Algorithms and Complexity

Dongchan Alex Kim·2023년 9월 18일


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Correct VS Incorrect algorithm

1. Correct algorithm
-> Translates every input into the correct output.

2. Incorrect algorithm
-> If there is at least one input instance for which the algorithm does not produce the correct output.

Fast VS Slow algorithms

  • Complexity of Algorithms
    • Intuitive approach: Estimate the running time of an algorithm
      - Use execution times (run time): dependent on implementation and hardware.
    • Better Approach: count the number of operation
      - # additions, #comparision, #assignment

Implementation : influenced by skill programmer
Hardware: changes the whole time and highly diverse

  • Description of the running time of an algorithm
  1. Big O notation → upper bound for number of operations

  2. Ω notation → lower bound for #operations

  3. ⍬ notation → exact bound for #operations

  • Running time of Maximum algorithm
  1. Strict bound: ⍬(n)
    • Upper Bound: O(n^2)
    • Lower Bound: Ω(1)
  2. In practice (for polynomial functions)
    • Ignore constants for a sufficiently large problem size
    • Keep only term with highest degree

Typical functions for running time

  1. Logarithmic function
    → #operations grows very slowly

  2. Exponential function
    → #operations grows very fast

    • In practice, we have to avoid running time complexity of exponential function
  3. Example: polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Disciplined, Be systemic

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