bombed : (시험을)망치다. 질주하다, 공격하다, 폭격하다.
attach : 붙이다, 중요성, 들러붙다, ~에 중요성, 의미, 가치, 무게 등을 두다, 연관되다, 연관짓다
I attach great importance to this research.
전 이 연구에 큰 중요성을 두고 있습니다.
atterney : 변호사, 대리인
prosecutor : 소추자, 검찰관, 기소 검사
earning : 돈을 벌다
concerned : 걱정하는, 관심이 있는
afraid : 염려하는, 두려워하는, 걱정하는
decidedly : 확실히, 분명히, 단호히
tremendous : 엄청난, 굉장한
room for improvement : 개선의 여지
verify : 증명하다, 확인하다
I bombed the test yesterday.
I was busy yesterday because I had a test.
"Is it that you can't use the word 'much' when talking about time?"
I didn't have enough time.
The problem is that I don't know grammar very well. For example, I'm weak in grammar areas like the present perfect and the past tense. It was a speaking test, and I learned the importance of verb tenses.
When I go to another country I want to forighner to tell me that I speak english very well.
The most different thing.
That's disappointing
I'm disappointed
Why are you disappointed in me?
나한테 실망한 이유는 뭐야?
A woman in the US is reportedly facing a relationship crisis after something that should have been great news:she recently purchased a winning lottery ticket and won $50,000.
The problem is that her boyfriend immediately started making plans for that money.
문제는 그녀의 남자친구가 즉시 그 돈에 대한 계획을 세우기 시작했다는 것이다.
Not surprisingly, most of the plans were decidedly in his best interests.
놀랍지도 않게, 대부분의 계획은 명백히 그의 이익을 위한 것이었다.
best interest : 최선의 이익
According to the post(which has recently been removed for seme reason)
(어떤 이유에서인지 최근에 삭제된) 게시물에 따르면,
the couple has been dating for about two years.
They have been planning on taking steps to get more serious with the relationship in the near future, but they are not engaged.
둘은 가까운 미래에 관계를 더 진지하게 만들기 위한 조치를 취할 계획을 세워왔지만, 약혼을 한 것은 아니었다.
engage : (주의, 관심을)끌다, 사로잡다
관계를 맺다
교전을 시작하다
약혼한, 사용중인, 통화 중인, 참여하고 있는
Once the woman won the rottery, her boyfriend started hinting about gifts he would like to receive.
He also told the woman that she could now spring for the European vacation they had been planning (they had previously been saving money together for the trip), as well as paying off his credit card debt.
그는 또한 여자친구에게 말했다. 유럽 여행 비용을 낼 수 있고, 자신의 신용카드 빚도 갚아줄 수 있다고
spring for ~의 값을 지불하다.
dept : 빚, 부채, 빚을 진 상태, 은혜를 입음
Then, he started talking about a down payment on a house for the couple.
This type of situation seems to come up pretty frequently online. Just a few months earlier, a woman in Australia reported getting into similar fight with her boyfriend (suspiciously, she also woman in Australia reported getting into a similar fight with her boyfriends
In her case, the boyfriend wated her to set aside $10,000 of it for his dog.
그녀의 경우, 남자친구는 그녀가 그 돈 중 10,000달러를 그의 개를 위해 따로 떼어놓기를 원했다.
aside : 한쪽으로;(길을) 비켜, (나중에 쓰려고) 따로, (명사 뒤에 쓰여) ~외에는
to set aside : to 부정사구 (목적격 보어) -> "~을 따로 떼어놓기를"
따로 떼어놓다, 챙겨두다
of ~중에서
The woman had jokingly promised to split any lottery winnings between herself, the boyfriend, and the dog, but her interest in canine philanthropy quickly vanished once she actually won.
그녀는 농담 삼아 복권 당첨금을 자신과 남자친구, 그리고 개와 나누겠다고 약속했었지만, 실제로 당첨되자 개를 위한 자선 활동에 대한 관심이 빠르게 사라졌다.
jokingly : 농담 삼아, 장난으로
vanish : 사라지다
canine : 개의, 송곳니
philanthropy : 자선 활동
once : 하자마자, 했을 때
In response to this version of the story, people were a lot more supportive of the boyfriend(or at least his dog). It's entirely possible that both versions are based on slightly fictitious events, but that's okay. They seem to have echieved their goal of stimulating a lot of discussion, and as such, they also look like fair game as topics for an English conversation course.
Is there a big temperature difference between day and night?
Try not to catch a cold.
I will spent a lot of time with my girl friends.
"In Korea, there's a very large pot called a 'sot' (솥). People grill meat on its lid."
I will go to the grolled pork restaurant today.
you will like it very much.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
I enjoy speaking with you as you go into great detail when telling me something.
I appreciate the fact that you always challenge