var value: Double = 3.3
var convertedValue: Int = Int(value_
convertedValue = 5.5 //오류!
→ 스위프트의 타입캐스팅은 인스턴스의 타입을 확인하거나 자신을 다른 타입의 인스턴스인양 행세할 수 있는 방법으로 사용 가능
is, as 연산자로 구현
→ 이 두 연산자로 값의 타입을 확인 or 다른 타입으로 전환(Cast) 가능
let coffee: Coffee = Coffee(shot: 1)
let myCoffee: Americano = Americano(shot: 2, iced: false)
print(coffee is Coffee) // true
print(coffee is Americano) //false
→ 다운캐스팅은 실패의 여지가 있기 때문에 ? 와 !가 있음.
→ as? 연산자는 실패할 경우 nil 을 반환하지만 as!는 강제 다운캐스팅이니 실패할 경우 런타임 오류 발생
class MediaItem {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class Movie: MediaItem {
var director: String
init(name: String, director: String) {
self.director = director
super.init(name: name)
class Song: MediaItem {
var artist: String
init(name: String, artist: String) {
self.artist = artist
super.init(name: name)
let library = [
Movie(name: "Casablanca", director: "Michael Curtiz"),
Song(name: "Blue Suede Shoes", artist: "Elvis Presley"),
Movie(name: "Citizen Kane", director: "Orson Welles"),
Song(name: "The One And Only", artist: "Chesney Hawkes"),
Song(name: "Never Gonna Give You Up", artist: "Rick Astley")
for item in library {
if let movie = item as? Movie {
print("Movie: \(, dir. \(movie.director)")
} else if let song = item as? Song {
print("Song: \(, by \(song.artist)")
// Movie: Casablanca, dir. Michael Curtiz
// Song: Blue Suede Shoes, by Elvis Presley
// Movie: Citizen Kane, dir. Orson Welles
// Song: The One And Only, by Chesney Hawkes
// Song: Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley
//library 배열에 있는 인스턴스는 모두 Movie 아니면 Song 으로 다운캐스팅 가능
can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types.AnyObject
can represent an instance of any class type.var things = [Any]()
things.append((3.0, 5.0))
things.append(Movie(name: "Ghostbusters", director: "Ivan Reitman"))
things.append({ (name: String) -> String in "Hello, \(name)" })
for thing in things {
switch thing {
case 0 as Int:
print("zero as an Int")
case 0 as Double:
print("zero as a Double")
case let someInt as Int:
print("an integer value of \(someInt)")
case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
print("a positive double value of \(someDouble)")
case is Double:
print("some other double value that I don't want to print")
case let someString as String:
print("a string value of \"\(someString)\"")
case let (x, y) as (Double, Double):
print("an (x, y) point at \(x), \(y)")
case let movie as Movie:
print("a movie called \(, dir. \(movie.director)")
case let stringConverter as (String) -> String:
print("something else")
// zero as an Int
// zero as a Double
// an integer value of 42
// a positive double value of 3.14159
// a string value of "hello"
// an (x, y) point at 3.0, 5.0
// a movie called Ghostbusters, dir. Ivan Reitman
// Hello, Michael