Basic NS-3

ewillwin·2023년 3월 23일

Network Project

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ns-3 Key Abstracitons

  • Node
    • Host (end system), switch, router in the Internet
    • Basic computing device abstraction
  • Application
    • A user program that generates some activities to be simulated
    • NS-3 applications run on ns-3 Nodes to drive simulations
  • Channel
    • Medium connected by nodes over which data flows transmitted
  • New device
    • Like a specific kind of network cable and a hardware device, Network Interface Cards
    • NICs are controlled using the software driver, net devices
    • Provides mothods for managing connection to Node and Channel
  • Topology helpers
    • Topology helpers make ns-3 core operations as easy as possible
    • Create a NetDevice, add an address, install that net device on a Node, configure the node's protocol stack and connect the NetDevice to a Channel
    • NodeContainer: Provide a convenient way to create, manage and access any Node object
    • PoinToPointHelper: Configure and connect PointToPointNetDevice and PointToPointChannel objects. Set DataRate on NetDevices and Delay on Channel
    • NetDeviceContainer: To install NetDevice at the nodes and create Channel between the nodes
    • InternetStackHelper: To install an Internet Stack (TCP, UDP, IP, etc.) on each of the nodes in the node container
    • Ipv4AddressHelper: Manage the allocation of IP address and assign addresses to the devices using Ipv4InterfaceContainer

ns-3 Script

    1. Module Includes
    1. Namespace declaration
    1. Node Creation
    1. Set Device & Channel Attribute
    1. Install Net Device
    1. Install Network Stack
    1. Assigning IP Address
    1. Creating Application
    1. Creating Application Container
    1. Running and Stopping Simulator
    1. Destroying Simulator

  • 아래의 명령어로 scratch directory에 있는 simulator를 실행시킨 결과
./waf --run scratch/myfirst
  • ./waf를 할 때는 ns-3.29 directory에서 실행해야함 (build directory가 있는 경로에서)

Logging Modules

  • 아래와 같은 형식으로 Logging component를 정의함
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ScratchSimulator") //예시
  • 아래의 명령어를 통해 logging을 enable 해줘야함
./waf configure --build-profile=debug

Running a Simulation

  • Running space
cd ns-allinone-3.29/ns-3.29
  • How to run
./waf --run <simulation scenario(script) filename>

Other Way for Enabling Log Components

export NS_LOG=UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all
./waf --run scratch/myfirst

Set Log Prefix

export 'NS_LOG=UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all|prefix_time'
./waf --run scratch/myfirst

Store Logs in a File

export 'NS_LOG=*=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time'
./waf --run scratch/myfirst > log.out 2>&1

Initializing Logging Module

export NS_LOG=
./waf --run scratch/myfirst

Adding Logging to code

LogComponentEnable ("FirstScriptExample", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoClientApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoServeerApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating Topology");
NodeContainer nodes;
./waf --run scratch/myfirst
Software Engineer @ LG Electronics

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