Lecture 6 - Architectural Design

ewillwin·2023년 10월 16일

Architectural Design

[About architectural design]

  • Designing the overall structure of a SW system.
  • Identifying the main structural components in a system and the relationships between them.
  • Designing a system organization that will satisfy the functional and non-functional requirements of a system.
  • Depending on the system type, the background and experience of the system architect, the specific requirements for the system.

[The architecture of a packing robot control system]

  • Block diagram
    • Box (Boxes within boxes): A component (or sub-components)
    • Arrow: The flow of data or control signals from component to component.

[SW architectures at 2 levels of abstraction]

  • Architecture in the small (Today's topic)

    • The architecture of individual programs.
  • Architecture in the large (system of systems)

    • The architecture of complex enterprise systems that include other systems, programs, and program components.

[3 Adavantages for designing SW architecture]

  • Stakeholder communication

    • The architecture can be used as a focus for discussion by different stakeholders.
  • System analysis

    • Architectural design decisions can affect whether the system can meet critic al requirements such as performance, reliability, and maintainability.
  • Large-scale reuse

    • The system architecture can support large-scale software reuese.
      (The system architecture is often the same for systems with similar requirements.)

Architectural Design Decisions

Non-functional requirements.

  • Constraints on the services offered by the system.

    • Performance

      • Localize critical operations within a small number of components.
        (The smae computer > distributed across the network)
        중요 작업을 소수의 구성 요소 내에서 집중시킴

      • Reduce the number of component communications by using large components.
        큰 구성 요소 사용으로 구성 요소 간 통신 수를 감소시킴

    • Security

      • Use a layered structure for the architecture.
        (= Protecting the most critical assets in the innermost layers.)
        아키텍처에 계층 구조 사용
    • Safety

      • Reduce the costs and problems of saftey validation.
        (e.g., Putting saftey-related operations together in a single component.)
        안전 관련 작업을 한 구성 요소 내에서 집중시킴으로써 안전 검증 비용을 줄이고 문제를 감소시킴
    • Availability

      • Include redundant components to replace and update components without stopping the system.
        중단 없이 구성 요소를 대체하고 업데이트하기 위한 중복 구성 요소 포함
    • Maintainability (유지보수성)

      • Use fine-grain, self-contained components that my readily be changed.
        변경 가능한 미세한 구성 요소 사용

Architectural Views (4+1 views)

[Architectural views]

  • What views or perspectives are useful when designing and documenting a system's architecture?
    -> The "4+1" view model of software architecture
    • A logical view

      • which shows the key abstractions in the system as objects. (functional requirements).
        시스템의 핵심 추상화 요소를 보여줌. 주로 funtional 요구사항을 다루며, 시스템 내 객체들 간의 상호 작용을 나타냄. 시스템의 논리적인 구조를 표현
    • A process view

      • which shows how, at run-time, the system is composed of interacting processes. (non-functional requirements: performance)
        시스템이 실행될 때 상호 작용하는 프로세스로 시스템을 구성하는 방식을 보여줌. 주로 non-functional 요구사항 중 성능과 관련된 측면을 다루며, 시스템의 동작 및 프로세스 간 상호 작용을 설명함
    • A development view (= A implementation view)

      • which shows how the software is decomposed for development.
        (Useful for software managers and programmers)
        소프트웨어가 개발될 때 어떻게 분해되고 구성되는 지를 보여줌. 주로 소프트웨어 관리자와 프로그래머들을 위한 뷰로, 시스템의 소프트웨어 구조와 모듈화를 다룸
    • A physical view

      • which shows how the system HW and SW components are distributed across the processors in the system. (systems engineers)
        시스템의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 구성 요소가 시스템 내 프로세서에 분산되는 방식을 보여줌. 시스템 엔지니어들을 위한 뷰로, 시스템의 물리적 배치와 구성을 나타냄
    • Scenarios

      • which shows the sequences of interactions between objects or between processes.
        객체나 프로세스 간 상호 작용의 일련의 시퀀스를 보여줌. 시나리오는 다양한 뷰 간의 관계와 시스템 작동 방식을 묘사하는 데 사용됨

Architectural Patterns

[Architectural Patterns]

  • A stylized, abstract description of good practice, which has been tried and tested in different systems and environments.

  • Describing a system organization that has been successful in previous systems.

  • Including information on when it is and is not appropriate to use that pattern, and details on the pattern's strengths and weaknesses.

1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern

  • Separate 1)presentation and 2)interaction from the system data.

  • The system is structured into 3 logical components that interact with each other.

    • Model component
      • manages the system data and associated operations on that data.
    • View component
      • defines and manages how the data is presented to the user.
    • Controller component
      • manages user interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks, etc.) and passes theses interactions to the View and the Model.
  • When used?

    • There are multiple ways to view and interact with data. (Web, mobile app, ...)
    • The future requirements for interaction and presentation of data are unknown.
  • Advatages

    • Allow the data to change independently of its representation and vice versa.
    • Support presentation of the same data in differenct ways.
  • Disadvantages

    • Involve additional code and code complexity when the data model and interactions are simple.

2. Layered Architecture

  • Organizing the system into layers, where each layer provides services to the layer above it.

  • Achieving separation and independence.

  • Supporting the incremental development of systems.

    • Some of the services provided by each layer are available to users.
    • Only the adjacent layer is affected where layer interfaces change.
  • When used?

    • When building new facilities on top of existing systems.
    • When several teams develop a system and each team is responsible for a layer of functionality.
    • When there is a requirement for multi-level security.
  • Advantages

    • Allowing replacement of entire layers so long as(만약 ~하는 한) the inferface is maintained.
    • Redundant facilities (e.g., authentication) can be provided in each layer to increase the dependability of the system.
  • Disadvantages

    • Providing a clean separation between layers is often difficult.
    • Not interacting directly with lower-level layers rather than through the layer immediately below it.
    • Performance can be a problem because of multiple levels of interpretation of a service request as it is processed at each layer.

3. Repository Architecture

  • All data is managed in a repository accessible to all system components.

  • Components do tno interact directly, only through the repository.

  • When used?

    • When having a system in which large volumes of information are generated that has to be stored for a long time.
    • Data-driven systems where the inclusion of data in the repository triggers an action or tool.
  • Advantages

    • Components can be independent;
      Don't need to know__ of the existence of other components.)
    • All data can be managed consistently as it is all in one place.
  • Disadvantages

    • The repository is a single point of failure so problems in the repository affect the whole system.
    • May be inefficiencies organizing all communication through the repository.
    • Distributing the repository across several computers may be difficult.

4. Client-Server Architecture

  • The system is presented as a set of services, with each service delivered by a separate server. (Youtube, Netflix, ...)
  • Clients (e.g.,s users of these services) access servers to make use of them.

[The major components of Client-Server Architecture]

  • A set of servers that offer services to other components.

    • ex) Print servers that offer printing services.
    • ex) File servers that offer file management services.
  • A set of clients that call on the services offered by servers.

  • A network that allows the clients to access these services.

  • When used? (Youtube, Netflix, ...)

    • Used when data in a shared DB has to be accessed from a range of locations.
  • Advantages

    • Servers can be distributed across a network.
    • General functionality (e.g., a printing service) can be available to all clients and does not need to be implemented by all services.
  • Disadvantages

    • Each service is susceptigble to denial of service (DoS) attacks or server failure.
    • Performance problems as it depends on the network.
    • Management problems if servers are owned by different organizations.

5. Pipe and filter Architecture

  • The processing of the data is organized so that each processing component (filter) is discrete and carries out one type of data transformation.
    각 처리 구성요소(필터)독립적이며 데이터 변환의 한 유형을 수행

  • The data flows (as in a pipe) from one component to another for processing.
    데이터는 파이프처럼 한 구성요소에서 다른 구성요소로 흐름

  • When used?

    • Commonly used in data-processing applications where inputs are processed in separate stages to generate related outputs.
      주로 데이터 처리 응용 프로그램에서 사용됨. 입력 데이터가 관련된 출력 데이터를 생성하기 위해 각 단게별로 처리되어야 하는 경우에 자주 사용됨

  • Advantages
    • Easy to understand and supports transformation reuse.
    • Workflow style matches the structure of many business processes.
    • Evolution by adding transformations is straightforward.
  • Disadvantages
    • The format for data transfer has to be agreed between communicating transformations.
    • It can not reuse architectural components that use incompatible data structures.

Application Architectures

[Application Architectures]

  • Application systems used by the businesses have much in common.
    비즈니스에서 사용되는 애플리케이션 시스템들은 많은 공통점을 가짐

  • Application architectures encapsulate the principal characteristics of a class of systems.
    애플리케이션 아키텍처는 특정 시스템 클래스의 주요 특성을 캡슐화함

    • Real-time system (e.g., data collection systems or monitoring systems)
  • Use case of application architecture models.

    • As a starting point for architectural design process.
      아키텍처 설계 프로세스의 시작점으로 사용

    • As a design checklist.
      디자인 체크리스트로 사용

    • As a way of organizaing the work of the development team.
      개발 팀의 작업을 조직하는 방법으로 사용

    • As a vocabulary for talking about application types.
      (Using the concepts identified in the generic architecture.)
      애플리케이션 유형에 대해 이야기할 때 사용 (일반 아키텍처에서 식별된 개념 사용)

[The architectures of 2 types of application]

  • Transaction processing applications

    • Database-centered applications that process user requests for information and update the information in a database.
    • The most common types of interactive business systems.
      ex) Interactive banking systems, e-commerce systems, booking systems.
  • Language processing systems

    • Systems in which the user's intentions are expressed in a formal language, such as a programming language.
    • Processing the language into an internal format and interpreting this internal representation.
      ex) Compilers (high-level language programs -> machine code).

Transaction processing systems

  • Processing user requests for information from a database, or requesting to update a database.

  • A transaction

    • Any coherent sequence of operations that satisfies a goal.
      ex) "find the times of flights from Seoul to Pittsburgh :)"
      ex) "a customer request to withdraw money from a bank account using an ATM"

[The software architecture of an ATM system]

  • Transaction processing systems can be organized as a "pipe and filter architecure", with system components.
    • 2 components: ATM software and the account processing software (Database랑 연결되는듯).

[About Information systems]

  • All systems that involve interaction with a shared database.
  • Web-based systems, where the user interface is implemented in a web browser.
  • The Information system is modeled using a layered approach.
    - The top layer (e.g., user interface)
    - The bottom layer (e.g., system database)

Language processing systems

  • Translate one language into an alternative representation of that language.
  • Compiler
    • Trnaslate a program written in one language ("source language") into a program written in another language ("target language")

Front End of Modern Compilers

  • The lexical analyzer transforms the character stream into a stream of tokens.
  • The syntax analyzer transforms the stream of tokens into a syntax tree.
  • The semantic analyzer check if the program is semantically well-formed.
  • The IR translator traslate the syntax tree into IR.

Lexical Analyzer

  1. The lexical analyzer transforms the character stream
  2. into a sequence of lexemes
  3. and then produces a token sequence (pair of Token name, Token value).

Syntax Analyzer

  1. The parser transforms the sequence of tokens (One-dimension)
  2. into the syntax tree: (Two-dimension)

Semantic Analyzer

  • ex) Type errors:
  • Other semantic errors:
    • array out of bounds
    • null-dereference
    • divide-by-zero

IR Translator

  • Intermediate Representation (IR):
    • lower-level than the source language
    • high-level than the target language
  • ex) translate the syntax tree into three-address code:


💼 Software Engineer @ LG Electronics | 🎓 SungKyunKwan Univ. CSE

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