김수정 강사님
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import pandas as pd
rocksamples = pd.read_csv('data/rocksamples.csv')
rocksamples['Weight (g)'] = rocksamples[Weight (g)'].apply(lambda x : x * 0.001)
rocksamples['Weight (g)']
rocksamples.rename(columns={Weight (g)' : 'Weight (kg)'}, inplace=True)
sample_total_weight = rocksamples.groupby('Mission')['Weight (kg)'].sum()
missions = pd.merge(missions, sample_total_weight, on='Mission')
missions['Weight Diff'] = missions['Sample Weight(kg)'].diff()
missions['Weight Diff'] = missions["Weight Diff'].fillna(value=0)
왜 데이터 분석을 해야 하는지 목적이 뚜렷해야 합니다.
그 목적성에 기반해서 필요한 내용들을 하나하나 실행해나간 후
필요 없는 부분들은 걷어내야 합니다.
고민 끝에 탄생한 결과물은 항상 심플하면서도 깊이가 있어야 합니다.
마지막 에필로그에서 강사님의 문장들이 와닿았습니다.
"I don't know all of those details
becasue I am not a subject matter expert.
But what I hope you've learned today,
is that with publicaly-available information,
with data sets that you could collect yourself,
you can really start to understand
and gain insight from this data,
just with some lines of code and some simple multiplications and divisions
Pandas and Python, when it relates to data science can be a little tricky sometimes,
so it's all about practice.
That's what I love about doing it in these Notebooks and Visual Studio Code.
My original Notebook was a lot messier than this.
I created 10 million more DataFrames and tried it this way and add more columns.
and here we told a clear concised story
but I want to hear about your stories.
I want to hear how you explored the data,
(1) what other data sources you grabbed,
(2) and what other insights that you've managed
(3) to acquire through this exploration through data.
and use the