백준 1446번
import java.io.*
import java.util.*
// input
private lateinit var br: BufferedReader
// variables
private var N = 0
private var D = 0
private const val INF = Int.MAX_VALUE
private lateinit var adjList: MutableList<MutableList<Road>>
private var dist = IntArray(10001) { INF }
private data class Road(var location: Int, var dist: Int) : Comparable<Road> {
override fun compareTo(other: Road): Int {
return dist - other.dist
} // End of compareTo
} // End of Road class
fun main() {
br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))
val bw = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
val sb = StringBuilder()
} // End of main
private fun dijkstra() {
val pque = PriorityQueue<Road>()
pque.offer(Road(0, 0))
dist[0] = 0
while (pque.isNotEmpty()) {
val poll = pque.poll()
if (poll.dist != dist[poll.location]) continue
if(poll.location >= D) continue
val size = adjList[poll.location].size
for (i in 0 until size) {
val nextRoad = adjList[poll.location][i]
if (dist[nextRoad.location] > dist[poll.location] + nextRoad.dist) {
dist[nextRoad.location] = dist[poll.location] + nextRoad.dist
pque.offer(Road(nextRoad.location, dist[nextRoad.location]))
} // End of dijkstra
private fun input() {
var st = StringTokenizer(br.readLine())
N = st.nextToken().toInt() // 지름길의 개수
D = st.nextToken().toInt() // 고속도로의 길이
adjList = ArrayList()
for(i in 0 until D) {
adjList[i].add(Road(i + 1, 1))
for (i in 0 until N) {
st = StringTokenizer(br.readLine())
val startLocation = st.nextToken().toInt() // u
val endLocation = st.nextToken().toInt() // v
val dist = st.nextToken().toInt() // w
// 역주행 불가
if (endLocation > D) continue
// 원래 가는 길이보다 지름길의 길이가 같거나 큰 경우
if (dist >= (endLocation - startLocation)) continue
adjList[startLocation].add(Road(endLocation, dist))
} // End of input