Estimating Q(s, s′) with Deep Deterministic Dynamics Gradients

About_work·2023년 10월 17일


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  • 기존
    • actions 중 Q값이 큰 action을 선택하여 이동
    • states 중 Q값이 큰 state를 선택하여 이동(바로 이동할 수 없으니, inverse dynamics를 이용하여 action 도출)


  • value function Q(s, s′)
    • expresses the utility of transitioning from a state s to a neighboring state s′
    • and then acting optimally thereafter.
  • In order to derive an optimal policy, we develop a forward dynamics model
    • that learns to make next-state predictions that maximize this value.
  • This formulation decouples actions from values while still learning off-policy.
  • We highlight the benefits of this approach in terms of value function transfer,
    • learning within redundant action spaces,
    • learning off-policy from state observations generated by sub-optimal or completely random policies.
  • Code and videos are available at http://


  • To train QSS, we developed Deep Deterministic Dynamics Gradients, which we used to
    • train a model to make predictions that maximized QSS.
  • We showed that the formulation of QSS learns similar values as QSA,
    • naturally learns well in environments with redundant actions, and
    • can transfer across shuffled actions.
  • We additionally demonstrated that D3G can be used
    • to learn complicated control tasks,
    • can generate meaningful plans from data obtained from completely random observational data,
    • and can train agents to act from such data.
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