Climate activists block private jet runway at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam

myung hun kang·2022년 11월 7일

Hundreds of climate activists breached a runway Saturday at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to try to stop private jets from taking off, in the latest demonstration by protesters aimed at drawing attention to the climate crisis.

Greenpeace Netherlands said “more than 500” Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion activists were at the airport, one of Europe’s largest, on Saturday afternoon, in a press release. A spokesperson for the Schiphol security forces could not confirm that figure.

“This morning activists gathered in the forest nearby, carrying flags and banners with slogans such as ‘SOS for the climate’ and ‘Fly no more.’ At the same time another group reached the airport from the opposite direction with bicycles,” Greenpeace said.

Images from Greenpeace show groups of dozens of demonstrators sitting down on the tarmac by multiple planes on the runway. Further images show demonstrations inside the terminal.

Protesters “plan to keep air traffic from the private jet terminal grounded for as long as possible,” Dewi Zloch, spokesperson of Greenpeace Netherlands, said in a statement.

She continued: “The airport should be reducing its flight movements, but instead it’s building a brand-new terminal. The wealthy elite is using more private jets than ever, which is the most polluting way to fly. This is typical of the aviation industry, which doesn’t seem to see that it is putting people at risk by aggravating the climate crisis. This has to stop. We want fewer flights, more trains, and a ban on unnecessary short-haul flights and private jets.”
Greenpeace warned authorities there would be some kind of action at Schiphol weeks in advance, Zloch, who was on the scene, told CNN. They did not disclose the exact location, she added.

Schiphol Airport CEO Ruud Sondag said activists should “feel welcome, but let’s keep things civil.”
He was responding to a previous letter from Greenpeace and stated his objective was to achieve “emissions-free airports by 2030 and net climate-neutral aviation by 2050”.
“However, this is only possible if we all work together”, Sondag said in a statement published Friday.

Elsewhere in Europe, two climate activists were arrested in Madrid in Spain after they each glued one of their hands to the frames of two Goya paintings in the Prado Museum on Saturday.

There was no apparent damage to the paintings, but the suspects are being charged with public disorder and damages, the Spanish National Police press office for Madrid told CNN.

The suspects, two Spanish women, wrote “+1,5C” on the wall between the artworks, which were Goya’s masterpieces “Las Majas,” according to the police.

They described themselves as a “collective of civil disobedience and direct action in the fight against the Climate Crisis through the adoption of a food growing system based on plants.”

“Last week the UN recognized the impossibility of keeping ourselves below the limit of the increase, of the Paris Accord, of 1.5 degrees (C) temperature, with respect to pre-industrial levels,” Futuro Vegetal wrote in its tweet.

The Paris Agreement, which was adopted by 196 parties at the United Nations’ COP 21 in December 2015, aimed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  • breach: 위반하다. make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense).
  • rebellion: 반란 an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
  • in a press release: 보도자료에서
  • tarmac: 아스팔트 포장재
  • gruond: 이륙 못하게 하다.
  • aviation: 항공 the flying or operating of aircraft.
  • aggravating: 악화시키다. making a problem or offense worse or more serious.
  • short-haul flights: 단거리 비행
  • disclose: 공개하다 make (secret or new information) known.
  • keep things civil: 일을 공손히 처리하다.
  • state: 진술하다. 명시하다. express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
  • elsewhere: 다른곳에서
  • perimeter: 주변 the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.

최근 기후관련 운동에 대한 글을 본 적이 있다.

"인간의 힘으로 돌이킬 수 없는 기후 위기가 오고 있다." 는 말을 하며 어떤 사람들은 2050년 지구 종말론 등을 이야기하기도 한다.

당신이 혹하는 사이라는 TV프로에서도 이 주제에 대해 다룬적이 있는데
이러한 기사를 보면 많이 조심스러워 지는 것이 사실이다.

관측장비와 기록을 가지고 연구한 자료를 바탕으로 기후 위기를 제시하는 것과 그 연구가 타당한가에 대한 대립 또 여러 국가와 기업들의 이해관계가 얽혀 매우 복잡한 주제가 된 것 같다.

이러고 자시고 간에 중요한 것은 지구의 기온이 올라가고 있다는 것은 인류의 미래에 심각한 위기를 초례할 수 있다는 것 확실한 증거가 나오기전에는 우리가 조심하는 것이 좋지 않을까? 한다.

When I first heard about Greenpeace's protest and what they did to famouse museum. I thought they just crose a line. But after I knew what exactly happend at that museum. I knew they are not savage or kind of like aggresive activists. and that fact informed me of their purpose. and It is very important but also many people dosen't care.
In my opinion, that scientific fact humanity continues to be in danger while this climite change continues.
so we try to protect our environment. I mean, at least we give it a shot. we never know untill it actually happen. but if that happens than there's no turning back. so just do it. just protect our environment.

프론트엔드 개발자입니다.

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