Fluent Rust - Open/closed principle

Migo·2023년 9월 8일

Fluent Rust

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In the last post, I talked about Constructor Injection. If you haven't already, make sure to check it out.

Open-Closed Principle

We want our code to be open to extensibility but closed against modification, the desired goal commmonly referred to as open-closed priciple. How can we achieve that in Rust?

Let's start with the code example that we saw in the last post.

struct Sender<W: Writer> {
    writer: W,
impl<W: Writer> Sender<W> {
    fn send(&self) {
        self.writer.write("Hello World!")

trait Writer {
    fn write(&self, word: &str);

struct ConsoleWriter;

impl Writer for ConsoleWriter {
    fn write(&self, word: &str) {
        println!("{}", word)

fn main() {
    let writer = ConsoleWriter;
    let sender = Sender { writer };


This time, what we want is to add authentication feature to the writer WITHOUT modifying existing interface of Sender.

Firstly, let's add Identity trait which has is_authenticated method.

trait Identity {
    fn is_authenticated(&self) -> bool;

And its concrete implementation:

struct CIdentity;
impl Identity for CIdentity {
    fn is_authenticated(&self) -> bool {

And then you create yet another concrete implementation of SecureWriter which itself implements Writer trait.

struct SecureWriter<W: Writer, I: Identity> {
    identity: I,
    writer: W,

impl<W: Writer, I: Identity> Writer for SecureWriter<W, I> {
    fn write(&self, word: &str) {
        if self.identity.is_authenticated() {

In action

Now, instead of passing ConsoleWriter directly to Sender, you can pass SecureWriter and use as though nothing has been changed except for adding more feature!

fn main() {
    let sender = Sender {
        writer: SecureWriter {
            writer: ConsoleWriter,
            identity: CIdentity,

Actually, this pattern is so common that it is one of the design patterns suggested by Gang of four. Specifically, the pattern is called Decorator Pattern.

Dude with existential crisis

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