[Java] 객체지향 프로그래밍(OOP) 기본 개념

myeonghyun·2022년 8월 6일


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I'm gonna take a moment to organize some concepts related to object-oriented-programming I've learned today. (TIL)

  • Class
  • Instances of a class which is called objects
  • How to add data to a class
  • How to add behavior to a class.

And two of very important OOP concepts : 1) Encapsulation 2) Abstraction.

Let's think about something like a movie.
1) What would be the data you would want to store about?
2) What would be the operations you would want to allow on?

These kinds of questions take me to the conclusion below :

Think about a wide variety of objects and think about what would be the data and what would be the behaviour.

And of course, thanks to my Univ lectures, I knew these concepts basically, but today was my first time that I have actually applied them and used them.

I personally think that will help me to deal with the programming problems that are coming up when I carry on toward my future goals.


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