import torch
import numpy as np
# print(torch.__version__)
def make_tensor():
# int16
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=torch.int16)
# float
b = torch.tensor([2], dtype=torch.float32)
# double
c = torch.tensor([3], dtype=torch.float64)
# print(a, b, c)
tensor_list = [a, b, c]
for t in tensor_list:
print(f"shape of tensor {t.shape}")
print(f"datatype of tensor {t.dtype}")
print(f"device tensor is stored on {t.device}")
def sumsub_tensor():
a = torch.tensor([3, 2])
b = torch.tensor([5, 3])
print(f"input {a}, {b}")
# sum
sum = a + b
print(f"sum : {sum}")
# sub
sub = a - b
print(f"sub : {sub}")
sum_element_a = a.sum()
print(f"sum_element_a : {sum_element_a}")
def muldiv_tensor():
a = torch.arange(0, 9).view(3, 3)
b = torch.arange(0, 9).view(3, 3)
print(f"input tensor :\n {a} \n {b}")
# mat_mul
c = torch.matmul(a, b) # matrix multiplication
print(f"mat_mul : {c}")
# elementwise multiplication
d = torch.mul(a, b)
print(f"elementwise mul : {d}")
def reshape_tensor():
a = torch.tensor([2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
print(f"input tensor : \n {a}")
# view
b = a.view(2, 3)
print(f"view \n {b}")
# transpose
bt = b.t()
print(f"transpose \n {bt}")
def access_tensor():
a = torch.arange(1, 13).view(4, 3)
print(f"input : \n {a}")
# first col
print(a[:, 0])
# first row
print(a[0, :])
# [1, 1]
print(a[1, 1])
def transform_numpy():
a = torch.arange(1, 13).view(4, 3)
print(f"input : \n {a}")
a_np = a.numpy()
print(f"numpy : {a_np}")
b = np.array([1, 2, 3])
bt = torch.from_numpy(b)
def concat_tensor():
a = torch.arange(1, 10).view(3, 3)
b = torch.arange(10, 19).view(3, 3)
c = torch.arange(19, 28).view(3, 3)
abc =[a, b, c], dim=0)
print(f"input tensor : \n {a} \n {b} \n {c}")
print(f"concat : \n {abc}")
def stack_tensor():
a = torch.arange(1, 10).view(3, 3)
b = torch.arange(10, 19).view(3, 3)
c = torch.arange(19, 28).view(3, 3)
abc = torch.stack([a, b, c], dim=0)
print(f"input tensor : \n {a} \n {b} \n {c}")
print(f"stack : \n {abc}")
def transpose_tensor():
a = torch.arange(1, 10).view(3, 3)
print(f"input tensor : \n {a}")
# transpose
at = torch.transpose(a, 0, 1)
print(f"transpose : \n {at}")
b = torch.arange(1, 25).view(4, 3, 2)
print(f"input b tensor : \n {b}")
bt = torch.transpose(b, 0, 2)
print(f"transpose : \n {bt}")
bp = b.permute(2, 0, 1) # 0, 1, 2
print(f"permute : \n {bp}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# make_tensor()
# sumsub_tensor()
# muldiv_tensor()
# reshape_tensor()
# access_tensor()
# transform_numpy()
# concat_tensor()
# stack_tensor()