to name a few / to say the least / least of all

Kyu·2021년 7월 16일


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  1. (just) to name a few
    I love travelling Sotheast Asia. I've been to the Philippines, Thiland and Malaysia (just) to name a few. I think Thiland was my favorite.
  • 몇가지를 말하자면? 더이상말하는게 의미가 없는거같아서..

  • 이러이러는 거말고도 더 있다... 식으로 생각하면 됨

I've tried many different diets - Atkins, Keto, intemittent fasting (just) to name a few. For me, intermittent fasting was the hardest

  1. to say the least
    The show started off really well. But around halfway through the second season, it got really weird to say the least. Towards the end, it actually felt like a completely different show.
  • 이상해진 정도가 아니었다...(전적으로 묘사한게아니라 약하게 표현한거다)

  • halfway through.. 두번째시간쯤부터

A: So, how did you aprents react(take it)?
B: They were shocked to say the least. But I don't blame them. I'd be shocked too. 놀란 정도도 아니었지.

  • 놀랐다고 말하기엔 그 표현이 너무 약하다는 뜻.

  • blame이 여기서 비난ㅇ하다라는 뜻이 아니라 그분들을 탓하지않아 -> 그분들이 이상한건아니지

  1. least of all (누구/무엇)
    She was very proqactive at work but nobody really shared her energy, least of all her boss.
    그녀는 직장에서 할 일을 미리미리 찾아서 하는 편이었는데 아무도 그녀의 그런 에너지가 없었어, 특히 그녀의 상사가 그런게 없었어.

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