백준 13702번
이분 탐색 알고리즘 문제이다.
는 막걸리를 K
명 인원에게 분배할 수 있는 최대량.
개의 주전자에 mid
만큼 분배해서 남는 양
즉, 하나의 주전자에서 mid
미만의 양이 남을 경우 버린다
import java.io.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class Main {
private static int N;
private static int K;
private static long[] potArr;
private static long result = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
StringTokenizer st;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
N = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
K = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
potArr = new long[N];
long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
potArr[i] = Long.parseLong(br.readLine());
max = Math.max(potArr[i], max);
binarySearch(1, max);
} // End of main
private static long binarySearch(long low, long high) {
if (low > high) {
return -1;
long mid = (low + high) / 2;
int count = check(mid);
if (K <= count) {
result = Math.max(result, mid);
long temp = binarySearch(mid + 1, high);
if (temp == -1) {
return mid;
} else {
return temp;
} else {
return binarySearch(low, mid - 1);
} // End of binarySearch
private static int check(long mid) {
int count = 0;
for (long pot : potArr) {
count += pot / mid;
return count;
} // End of check
} // End of Main class
import java.io.*
import java.util.*
private var N = 0
private var K = 0
private lateinit var potArr: IntArray
private var result = Long.MIN_VALUE
fun main() {
val br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))
val bw = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.`out`))
val sb = StringBuilder()
val st = StringTokenizer(br.readLine())
N = st.nextToken().toInt() // 주전자의 개수
K = st.nextToken().toInt() // 은상이를 포함한 친구들의 수
potArr = IntArray(N)
var max = Int.MAX_VALUE
for (i in 0 until N) {
potArr[i] = br.readLine().toInt()
max = Math.max(potArr[i], max)
binarySearch(1, max.toLong())
} // End of main
private fun binarySearch(low: Long, high: Long): Long {
if (low > high) {
return -1
val mid: Long = (low + high) / 2
val cnt = check(mid)
if (K <= cnt) {
result = Math.max(result, mid)
val temp = binarySearch(mid + 1, high)
if (temp == -1L) {
return mid
} else {
return temp
} else {
return binarySearch(low, mid - 1)
} // End of binarySearch
private fun check(mid: Long): Int {
var cnt = 0
potArr.forEach { pot ->
cnt += (pot / mid).toInt()
return cnt
} // End of check