Inductive Bias

이준석·2022년 7월 4일

딥러닝 기술

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Vision transformer은 CNN의 inducive bias가 부족하므로 충분하지 않는 데이터로 학습시 일반화 하기가 어렵다

What is inductvie in machine learning? whiy is it necssary?
-> stackoverflow 에 나온 Q&A reference

Every machine learning algorithm with any ability to generalize beyond the training datra that it sees has some tye of inducvtive bias, which are the assumptions made by the model to learn the target function and to generlarize beyond traing data.
For example, in linear regression, the model assumes that the output or dependent variable is related to independent variable linearly(in the weights).This is an inductive bias of the model.

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