entire : 전체의, 온
lay : 놓다, 깔다, 전문지식이 없는, 제출하다, 지우다
sneak around : 얼쩡대다, 몰래 다니다, 살금살금 다니다.
smelling salts : (각성제), 정신을 차리게 하는 것, 어려운 상황을 극복하기 위한 극단적인 조치
heater : 따뜻함, 안락함, 보호
recollects : 기억해내다
I got plenty.
Well name them
They're all dead.
Not to me they're not.
You don't have a lot of dialogue with them.
You can't give back them, Will.
Not without some serious smelling salts and a heater.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
You going to take the professor's side on this?
Don't give me a line of shit. No.
헛소리 집어치워, 말도 안되는 소리하지마
Look, I didn't want the job.
제가 원하는 일이 아니었어요
It's not about the job. I don't care If you work for the government.
일에 대한 이야기가 아니야. 니가 정부를 위해 일하던지 나는 상관없어.
But you can do anything you want. You are bound by nothing.
하지만 넌 뭐든 할 수 있는 잠재력을 갖고 있어
What are you passionate about?
What do you want?
I mean, there are guys who work their entire life laying bricks so their kids have a chance at the opportunities you have here.
평생 벽돌공으로 산 사람도 자식만큼은 너와 같은 기회를 얻길 바라고 있어
그들의 자녀들이 기회를 가질 수 있도록
I didn't ask for this.
제가 원한게 아니었어요
그래 아니지
Right. And that's honorable.
Sure that's why you took that job.
I mean, for honor of it.
I just have a little question here.
You could be a janitor anywhere.
넌 어디서든 청소부가 될 수 있잖아
Why did you work at the most prestigious technical college in the whole fucking world?
왜 전 세계 최고 명문 공대에서 그 일을 했어
And why did you sneak around at night and finish other people's formulas that only one or two people in the world could do, and then lie about it?
Because I don't see a lot of honor it that, will.
You're chucking me?
You're not going to answer my questions, you're wasting my fucking time.
What? I thought we were friends.
Whay do you mean, you..
You're lecturing me on life?
Look at you, you fucking burnout.
What winds your clock?
Working with you.
you just cash in your chips and you walk away?
I remember the most joyful memory I have of the sea.
I really love going to the beach in summer.
The sun really strong in the summer right?
여름에는 햇볕이 정말 강하잖아요
So I always make sure to bring suncream and sunglasses.
그래서 저는 선크림과 선글라스를 꼭 챙겨요
Because my skin is very sensitive
캠핑 여행 중에 하는 일
What do you usually do when you go camping?
Please tell me everything you do on a camping trip.
캠핑에 가면 보통 뭘 하나요?
최근에 캠핑을 갔던 일
The last time I went camping was 5 days ago.
I went to the mountain with my friends
and grilled meat, and drank wiskey.
We made a bet, and the penalty was to go into ice water. I lost, So I went into the ice water, and it was freezing
"가장 최근에 캠핑을 간 건 5일 전이에요. 친구들과 산에 가서 고기를 구워 먹고 술을 마셨죠. 그리고 내기를 했는데, 진 사람은 얼음처럼 차가운 물에 뛰어들어야 했어요. 그런데 제가 졌어요! 그래서 얼음장 같은 물에 들어갔고, 다음 날 심한 감기에 걸렸어요. 정말 힘들었어요."
The last time I went camping was 5 days ago.
I went to mountain with my friends, grilled meat and drank wiskey.
We made a game, and the loser had to jump into ice-cold water. Guess what? I lost! So I had to go into ice water, and I caught a really bad cold the next day. It was rough.
"저의 취미는 운동이에요. 매일 처럼 운동을 하고 있다가. 어느날 데드리프트 도중 허리에 극심한 통증을 느꼈어요. 이후 바닥에 주저앉아 잠시 쉬었지만, 상태는 나아지지 않았고 곧바로 병원으로 갔어요. 의사는 허리 부상이 심하니 한동안 운동을 쉬라고 하더군요. 그래서 3달 정도 운동을 못했었는데, 저 한테는 취미를 잃었던 기억이라 정말 힘들었어요"
My hobby is working out. I used to excise almost every day.
Then, one day, while I was doing deadlifts, I left a sharp pain in my back. I collapsed to the floor and rested for a bit but it didn't get any better. So I went straight to the hospital. The doctor told me I had a seriouse back injury and that I needed to take a break from excersing for a while. I ended up not being able to work out for about three months, and it was really tough because it felt like I had lost my hobby.
Hi, my name is Choi. I'm 28, and I'm in the process of looking for a job. This test is a big deal for me, so I'm going to give it my all.
a couple days ago.
take care of your healthy.
I were prepare for my enlish test.
Are you saying that my English is still weak?
I wish this test had been a little cheaper.
I think there's a problem. In Korea, people get jobs to make money, but ironically, you can't get a job without money to build up these qualifications.
were you born in 1997
you are younger than me.
you have a job
You know, it's funny what a young man recollects,
cause I don't remember being born.
Please tell me about your house. Where is it located?
What does it look like? Which one is your favorite room? Please tell me everything about your house.
as for the living room, it's quite spacious as we don't have a lot of furniture. The living room always has a warm and bright atmosphere, so my family enjoys speding time there.
거실에 관해서 말하자면, 가구가 많지 않아서 꽤 넓습니다. 거실은 항상 따뜻하고 밝은 분위기를 가지고 있어서, 우리 가족은 그곳에서 시간을 보내는 것을 즐깁니다.