AWS 강의 정리 (3)

고독한 키쓰차·2022년 6월 28일


목록 보기

Identity Access Management(IAM)

  • Manage access of AWS users and resources
  • IAM groups : share permission levels
  • IAM Roles : associate permissions
  • IAM policies : json documents which grant permissions for a specific user, group, or role.
  • Inline Policy : 바로 user에게 policy 붙을 수 있음(role 안통하고)
  • Managed Policies : can not edit. (orange box)
  • Customer Managed Policies : is editable

IAM - Access Keys

  • Access keys allow users to interact with AWS service programmatically via only CLI or SDK.


  • 여러 방법으로 복잡하게 인증 만들어서 보안 강화


  • Decentralized Managed Authentication.

  • to grant access to your app

  • provide temporary credentials for users to access

  • sync user data and preferences across all devices

  • Web Identity Federation : fb, google 등 접속 할 수 있는 토큰 정보 얻는것

  • User Pools : 로긴, 로그아웃 등 웹이나 모바일에서 관리할 수 있는 경로

  • Identity Pools : temporary AWS credentials to access S3, DynamoDB

  • Cognito Sync : Sync user data and preferences across devices with one line of code

Command Line Interface(CLI)

  • Control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

Software Development Kit(SDK)

  • 프로그래밍 언어 사용 가능
  • Programmatic Access : You'll have the ability create Access Key ID and Secret Access Key(AWS Credentials)


  • Domain names to IP(internet protocol) addresses (phonebook)
  • allows your com to find specific server autometically

IP (Internet Protocol)

  • IPv4 : 32 bits 2^32 available addresses
  • IPv6 : 128 bits 2^128

Domain Registrars

  • authorities who have the ability to assign domain names

Top-level domains

  • the last word within a domain name (ex: .com .edu)

TTL(Time to Live)

  • the length of time that a DNS record gets cached
  • the lower the TTL - the faster that changes to DNS records will propagate across the internet


  • Highly available and scalable cloud DNS

  • Register and manage domains

  • get your custom domains to point to your AWS Resources

  • 즉 aws 내 서비스들을 ip 주소로 변환 시켜줌

Routing policies

  • Simple Routing policies : default, multiple ip addresses, random order

  • weighted routing policies : different weights,

  • Latency Based Routing Policies : allows you to direct traffic based on the lowest network latency possible for your end user based on region(토론토에서도 cali 나 canada 빠르게 접근 가능하게)

  • Failover Routing Policies(장애극복) : 장애 일어나면 second option 으로 보내줌

  • Geolocation Routing Policies : 다른 지역으로 traffic 옮겨줌, 사용자의 위치에 기반하여 트래픽을 라우팅하려는 경우에 사용

  • Geoproximity Routing Policies : you must use Route53 traffic flow (bias 접근), 리소스의 위치를 기반으로 트래픽을 라우팅, 한 위치의 리소스에서 다른 위치의 리소스로 트래픽을 보낼때 사용

  • Multi-value Answer Policies : 여러 ip 주소 보여주는데 가장 상태가 좋은걸로 띄워줌(health checks)

  • Health Checks : every 30s check by default. can be reduce to every 10s

Route53 - Resolver

  • A regional service that lets you route DNS queries between your VPCs and your network
  • Hybrid Environments(On-premise and Cloud)
Data Scientist or Gourmet

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