15. SIMD 1,2

이세진·2022년 4월 3일

Computer Science

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생성일: 2021년 11월 25일 오후 9:43

SIMD Processing: Exploiting Regular (Data) Parallelism

  • SIMD : Single instruction operates on multiple data elements
    • Array processor
    • Vector processor

Data Parallelism

  • Concurrency arises from performing the same operation on different pieces of data
    • Single instruction multiple data (SIMD)
  • Constrast with thread ("control") parallelism
  • SIMD exploits operation-level parallelism on different data
  • SIMD works best when dealing with arrays in for loops. Hence, for parallelism to work in SIMD, there must be a great deal of identically structured data, which is called data-level parallelism

SIMD Processing

  • Single instruction operates on multiple data elements
  • In time or in space
  • Time-space duality
    • Array processor : Instruction operates on multiple data elements at the same time using different spaces
    • Vector processor : Instruction operates onf multiple data elements in consecutive time steps using the same space

Vector Registers

  • Each vector data register holds N M-bit values
    • Each register stores a vector
    • Not a (single) scalar value as we saw before

Array vs. Vector Processors

SIMD Array Processing vs. VLIW

  • VLIW : Multiple independent operations packed together by the compiler
  • Array processor : Single operation on multiple (different) data elements


SIMD Array processing

Vectror Processors 1

  • Vector : one-dimensional array of nubmers
  • 과학/상업 프로그램에서 많이 사용
    //예를 들어
    	C[i] = (A[i]+B[i])/2
  • Vector Processor : 명령어가 Scalar value가 아닌 벡터에 대해 작동하는 프로세서
  • Basic requirements (Register)
    • load/store values ⇒ vector register (contain vectors)
    • operate on vectors of different lengths ⇒ vector length register (VLEN)
    • Elements of a vector might be stored apart from each other in memory ⇒ vector stride register(VSTR)
      • Stride : distance in memory between two elements of a vector

Vector Stride Example : Matrix Multiply

Vector Processors 2

  • A vector instruction performs an operation on each element in consecutive cycles
    • Vector functional units are pipelined
    • Each pipeline stage operates on a different data element
  • Vector instructions allow deeper pipeline
    • No intra-vector dependencies ⇒ no hardware interlocking needed whithin a vector
    • No control flow within a vector
    • Known stride allows easy address calculation for all vector elements (load하기 쉬움)
  • 장점
    • No dependencies within a vector
      • Pipelining & parallelization work really well
      • Can have very deep pipelines (without the penalty of deep pipelines)
    • Each instruction generates a lot of work (i.e., operations)
      • Reduces instruction fetch bandwidth requirements
      • Amortizes(상각하다) instruction fetch and control overhead over many data ⇒ Leads to high energy efficiency per operation
    • No need to explicitly code loops
      • Fewer branches in the instruction sequence
    • Highly regular memory access pattern
  • 단점
    • Works (only) if parallelism is regular (data/SIMD parallelism) ⇒ very inefficient if parallelism is irregular
  • Limitations
    • Memory (bandwidth) can easily become a bottleneck, especially if
      1. compute/memory operation balance is not maintained
      2. data is not mapped appropriately to memory banks

Vector Registers

  • Each vector data register holds N M-bit values
  • Vector control registers: VLEN, VSTR, VMASK
  • Maximum VLEN can be N
  • Vector Mask Register (VMASK)
    • Indicates which elements of vector to operate on
    • Set by vector test instructions (e.g., VMASK[i] = (Vk[i] == 0))

Vector Functional Units

  • Use a deep pipeline to execute element operations ⇒fast clock cycle
  • Control of deep pipeline is simple because elements in vector are independent

Loading/Storing Vectors from/to Memory

  • Elements separated from each other by a constant distance (stride)
  • Assume stride = 1 for now
  • Elements can be loaded in consecutive cycles if we can start the load of one element per cycle
  • Question: How do we achieve this with a memory that takes more than 1 cycle to access? ⇒ Bank the memory; interleave the elements across banks

Memory Banking

  • Memory is divided into banks that can be accessed independently; banks share address and data buses (to minimize pin cost)
  • Can start and complete one bank access per cycle
  • Can sustain N parallel accesses if all N go to different banks

Vector Memory System

  • Next address = Previous address + Stride
  • If (stride == 1) && (consecutive elements interleaved across banks) && (number of banks ≥ bank latency) , then
    • we can sustain 1 elements/cycle throughput
  • Strides need to be relatively prime to the number of memory banks

Scalar Code Example : Element-Wise Avg.

여기서 SHFR R7 = R6 >> 1은 2로 나눈다는 뜻이다 Why? 2진수에서 오른쪽으로 한칸씩 밀면 2로 나눈 수가 된다. (0100 ⇒ 0010은 4 ⇒ 2)

Scalar Code Execution Time (In Order) ⭐

  • Scalar execution time on an in-order processor with 1 bank
    • First two loads in the loop cannot be pipelined: 2*11 cycles
    • 4 + 50*40 = 2004 cycles
  • Scalar execution time on an in-order processor with 16 banks (wordinterleaved: consecutive words are stored in consecutive banks)
    • First two loads in the loop can be pipelined (LD R4와 LD R5가 12사이클 만에 가능)
    • 4 + 50*30 = 1504 cycles
  • Why 16 banks?
    • 11-cycle memory access latency
    • Having 16 (>11) banks ensures there are enough banks to overlap enough memory operations to cover memory latency

Vectorizable Loops

  • A loop is vectorizable if each iteration is independent of any other

Basic Vector Code Performance ⭐

  • Assume no chaining (no vector data forwarding)
  • One memory port (one address generator)
  • 16 memory banks (word-interleaved)

  • 285 cycles

Vector Chaining

  • Data forwarding from one vector functional unit to another

Vector Code Performance - Chaining ⭐

  • 182 cycles

Vector Code Performance - Multiple Memory Ports ⭐

  • Chaining and 2 load ports, 1 store port in each bank

  • 79 cycles


  • 만약 # data elements > # elements in a vector register 이면?

    • loop를 나누면 됨 (vector register가 감당할 수 있는 만큼 씩)
    • 예를들어 527 data elements이고, 64-element VREGs이면 8 iterations where VLEN = 64 , 1 iteration where VLEN = 15 (8 64 + 115 = 527)
    • 이것을 vector stripmining 이라고 함
  • 만약 데이터가 메모리에 stride 방식으로 저장되지 않으면? (irregular memory access to a vector)

    • Use indirection to combine/pack elements into vector registers
    • 이것을 scatter/gather operations 라고 함
    • Doing so also helps with avoiding useless computation on sparse vectors (i.e., vectors where many elements are 0)

Gather/Scatter Operations

  • Gather/scatter operations often implemented in hardware to handle sparse vectors (matrices) or indirect indexing
  • Vector loads and stores use an index vector which is added to the base register to generate the addresses

Conditional Operations in a Loop

위의 코드처럼 operation을 실행시키지 않아야 할 때도 있을 때

  • 방법 : Masked operations
  • VMASK register is a bit mask determining which data element should not be acted upon

  • This is predicated execution. Execution is predicated on mask bit.

Some Issues

  • Stride and banking
    • As long as they are relatively prime to each other and there are enough banks to cover bank access latency, we can sustain 1 element/cycle throughput
  • Storage format of a matrix
    • Row major: Consecutive elements in a row are laid out consecutively in memory
    • Column major: Consecutive elements in a column are laid out consecutively in memory
    • You need to change the stride when accessing a row versus column ⇒ Bank Conflicts

Bank Conflicts in Matrix Multiplication

  • A and B matrices, both stored in memory in row-major order

  • Load A’s row 0 into vector register V1
    • Accesses have a stride of 1
  • Load B’s column 0 into vector register V2
    • Accesses have a stride of 10

⇒ 둘의 stride가 다름 ⇒ bank conflicts ⇒ 어떻게 최소화 할까?

Minimizing Bank Conflicts

  • More banks
  • More ports in each bank
  • Better data layout to match the access pattern
  • Better mapping of address to bank

Array vs. Vector Processors, Revisited

  • Most “modern” SIMD processors are a combination of both
    • They exploit data parallelism in both time and space

Vector/SIMD Processing Summary

  • Vector/SIMD machines are good at exploiting regular data-level parallelism
    • Same operation performed on many data elements
    • Improve performance, simplify design (no intra-vector dependencies)
  • Performance improvement limited by vectorizability of code
    • Scalar operations limit vector machine performance
    • Remember Amdahl’s Law

SIMD ISA Extensions

  • Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extension instructions
    • Single instruction acts on multiple pieces of data at once
    • 그래픽 분야에서 주로 사용
    • For example: add four 8-bit numbers

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