ML with Graphs

Sirius·2023년 8월 28일

1.1 Why Graphs?

  • Graphs are a general language for describing and analyzing entities with relations/interactions

  • Main Question: How do we take advantage of relational structure for better prediction?

    • Comeplex domains have a rich relational structure, which can be represented as a relational graph
    • By explicitly modeling relationships we achieve better performance
  • Modern deep learning toolbox is designed for simple sequences(text) & grids(image)

    • How can we develop neural networks that are much more broadly applicable?
      Graphs are the new frontier of deep learning

1.2 Applications of GraphML

PapersWithCode - Graphs

1.3 Choice of Graph Representation

  • How do you define a graph? (= How to build a graph?)

    • What are nodes?
    • What are edges?
    • Choice of the proper network representation of a given domain/problem determines our ability to use networks successfully
  • Directed Graphs Vs. Un-directed Graphs

  • Node degrees

  • Bi-partite graph

  • Representing graphs: Adjacency matrix

  • Representing graphs: Edge list

    • This is a representation that is quite popular in deep learning frameworks because we can simply represent it as a two-dimensional matrix
    • The problem of this representation is that it is very hard to do any kind of graph manipulation or any kind of analysis of the graph because even computing a degree of a given node is non-trivial in this case
  • Representing graphs: Adjacency list

  • Node and Edge Attributes (Possible options)

  • More Types of Graphs: Weighted Graphs Vs. Un-Weighted Graphs

  • More Types of Graphs: Self-edges (self-loops) / Multi Graph

  • Connectivity of Un-directed graphs

  • Connectivity of Directed graphs

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