Traditional Methods for ML in Graphs

Sirius·2023년 9월 10일

Traditional methods for machine learning in graphs

  • The goal of lecture: Creating additional features that will describe how this particular node is positioned in the rest of the network and what is its local network structure

    • These additional features that describe the topology of the network of the graph will allow us to make more accurate predictions
    • Using effective features over graphs is the key to achieving good test performance
  • ML in Graphs

    • Given

      G=(V,E)G = (V, E)
    • Learn a function

      f:V>Rf: V -> \R
    • The way we can think of this is that we are given a graph as a set of verticies, as a set of edges and we wanna learn a function

2.1 Node-level tasks and features

  • Node classification: Where we are given a network, we are given a couple of nodes that are labeld with different colors, and the goal is to predict the colors of uncolored nodes

  • Goal: Characterize the structure and position of a node in the network

    • Node degree
    • Node centrality
    • Clustering coefficient
    • Graphlets

1. Node degree

  • The degree of kvk_v of nodevnode \, v is the number of edges (neighboring nodes) the node has
  • Treats all neighboring nodes equally

2. Node centrality

  • Node degree counts the neighboring nodes without capturing their importance

  • Node centrality cvc_v takes the node importance in a graph into account

  • Different ways to model importance

    • Eigen-vector centrality
    • Betweenness centrality
    • Closeness centrality
    • and many others
  • Eigen-vector centrality: A node vv is important if surrounded by important neighboring nodes uN(v)u \in N(v)

  • Betweenness centrality: A node vv is important if it lies on many shortest paths b/t other nodes

  • Closeness centrality: A node vv is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes

3. Clustering coefficient

  • Measures how connected vsv's neighboring nodes

4. Graphlets

  • Observation: Clustering coeffieicnt counts the #(triangles) in the ego-network

  • We can generalize the by #(pre-specified subgraphs, i.e. graphlets)

  • Graphlets: Rooted connected non-isomorphic subgraphs

  • GDV(Graphlet Degree Vector): Graphlet-base features for nodes

    • Degree counts #(edges) that a node touches
    • Clustering coefficient counts #(triangles) that a node touches
    • GDV counts #(graphlets) that a node touches
  • GDV(Graphlet Degree Vector): A count vector of graphlets rooted at a given node

  • Considering graphlets on 2 to 5 nodes we get:

    • Vector of 73 coordinates is a signature of a node that describes the topology of node's neighborhood
    • Captures its inter-connectivities out to a distance of 4 hops
  • Graphlet degree vector provides a measure of a node's local network topology:

    • Comparing vectors of two nodes provides a more detailed measure of local topological similarity than node degrees or clustering coefficient


2.2 Link prediction task and features

  • The link prediction task is to predict new links based on existing links

  • At test time, all node pairs(no existing links) are ranked, and top kk node pairs are predicted

  • The key is to design features for a pair of nodes

  • Two formulations of the link prediction task

    • Links missing at random
      • Remove a random set of links and then aim to predict them
      • More useful for static networks like protein-protein interaction networks
    • Links over time
    • Given G[t0,t0]G[t_0, t'_0] a graph on edges up to time t0t'_0, output a ranked list LL of links (not in G[t0,t0]G[t_0, t'_0]) that are predicted to appear in G[t1,t1]G[t_1, t'_1]
    • Evaluation
      • n=ENEWn=|E_{NEW}| : # new edges that appear during the test period [t1,t1][t_1, t'_1]
      • Take top nn elements of LL and count correct edges
      • Useful or natural for networks that evolve over time like transaction networks, social networks
  • Methodology

    • For each pair of nodes (x,y)(x, y) compute score c(x,y)c(x, y)
    • For example, c(x,y)c(x, y) could be the # of common neighbors of xx and yy
    • Sort pairs (x,y)(x, y) by the decreasing score c(x,y)c(x, y)
    • Predict top nn pairs as new links
    • See which of these links actually appear in G[t1,t1]G[t_1, t'_1]
  • Link-level features:

    • How to featurize or create a descriptor of the relationship b/t two nodes in the network
    • Distance-based feature
    • Local neighborhood overlap
    • Global neighborhood overlap

1. Distance-based features

  • Shortest path distance b/t two nodes
  • However, this does not capture the degree of neighborhood overlap(=strength of connection)

2. Local neighborhood overlap

  • Try to capture the strength of connection b/t two nodes would be to ask how many neighbors do you have in common
  • What is the number of common friends b/t a pair of nodes
  • Captures # neighboring nodes shared b/t two nodes v1v_1 and v2v_2
  • Limitation: Is always zero if the two nodes do not have any neighbors in common (However, the two nodes may still potentially be connected in the future)

3. Global neighborhood overlap

  • Resolve the limitation of local neighborhood overlap by considering the entire graph
  • Katz index: count the number of paths of all lengths b/t a given pair of nodes
    • How to compute # paths b/t two nodes?
    • Use adjacency matrix


2.3 Graph-level features and Graph kernels

  • Features that characterize the structure of an entire graph

  • Kernel methods are widely-used for traditional ML for graph-level prediction

    • IDEA: Design kernels instead of feature vectors
    • A quick introduction to Kernels
      • Kernel K(G,G)RK(G, G') \in \R measures similarity b/t data
      • Kernel matrix K=(K(G,G))G,GK=(K(G, G'))_{G, G'} must always be positive semi-definite (i.e., has positive eigenvalues)
      • There exists a feature representation ϕ()\phi(\cdot) such that K=(G,G)=ϕ(G)Tϕ(G)K=(G, G')=\phi(G)^T\phi(G')
        • And the value of the kernel is simply a dot product of this vector representation of the two graphs
        • Once the kernel is defined, off-the-shelf ML model, such as kernel SVM can be used to make predictions
  • Graph Kernels: Measure similarity b/t two graphs

    • Goal: Design graph feature vector ϕ(G)\phi(G)
    • Key IDEA: BoW(Bag-of-Words) for a graph
      • BoW simply uses the word counts as features for documents (no ordering considered)

    [1] Graphlet kernel
    [2] WL(Weisfeiler-Lehman) kernel
    [3] Other kernels are also proposed in the literature

    • Random-walk kernel
    • Shortest-path graph kernel
    • And many more
  • Both Graphlet kernel and WL kernel use Bag-of-* representation of graph, where * is more sophisticated than node degress

1. Graphlet features

  • Count the number of different graphlets in a graph

  • Definition of graphlets here is slightly different from node-level features

  • Two two differences are

    • Nodes in graphlets here do not need to be connected (allows for isolated nodes)
    • The graphlets here are not rooted

  • Limitations: Counting graphlet is expensive

  • Counting size-kk graphlets for a graph with size nn by enumeration takes nkn^k

  • This is unavoidable in the worst-case since subgraph isomorphism test (judding whether a graph is a subgraph of another graph) is NP-hard

  • If a graph's node degree is bounded by dd, an O(ndk1)O(nd^{k-1}) algorithm exists to count all the graphlets of size kk

2. WL(Weisfeiler-Lehman) Kernel

  • Goal: Design an efficient graph feature descriptor of ϕ(G)\phi(G)

  • IDEA: Use neighborhood structure to iteratively enrich node vocabulary

    • Generalized version of Bag-of-node degrees since node degrees are one-hop neighborhood information
    • Algorithm to achieve this: WL graph isomorphsim test(=Color refinement)
  • Color refienment

  • WL kernel is very popular/strong graph feature descriptor to gives strong performance and computationally efficient

    • The time complexity for color refinement at each step is linear in #(edges), since it involves aggregating neighboring colors
    • When computing a kernel value, only colors appeared in the two graphs need to be tracked
      • Thus, #(colors) is at most the total number of nodes
      • Counting colors takes linear-time w.r.t #(nodes)
      • In total, time complexity is linear in #(edges)


Lecture Summary

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