What is Exhaustive search
- A technique for problem solving that examines every possible alternative
- Brute force search:
Only results that meet the requirements while exploring all possible cases.
- Change Problem
- Generate all possible coin combination that add up to the change M
- Select combination with smallest #coin
- Finding Passwords
- Generate all possible combinations of letters and numbers, up to a certain length N
- Intuitive approach
- Gurantees that a solution can be found
- Not very efficient
- Exponential Complexity
- Factorial Complexity
- Often uses recusion
- Use of Pruning
→ Allows omitting some alternatives

ex ) finding a passward with length N
- omit alternatives with a lengh < N
Exact string matching
- Find occurences of pattern P in text T
- Example: pattern search in biological sequences
( Finding origins of replication )
1. Exhaustive Approach
- Try out all possibilities (brute force approach)

- Running Time: O(m(n-m+1))
(alignment: n-m+1 / checks per alignment: m)
- Worst case: ⍬(m(n-m+1)) → P does not occur in T
- Best case: ⍬(m) → T starts with P
2. Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm
< First Idea >

- shift one position to right until match found.
< Second Idea >

- Then, how to compute the shift distance in practice? (c.f. Example2)
For each character alpha,
Determine the rightmost occurence of alpha in P to the left of P[m-1]
Store distance between rightmost occurence of alpha and P[m-1] as shift distance.

S → distance between (the rightmost occurence of a particular character) & (the last character of the given pattern P)
Shift over S[G] = 2 positions, to align G
Mismatch of A in T and T in P
Shift over S[C] = 5 positions, past C
Shift over S[A] = 4 positions, to align A
Shift over S[T] = 1 positions, to align T
Shift over S[A] = 4 positions, to align A
Shift over S[T] = 1 positions, to align T
Match found!

- m-1-k → Distance between last character of P and rightmost occurance of P[K]
- Perform a shift == PRUNING
3. Rabin-Karp algorithm
- Fingerprinting(Hashing)
A procedure that maps an arbitrarily large data item to a much shorter bit string(fingerprint)
- does not consider the full pattern 𝑃
- but only one aspect of 𝑃 → fingerprint or hash
- simple check can be performed in θ(1) (≪θ(𝑚))
- simple check eliminates most positions (pruning)
- Parity check (parity of a bit string)
- 0 → when the number of '1' bits in the bit string is even
- 1 → when the number of '1' bits in the bit string is odd
- search 𝑃 = 0011 in Ƭ = 0001001000
- 𝑃 has parity 0
- each Ƭ[i..i+3] has parity 1, except position i = 3 (1001)
- 7개의 fragment 중 6개의 패턴들이 지워질 수 있는 가능성이 생긴다.
< Time Complexity of Getting Parity>
1. Determining parity of 𝑚 bits costs → θ(𝑚)
- Compute parity of 𝑃 and 𝑇[0..𝑚−1] → θ(𝑚)
- For each position i, cost of determining parity is θ(1) in each step
< Result >
Total Time complexity: θ(𝑚1(n-m+1)) → Effectiveness is not that great
- m : m개의 글자 하나씩 확인해서 1 개수 세기
- 1 : reuse하기 때문에 처음에 parity 계산하고 다음 alignment에선 cost가 1
- n-m+1 : 나올 수 있는 T의 alignment 개수, 비교해야하는 alignment 개수
< Problem >
Too many substrings in 𝑇 share same fingerprint
- Improved Fingerprint - hashing
* check whether the hash of the given pattern P is equal to the hash of the current alignment.
< Requirements for fingerprint >
A. Map bit strings of length m on q is differnent with fingerprint ⭐️⭐️⭐️
B. Uniform distribution over q fingerprint → 해시 값이 균일하게 분포되지 않으면 더 많은 해시 충돌이 발생할 수 있다.
C. Easily computed 'in sequence' ( rolling fingerprint )
Rabin-Karp hash function satisfied (A),(B), and (C).

- q selected as a prime number larger than m.
- Keep rest of division by q.

< Formula Following >

Practical note on string matching
- In python, str.find() ➡️ Based on Boyer-Moore-Horspool