iOS & Swift 공부 - Command Line & Terminal (영)

김영채 (Kevin)·2021년 2월 18일

iOS & Swift

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Introduction to the Command Line

  • Terminal (macOS) is a way of accessing something called the Bash Shell.

What is the Bash Shell?

  • We first need to know what a shell is.

  • Think about your OS as a pistachio nut. (macOS = pistachio)

    → The actual nut is the Kernel. The kernel refers to the actual program that interfaces with the HW. It's the core of your OS.

    → The shell refers to the user interface for us to interact with the kernel.

There are 2 variants of the shell :

  1. The graphical user interface shell ( GUI ) → ex. Finder
  2. The command line interface ( CLI ) → ex. Terminal

  • These 2 variants offer different ways of interacting with the kernel.

Bash = Bourne Again Shell

  • named after Mr. Bourne
  • The Bash Shell is a CLI (Command Line Interpreter) for the UNIX system. (macOS, servers, etc)
  • This is a completely different family from the Windows side which uses DOS and Windows.

Why Use the Command Line?

  • Greater control

  • In the mac ecosystem, Apple's stance is to make the user interface as simple and void confusion as much as possible for the common user.

    → But with the Command Line, you have full control and flexibility.

    ex. Seeing hidden files by entering " ls -a " in terminal

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