Before starting your project, you need to know exactly what you are going to do.You should read the data and understand itYou should be able to make a
The goal is to define whether it is DoH or Non-DoHThe target attribute is "DoH".Set Y for column 'DoH'Set X for all of columns except for 'DoH' All 5
ip address(string) needs to be converted to integerEx) -> 4294967295"convert function"def ip2int(ip): packedIP = socket.inet_aton(i
Normalize entire data set to perform better and have better results for certain classifiers such as SVM or Neural Network.from sklearn import preproce
The goal of the first layer is to decide if the source of data is DoH or Non-DoHDecision TreeSVM (Support Vector Machine)Neural NetwrokRamdon ForestGr
모든 데이터를 날짜에 기반으로 나누기예를 들면 2020/01/14의 모든 데이터들을 보기 위해 자료를 날짜별로 저장한다.OutputNumber of all data from 2020-03-18 are total 6416.