19. Virtual Memory

이세진·2022년 4월 3일

Computer Science

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생성일: 2021년 12월 17일 오후 6:53

Abstraction: Virtual vs. Physical Memory

  • Programmer sees virtual memory (무한하다고 착각)
  • 현실에서 Physical memory size는 훨씬 작다.
  • The system(software + hardware) maps virtual memory addresses to physical memory
  • 장점
    • 프로그래머는 메모리의 물리적 크기를 관리 할 필요 X ⇒ 프로그래머의 삶의 질 향상
  • 단점
    • 더 복잡한 시스템 스프트웨어와 아키텍쳐
  • Auotomatic Management of memory
    • Enables
      • Code and data to be located anywhere in physical memory (relocation)
      • Isolation/separation of code and data of different processes in physical memory (protection and isolation)
      • Code and data sharing between multiple processes (sharing)
    • Problem
      • Physical memory is of limited size (cost)
      • Multiple programs may need the physical memory

Virtual Memory (VM)

  • Idea: Give each program the illusion of a large address space while having a small physical memory
  • Basic Mechanism
    • Indirection (in addressing) (간접 참조)
    • Address generated by each instruction in a program is a “virtual address”
    • An “address translation” mechanism maps this address to a “physical address”
  • Motivation (장점)
    • Virtual memory (VM): A technique using main memory as a “cache” for secondary storage (disk)
    • Virtual memory enables efficient and safe sharing of memory among multiple programs.
    • VM protects the programs from each other
    • The programs sharing the memory change dynamically while the programs are running. The compiler sets each program into its own address space
    • VM translates the program’s address space to physical addresses, enforcing protection of a program’s address space from other programs

A system with Vitual Memory (Page-based)

Page-based Virtual-to-Physical Mapping

Virtual Pages, Physical Frames

  • Vitual address space diveded into pages

  • Physical address space divided into frames (or we can also call pages)

  • A virtual page is mapped to

    • Physical frame, if the page is in physical memory
    • A location in disk, otherwise
  • If an accessed virtual page is not in memory, but on disk

    • Virtual memory system brings the page into a physical frame and adjusts the mapping
      → this is called demand paging
  • Page table is the table that stores the mapping of virtual pages to physical frames

Physical Memory as a Cache

  • Physical memory is a cache for pages stored on disk
  • Similar caching issues exist as we have covered earlier
    • Placement, Replacement, Granularity of management, Write policy

Cache/Virtual Memory Analogues

Virtual Memory Definitions

  • Page size: the mapping granularity of virtual ⇒ physical address spaces
    • 한 번에 하드 디스크에서 DRAM으로 전송되는 데이터의 양
  • Page table: table that stores virtual ⇒ physical page mappings
    • 위치를 찾는 데 사용되는 조회 테이블
  • Address translation: the process of determining the physical address from the virtual address

Virtual to Physical Mapping

Address Translation

Virtual Memory Example

How Do We Translate Address?

  • Page table
    • Has entry for each virtual page
  • Each page table entry has:
    • Valid bit: 가상 페이지가 실제 메모리에 있는지 여부 (그렇지 않은 경우, 하드 디스크에서 가져와야 함)
    • Physical page number: 가상 페이지가 물리적 메모리에 있는 위치
  • Page Table for Example

Page Table Address Translation Example

Issue: Page Table Size

Page Table Challenges 1

  • Callenge 1: Page table is large
    • at least part of it needs to be located in physical memory
    • solution: multi-level (hierarchical) page tables

Multi-Level(hierarchical) Page Tables

  • Idea: Organize page table in a hierarchical manner such that only a small first-level page table has to be in physical memory

Page Table Challenges 2

  • Challenge 2: Each instruction fetch or load/store requires at least two memory accesses
    1. one for address translation (page table read)
    2. one to access data with the physical address (after translation)
  • instruction fetch 또는 load/store 을 위한 두 개의 메모리 액새스는 실행 시간을 크게 저하시킴

Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

  • Idea: Cache the page table entries (PTEs) in a hardware structure in the processor to speed up address translation
  • Translation lookaside buffer (TLB)
    • Small cache of most recently used translations (PTEs)
    • Reduces number of memory accesses required for most instruction fetches and loads/stores to only one
  • Page table accesses have a lot of temporal and spatial locality
    • 연속 명령어 및 로드/저장은 동일한 페이지에 액세스할 가능성 높다

Example Two-Entry TLB

TLB is a Translation (PTE) Cache

  • chaching과 prefetching의 문제점들은 모두 TLB에서도 적용된다.
  • 예를 들어,
    • Instruction vs. Data TLBs
    • Associativity and size choices and tradeoffs
    • Multi-level TLBs 등

  • Page table 대신 모든 참조에서 TLB에 액세스 함 ⇒ TLB는 Valid, Dirty, Reference bit를 포함해야 함

Supporting Virtual Memory

  • Virtual memory requires both HW+SW support
  • The hardware component is called MMU(memory management unit)

What Is in a Page Table Entry (PTE)?

  • Page table is the “tag store” for the physical memory data store
    • Need a valid bit → to indicate validity/presence in physical memory
    • Need tag bits (physical frame number) → to support translation
    • Need bits to support replacement
    • Need a dirty bit to support “write back caching”
    • Need protection bits to enable access control and protection

Address Translation: Page Hit

Address Translation: Page Fault

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