
     int j;

    //Continue the loop for the amount of mortgage products the user inputted
     for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
        m[j] = new Mortgage();
        Console.WriteLine("Mortgage Product #{0}", j+1);
        m[j].Loan = Mortgage.GetDouble("Loan $", 10000, 1000000);
        m[j].Rate = Mortgage.GetDouble("Rate %", 0.1, 25) / 100;
        m[j].Term = Mortgage.GetInt("Term mo", 60, 360);
        CompileInfo[j] = m[j].ToString();

    //Create header and the top separator

    //Fill in the table by seperating the information that was stored in a single string
     for (int k=0; k < i; k++)
        string[] SeparateInfo = CompileInfo[k].Split(';');
        Console.WriteLine(SeparateInfo[0].PadRight(field[0]) +
                        SeparateInfo[1].PadRight(field[1]) +
                        SeparateInfo[2].PadRight(field[2]) +
                        SeparateInfo[3].PadRight(field[3]) +
                        SeparateInfo[4].PadRight(field[4]) +

    //Create bottom separator
     string Separator2 = " ".PadLeft((81), '=');

집을 사기 위해 받는 대출(모기지-mortgage) 상품의 개수를 입력하면 그만큼의 loop를 형성하게 됩니다. 이후 loan (대출금액), rate(이자율), term month(상환하는 달 수)를 입력하면 매달 상환해야 하는 금액, 총 금액 및 이자와 함께 테이블에 저장하게 됩니다.

다음은 결과값입니다.

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