This is based on google generative AI training courses
Type of AI technology that can produce various type of content - text, imgae, audio..
AI? field of computer science deals with intelligence agents -> AI is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requring huen intelligence
ML? Subfield of AI, program that trains a model from input data -> Gives computers the ability to learn without explicit programming.
DL? Subset of ML method. uses artificial neural networks -> allow them to process more complex patterns than traiditional ml
Driscriminative : classify, predict.
trained on labeled data
relationship between features
Generative : generates new data which is similar to data it was trianed on
Gen AI? subset of DL. handel (un)labeled data with (un/semi)supervised model
usual output : natural language, image, audio...
LLM? subset of DL.
===> What is Gen AI?
text to text
NL as input, text as output
ex) generation, summarization, trainslation.
text to image
trained on image
text to video / 3D
video generation, editing
text to task
trained to perform a specific task or action based on input text
ex) virtual assistant, automation ...
large pre trained AI model trained on large quantity of data designed to be adapted or fine tuned to a wide range of downstream tasks.
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