생성일: 2021년 9월 12일 오후 6:31
What is a Computer?
- Computation
- Communication
- Storage/memory

Key Topics
- Moore's Law, power wall
- Use of abstractions
- Assembly language
- Computer arithmetic
- Pipelining
- Using predictions
- Memory hierarchies
- Reliability
Moore's Law, power wall
- 마이크로칩의 밀도가 18개월마다 2배로 늘어난다는 법칙
- single thread 성능 개선을 위한 아이디어 부족
- Power wall로 인해 복잡한 기능 추가하기 어려워짐
- Power wall이 주파수를 증가시키는 것을 어렵게 함
What Does This Mean to a Programmer?
- A program needs many threads
- The threads need efficient synchronization and communication
- Data placement in the memory hierarchy is important
- Accelerators should be used when possible
Operating System
- Interfaces between a user’s program and the hardware and provides a variety of services and supervisory functions.
- Important functions
- Handling basic input and output operations
- Allocating storage and memory
- Providing for protected sharing of the computer among multi applications using it simultaneously
Computer Components
- Input/Output devices
- Secondary storage: non-volatile(비휘발성), slower, cheaper
- Primary storage: volatile, faster, costlier
- CPU processor(data-path and control)
Manufacturing Process
- Silicon wafers undergo many processing steps so that different parts of the wafer behave as insulators, conductors, and transistors (switches)
- Multiple metal layers on the silicon enable connections between transistors
- The wafer is chopped into many dies – the size of the die determines yield and cost