출처: https://amitness.com/2020/05/self-supervised-learning-nlp/
참고: https://lilianweng.github.io/lil-log/2019/11/10/self-supervised-learning.html
1. Center Word Prediction
In this formulation, we take a small chunk of the text of a certain window size and our goal is to predict the center word given the surrounding words.
For example, in the below image, we have a window of size of one and so we have one word each on both sides of the center word. Using these neighboring words, we need to predict the center word.
2. Neighbor Word Prediction
In this formulation, we take a span of the text of a certain window size and our goal is to predict the surrounding words given the center word.
3. Neighbor Sentence Prediction
In this formulation, we take three consecutive sentences and design a task in which given the center sentence, we need to generate the previous sentence and the next sentence. It is similar to the previous skip-gram method but applied to sentences instead of words.