• CNN은 Convolution Neural Network의 약자로 이미지 처리에 특화된 네트워크이다.
    CNN의 과정과 사람의 인지과정을 간단히 살펴보면 아래와 같다.

    컨볼루션 매트릭스라고 하여 (3x3, 5x5)의 작은 커널을 가진 연산을 하는 작업을 컨볼루션이라고 한다.

    Padding : Add zero values in boundary of input image
    Stride : Elements of sliding window of convolution kernel

    Output shape

    • oh = (ih - kh + padding*2)//stride + 1
    • ow = (iw - kw + padding*2)//stride + 1
      - b : batch
      - ic : in_channel
      - ih : in_height
      - iw : in_width
      - oc : out_channel
      - kh : kernel_h
      - kw : kernel_w
  • A shape : [b, ic, ih, iw]
  • W shape : [oc, kc, kh, kw]
  • B shape : [b, oc, oh, ow]
    • Weight sharing between batch of A

  • Convolution Operation
  • MAC(Multiply Accumulation operation)
    • Convolution MAC : kw x kh x kc x oc x ow x oh x b
      ① : kw x kh x oc, ② : kw x kh x kc x oc

# 7 loops in convolution operation
for b in batch:
    for oh in out_height:
    	for ow in out_width:
        	for oc in out_channel:
            	for kc in kernel_channel:
                	for kh in kernel_height:
                    	for kw in kernel_width:

    • IM2COL
      • Transform n-dimension data into 2D matrix data
      • more efficient operation!!
    • GEMM
      - General Matrix to Matrix Multiplication

Sliding window Convolution

  • 시간 측정 결과 -> L1 time : 0.0365447998046875

IM2COL GEMM convolution

  • 시간 측정 결과 -> L2 time : 0.0050013065338134766

pytorch convolution

  • 시간 측정 결과 -> L3 time : 0.0

Sliding windowIM2COL GEMMpytorch

측정된 시간은 위와 같으며 각각의 tensor의 내용을 살펴보면 3가지 convolution 모두 동일한 것을 확인할 수 있다.



import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from function.convolution import Conv

def convolution():
    # define the shape of input & weight
    in_w = 6
    in_h = 6
    in_c = 3
    out_c = 16
    batch = 1
    k_w = 3
    k_h = 3
    X = np.arange(in_w * in_h * in_c * batch, dtype=np.float32).reshape([batch, in_c, in_h, in_w])
    W = np.array(np.random.standard_normal([out_c, in_c, k_h, k_w]), dtype=np.float32)
    Convolution = Conv(batch=batch,
    # print(f"X = {X}")
    # print(f"W = {W}, W.shape = {W.shape}")
    L1_time = time.time()
    for i in range(5):
        L1 = Convolution.conv(X, W)            
    print(f"L1 time : {time.time() - L1_time}")
    print(f"L1 : {L1}")

    L2_time = time.time()
    for i in range(5):
        L2 = Convolution.gemm(X, W)
    print(f"L2 time : {time.time() - L2_time}")
    print(f"L2 : {L2}")
    torch_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_c,
    torch_conv.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(W))
    L3_time = time.time()
    for i in range(5):
        L3 = torch_conv(torch.tensor(X, requires_grad=False, dtype=torch.float32))
    print(f"L3 time : {time.time() - L3_time}")
    print(f"L3 : {L3}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

import numpy as np

class Conv:
    def __init__(self, batch, in_c, out_c, in_h, in_w, k_h, k_w, dilation, stride, pad):
        self.batch = batch
        self.in_c = in_c
        self.out_c = out_c
        self.in_h = in_h
        self.in_w = in_w
        self.k_h = k_h
        self.k_w = k_w
        self.dilation = dilation
        self.stride = stride
        self.pad = pad
        self.out_h = (in_h - k_h + 2 * pad) // stride + 1
        self.out_w = (in_w - k_w + 2 * pad) // stride + 1
    def check_range(self, a, b):
        return a > -1 and a < b
    # naive convolution Sliding window metric
    def conv(self, A, B):
        C = np.zeros((self.batch, self.out_c, self.out_h, self.out_w), dtype=np.float32)
        # seven loop
        for b in range(self.batch):
            for oc in range(self.out_c):
                # each channel of output
                for oh in range(self.out_h):
                    for ow in range(self.out_w):
                        # one pixel of output shape
                        a_j = oh * self.stride - self.pad
                        for kh in range(self.k_h):
                            if self.check_range(a_j, self.in_h) == False:
                                C[b, oc, oh, ow] += 0
                                a_i = ow * self.stride - self.pad
                            for kw in range(self.k_w):
                                if self.check_range(a_i, self.in_w) == False:
                                    C[b, oc, oh, ow] += 0
                                    C[b, oc, oh, ow] +=[b, :, a_j, a_i], B[oc, :, kh, kw])
                                a_i += self.stride
                            a_j += self.stride
        return C
    # IM2COL. Change n-dim input to 2-dim matrix
    def im2col(self, A):
        # output
        mat = np.zeros((self.in_c * self.k_h * self.k_w, self.out_w * self.out_h), dtype=np.float32)
        mat_j = 0
        mat_i = 0
        for c in range(self.in_c):
            for kh in range(self.k_h):
                for kw in range(self.k_w):
                    in_j = kh * self.dilation - self.pad
                    for oh in range(self.out_h):
                        if not self.check_range(in_j, self.in_h):
                            for ow in range(self.out_w):
                                mat[mat_j, mat_i] = 0
                                mat_i += 1
                            in_i = kw * self.dilation - self.pad
                            for ow in range(self.out_w):
                                if not self.check_range(in_i, self.in_w):
                                    mat[mat_j, mat_i] = 0
                                    mat_i += 1
                                    mat[mat_j, mat_i] = A[0, c, in_j, in_i]
                                    mat_i += 1
                                in_i += self.stride
                        in_j += self.stride
                    mat_i = 0
                    mat_j += 1
        return mat
    # gemm. 2D matrix multiplication
    def gemm(self, A, B):
        a_mat = self.im2col(A)
        b_mat = B.reshape(B.shape[0],-1)
        c_mat = np.matmul(b_mat, a_mat)
        c = c_mat.reshape([self.batch, self.out_c, self.out_h, self.out_w])
        return c

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