Lecture 5 - System Modeling

ewillwin·2023년 10월 16일

System Modeling

[System Modeling]

  • A proces of developing abstract models of a system.
    • Each model presents a different view or perspective of the system.
    • Each model usually represent a system by using diagram types in UML.

[Models of both the existing system and the new system]

  • Models of the existing system.

    • Clarifying what the existing system does.
    • Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system.
  • Models of the new system.

    • Explaining the proposed requirements to other system stakeholders.
    • Discussing design proposals.
    • Documenting the system for implementation.

[Different perspectives for representing the system]

  • An external perspective

    • Modeling the context or environment of the system.
  • An interaction perspective

    • Modeling the interactions between a system and its environment.
  • A structural perspective

    • Modeling the organization of a system or the structure of its data.
  • A behavioral perspective

    • Modeling the dynamic behavior of the system.

[Different ways to use graphical models]

  • Focusing discussion about an existing or proposed system.

    • The models may be imcomplete and use informal notation.
  • Documenting an existing system.

    • The models do not have to be complete, but correct.
  • Genergating a system implementation.

    • The models do have to be complete and correct.

UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams

[UML: A standard language for object-oriented modeling]

  • Interaction model
    -> Use case diagrams, Sequence diagrams

  • Structural model
    -> Class diagrams

  • Behavior model
    -> Activity diagrams, State diagrams

  • Use case diagrams

    • which show the interactions between a system and its environment
  • Sequence diagrams

    • which show interactions between actors and the system and between system components.
  • Class diagrams

    • which show the object classes in the system and the associations between these classes.
  • Activity diagrams

    • which show the activities involved in a process or in data processing.
  • State diagrams

    • which show how the system reacts to internal and external events.

Context Models

[Roles of Context models]

  • Showing how a system is positioned in an environment with other systems and processes.

[Simple Context models]

  • Do not show the types of relationships between the systems in the environment and the system that is being specified.

    • Producing data for or consuming data from the system.
    • Physical locations of the systems (e.g., same building)
  • The relations affect the requirements and design of the system.

  • <Simple context models are used along with other models, such as business process models.>

[Simple Context model + Activity model]

Interaction Models (Use case diamgrams, Sequence diagrams)

[Interaction Models]

  • Use Case Modeling

    • Modeling interactions between a system and external agents (human users or other systems).
  • Suequence diagram (둘이 비슷해 보이지만, Sequence diagram이 더 많은 정보를 갖고 있음)

    • Modeling interactions between system components, although external agents (may also be included).

Use case diagrams

[Roles of use case diagrams]

  • Simply describing what a user expects from a system in the interaction.
  • Giving a simple overview of an interaction.

[Example of use case diagrams]

  • Actor
    • Primary actors
    • Secondary actors
  • System
  • Relationship

    • Association

    • Include

    • Extend

    • Generalization (Inheritance)

[Tabular description of the Transfer-data use case]

Sequence diagrams

[Roles of sequence diagrams]

  • Modeling the interactions between the actors and the objects in a system and the interactions between the objects.
  • Showing the sequence of interactions that take place during a particular use case.

[ATM system of sequence diagrams]

  • 세로 축이 시간의 흐름

Structural Models (Class diagrams)

[Structural models]

  • Showing the organization of a system in terms of the components that make up that system and their relationships.

[Class diagrams] -> Structural models의 예시

  • Modeling the static structure of the object classes in a SW system.
  • Developing an object-oriented system model to show the classes in a system and the associations between these classes.

Class diagrams

[Roles of class diagrams]

  • Consists of class, attributes, methods, relationships
    • class, attributes, methods
    • relationships (Inheritance, Association)
    • relationships (Aggregation (not tightly coupled), Composition (tightly coupled))
    • relationships (Multiplicity)

Behavioral Models (Acitivity diagrams, State diagrams)

[Behavioral models]

  • Models of the dynamic behavior of a system as it is executing.
  • Showing what happens when a system responds to a stimulus.
    • Stimulus = data or events
  • Many business systems are data-driven.
    • A phone billing system (calls -> cost calculation -> bill generation)
  • Real-time systems are usually event-driven.
    • A landline phone switching system
      (handset activation -> a dial tone) (pressing keys -> capturing the number)

Data-driven modeling

[Data-driven modeling]

  • Show the sequence of actions involved in processing input/output.

Activity diagram

  • Consist of activity (rounded rectangles) and data flowing between these steps (rectangles).

Event-driven modeling

[Event-driven modeling]

  • Showing how a system responds to external and internal events.
  • Assuming that a system has a finite number of states and events cause a transition from one state to another.

State diagram

  • System states (Rounded rectangles)
    • Including a brief description of the actions taken in the state.
  • Trasition (labeled arrows)
    • Representing stimuli that force a trasition from one state to another.

[A state diagram of a microwave oven]

[A state model of the Operation state]

[States and stimuli for the microwave oven]

Model-driven Engineering

[Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)]

  • A model-focused approach to software design and implementation

  • Expectation or Hypothesis

    • The programs that execute on a SW platform are generated automatically from the models ????
    • MDA는 소프트웨어 개발 프로세스를 모델을 중심으로 설계하고, 모델을 사용하여 소프트웨어 시스템을 자동으로 생성하는 아키텍처적인 접근 방식

  • 3 types of abstract system model for MDA

    • A computation independent model (CIM)

      • CIMs (a domain model) model the important domain abstractions used in a system (e.g., models of the actual people, places, things, of a domain)
      • CIM은 시스템에서 사용되는 도메인의 중요한 개념을 모델링합니다. 예를 들어, 사람, 장소, 물건과 같은 도메인의 실제 개념을 나타낼 수 있습니다. 이 모델은 시스템의 기능적 요구사항과 도메인 이해를 제공합니다.
    • A platform-independent model (PIM)

      • PIM enables its mapping to one or more platforms by defining a set of services in a way that abstract out technical details.
      • PIM은 시스템을 플랫폼과 독립적으로 모델링합니다. 기술적 세부 정보를 추상화하여 시스템의 서비스를 정의하고, 이를 하나 이상의 플랫폼에 매핑할 수 있게 합니다.
    • A platform-specific model (PSM)

      • A PSM combines the specifications in the PIM with the details required to stipulate how a system uses a particular type of platform.
      • PSM은 플랫폼에 특정한 사항과 세부 정보를 포함합니다. 이 모델은 PIM의 명세 사항과 함께 사용하여 시스템이 특정 유형의 플랫폼을 어떻게 활용할지를 정의합니다.

CMI는 도메인 추상화에 중점을 두고, PIM은 플랫폼 독립적인 서비스를 정의하며, PSM은 플랫폼별 구체화를 수행함

[MDA transformations]

[MDA is not a mainstream approach to SW development]

  • The abstractions that are useful for discussions are not the right abstractions for implementation.
    토론에 유용한 추상화는 구현에 적합한 추상화가 아님

  • For complex systems, implementation is not the major problem.
    복잡한 시스템의 경우, 구현은 주요 문제가 아님

    • ex) requirements engineering, security and dependabiltiy, testing, ...
  • The widespread adoption of agile methods has diverted attention away from model-driven approaches.
    애자일 방법론의 광범위한 채택으로부터 모델 주도적 접근법에 대한 주목이 분산됨


Software Engineer @ LG Electronics

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