
Ji Woo Lee·2021년 1월 11일


int get_next_line(int fd, char **line)

  • Calling the function in a loop will read the text available on a file descriptor one line at a time until EOF.
  • Return 1 when a line has been read, 0 when EOF has been reached, -1 when an error happened.
  • Able to manage multiple file descriptors.

What to know

Static variable

  • Remains while the program is running.
  • Is allocated memory in data segment

Difference between global and static variable is that static variable cannot be accessed from other files.

Why using static variable

  • We need to call get_next_line until EOF, so we need a static variable to hold a line read with the amount of BUFFER_SIZE until the program ends.

File descriptor

  • An abstract indicator used to access a file in Unix and related computer operating systems.
  • Open returns file descriptor that are not allocated.
  • 0 is for standard input, 1 is for standard output, 2 is for standard error.


  • get_next_line will read a file with the amount of BUFFER_SIZE and determine if the string is a line or not.
  • If the string read is not a line, a function will read a file with same amount again.
static char *saved[OPEN_MAX]
  • OPEN_MAX defined in <limits.h>, is the maximum number of files that one process can have open at any one time.
  • Used double pointer to manage strings from n files.
  • Will hold lines read until the program ends.
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE + 1]
  • Temporary array that will hold a string read with the amount of BUFFER_SIZE.
  • Will be joined with saved string.


  1. Check if static variable saved[fd] includes new line.
    -> If yes, copy a string in saved[fd] until a new line to a given variable line.
    -> Then, saved[fd] will be overwritten into saved[fd] after a new line.
  2. Read a file with the amount of BUFFER_SIZE.
    -> Join existing saved[fd] with buf.
    -> Return to step 1.

What to be careful

Memory leaks

  • Malloc will be used in ft_strjoin and ft_strdup.
  • saved[fd] will be overwritten with new memory allocation.
    -> Previous saved[fd] should be freed.


  • Since char buf[BUFFER_SIZE] is allocated in stack memory, if a function reads more than available stack size, it will cause stack overflow.
    -> Set as global or static variable that will be allocated in data segment.
    -> Allocate in heap memory using malloc.
    -> Manually increase stack memory size.

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