Graph Representation Learning

Sirius·2023년 9월 17일

3.1 Node Embeddings

  • Recap: Traditional ML for graphs

    • Given an input graph, extract node, link and graph-level features, learn a model that maps features to labels
    • Input graph → Structured features → Learning algorithm → Prediction
  • Graph tepresentation learning

    • Graph representation learning alleviates the need to do feature engineering every single time → Automatically learn the features
    • Learn how to map node in a d-dimensional space and represent it as a vector of d numbers
    • Call it this vector of d numbers as feature representation or embedding
      • This vector captures the structure of the underlying network that we are interested in analyzing or making predictions over
  • Why embedding?

    • Task: Map node into an embedding space
    • Similarity of embeddings b/t nodes indicates their similarity in the network
      • For example: Both nodes are close to each other (connected by an edge)
    • Encode network structure information
    • Potentially used for many downstream predictions
      • Node classification, Link prediction, Graph classification, Anomalus node detection, Clustering and so on

Encoder and Decoder

  • Assume we have a graph GG:
    • VV is the vertex set
    • AA is the adjacency matrix (assume binary)
    • For simplicity: no node features or extra information is used
  • Embedding nodes

    • Encode nodes so that similarity in the embedding space (e.g, dot-product) approximates similarity in the graph
    • To learn encoder that encodes the original networks as a set of node embeddings
  • Learning node embeddings

    1. Encoder maps from nodes to embeddings
    2. Define a node similarity function (i.e, a measure of similarity in the original network)
    3. Decode maps from embeddings to the similairty score
    4. Optimize the parameters of the encoder
  • Two key components

    • Encoder: maps each node to a low-dimensional vector
    • Similarity function: specifies how the relationships in vector space map to the relationships in the original network
  • Shallow eEncoding

    • Simplest encoding approach: Encoder is just an embedding-lookup
    • Each node is assigned a unique embedding vector (i.e, we directly optimize the embedding of each node): DeepWalk, Node2Vec
  • Encoder + Decoder framework

    • Shallow encoder: embedding lookup
    • Parameters to optimize: ZZ which contains node embeddings zuz_u for al nodes uVu \in V
    • Decoder: based on node similarity
    • Objective: maximize zvTzu{z_v}^Tz_u for node pairs (u,v)(u, v) that are similar according to our node similairty function
  • How to define node similarity?

    • Should two nodes have a similar embedding if they
      • are linked?
      • share neighbors?
      • have similar "structural roles"?
    • Similarity definition that uses random walks, and how to optimize embeddings for such a similarity measure


3.2 Random walk approaches for node embddings

  • Notation
    • Vector zuz_u: The embedding of node uu (what we aim to find)
    • Probability P(vzu)P(v|z_u): The (predicted) probability of visiting node vv on random walks starting from node uu. (Our model prediction based on zuz_u
  • Non-linear functions used to produce predicted probabilities P(vzu)P(v|z_u)
    • Softmax function: Turns vector of KK real values (model predictions) into KK probabilities that sum to 1
    • Sigmoid function: S-shaped function that turns real values into the range of (0, 1)
  • Random walk
    • Given a graph and a starting point(node), we select a neighbor of it at random, and move to this neighbor
    • Then we select a neighbor of this point at random, and move to it
    • The (random) sequence of points visited this way is random walk on the graph
  • Random walk embeddings: zuTzv{z_u}^Tz_v \approx probability that uu and vv co-occur on a random walk over the graph
    1. Estimate probability of visiting node vv on a random walk starting from node uu using some random walk strategy RR
    2. Optimize embeddings to encode these random walk statistics
      • Similarity in embdding space(Here: dot product = cos(θ)cos(\theta)) encodes random walk "similarity"
  • Why random walks?
    • Expressitivity: Flexible stochastic definition of node similarity that incorporates both local and higher-order neighborhood information
      • IDEA: if random walk starting from node uu visits vv with high probability, uu and vv are similar (high-order multi-hop information)
    • Efficiency: Do not need to consider all node pairs when training; only need to consider pairs that co-occur on random walks
  • Un-supervised feature learning
    • Intuition: Find embedding of nodes in dd-dimensional space that preserves similarity
    • IDEA: Learn node embedding such that near by nodes are close together in the network
    • Given a node uu, how do we define neraby nodes?
      • NR(u)N_R(u) ... neighborhood of uu obtained by some random walk strategy RR
  • Feature learning as Optimization
    • Given G=(V,E)G=(V, E)
    • Our goal is to learn a mapping f:u>Rd:f(u)=zuf: u-> \R^d:f(u)=z_u
    • Log-likelihood objective maxfuVlogP(NR(u)zu)\max_{f} \displaystyle\sum_{u\in V}logP(N_R(u)|z_u)
      • NR(u)N_R(u) is the neighborhood of node uu by strategy RR
  • Given node uu, we want to learn feature representations that are predictive of the nodes in its random walk neighborhood NR(u)N_R(u)
  • Random walk optimization

    1. Run short-fixed length random walks starting from each node uu in the graph using some random walk strategy RR
    2. For each node uu collect NR(u)N_R(u), the multiset of nodes visited on random walks starting from uu
      • NR(u)N_R(u) can have repeat elements since nodes can be visited multiple times on random walks
    3. Optimize embeddings according to: Given node uu, predicts its neighbors NR(u)N_R(u)
      • maxfuVlogP(NR(u)zu)\max_{f} \displaystyle\sum_{u\in V}logP(N_R(u)|z_u) → maximum likelihood objective
    4. Equivalently,
      L=uVvNR(u)log(P(vzu))L = \displaystyle\sum_{u \in V}\sum_{v \in N_R(u)}-log(P(v|z_u))
      • Intuition: Optimize embeddings zuz_u to maximize the likelihood of random walk co-occurrences
      • Parameterize P(vzu)P(v|z_u) using softmax:
        P(vzu)=exp(zuTzv)nVexp(zuTzn)P(v|z_u) = {exp({z_u}^Tz_v) \over \sum_{n \in V} exp({z_u}^Tz_n)}
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent

Random walks summary


  • How sould we randomly walk?
    • So far, we have described how to optimize embeddings given a random walk strategy RR
    • What strategies should we use to run these random walks?
      • Simplest idea: Just run fixed-length, unbiased random walks strating from each node (DeepWalk)
        • The issue is that such notion of similarity is too constrained
  • Overview of Node2Vec
    • Goal: Embed nodes with similar network neighborhoods close in the feature space
    • We frame this goal as a maximum likelihood optimization problem, independent to the downstream prediction task
    • Key observation: Flexible notion of network neighborhood NR(u)N_R(u) of node uu leads to rich node embeddings
    • Develop biased 2nd2nd order random walk RR to generate network neighborhood NR(u)N_R(u) of node uu
  • Node2Vec : Biased walks
    • IDEA: use flexible, biased random walks that can trade-off b/t local and global vies of the network
  • Interpolating BFS and DFS

    • Biased fixed-length random walk RR that given a node uu generates neighborhood NR(u)N_R(u)
      • Two parameters
        • Return parameter pp: Return back to the previous node
        • In-out parameter qq: Moving outwards(DFS) vs. Inwards(BFS)
        • Intuitively, qq is the "ratio" of DFS vs. BFS
  • Biased random walks


3.3 Embedding entire graphs

  • Graph embedding zGz_G: Want to embed a subgraph or an entire graph GG
  • Tasks
    • Classifying toxic vs. non-toxic molecules
    • Identifying anomalous graphs
  • Approach 1
    • Run a standard node embedding technique on the (sub) graph GG
    • Then just sum (or average) the node embeddings in the (sub) graph GG
      zG=vGzvz_G = \sum_{v \in G} z_v
  • Approach 2
    • Introduce a "virtual node" to represent the (sub) grpah and run a standard node embedding technique
  • Approach 3 : Anonymous walk embeddings

    • States in anonymous walks correspond to the index of the first time we visited the node in a random walk

  • New idea: Learn walk embeddings

    • Rather than simply represent each walk by the fraction of times it occurs, we learn embedding ziz_i of anonymous walk wiw_i
    • Learn a graph embedding ZGZ_G together with all the anonymous walk embeddings ziz_i. Z=zi:i=1,...,ηZ={z_i:i=1, ..., \eta}, where η\eta is the number of sampled anonymous walks
    • How to embed walks? Embed walks s.t. the next walk can be predicted


  • How to use embeddings
    • Clustering/community detection: cluster points ziz_i
    • Node classification: Predict label of node ii based on ziz_i
    • Link prediction: Predict edge (i,j)(i, j) based on (zi,zj)(z_i, z_j)
      • Where we can: concatenate, avg, product, or take a difference b/t the embeddings
    • Graph classification: graph embedding zGz_G via aggregating node embeddings or anonymous random walks → Predict label based on graph embdding zGz_G


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