1.1 what is internet? ~ 1.3 network core
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in network ~ 1.6 network under attack: security
2.1principles of network application~2.3 eletronic mail
2.4 DNS, 2.5 p2p applications
2.6 video streaming and content distribution network, 2.7 socket programming with UDP and TCP
3.1 transport layer service ~ 3.4 principle of reliable data transfer
3.5 Connection-oriented transport:TCP ~3.7 TCP congestion control
4.1 overview of network layer , 4.2 What's inside a router
4.3 Internet Protocol(IP) datagram format & fragmentation ~ IPv4 addressing
4.3 (3) Network Address Translation(NAT) ~ 4.4 Generalized Forward and SDN
5.1 routing algorithms, 5.2 routing algorithm classification
5.3 Intra AS routing in the internet~5.6 The SDN control plane
chapter 6 link layer