[CTAP] 0# Introduction (with Preface)

문연수·2022년 7월 22일


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1. Abstract


I have tried here to distill a decade of C experience into a compact form in the hope that you, the reader, will be able to avoid some of the stupid mistakes I've made and seen others make.


Chapter X

  1. the way C lexical analysis is done.
  2. treats the errors that can arise from misunderstanding these syntactic details.
  3. deals with misconceptions of meaning (In short, semantic error)
  4. Linkage and Library routine.
  5. Wrong Use-Case of library routines
  6. Preprocessor directives
  7. discusses portability problems

2. Exercise

- Exercise 0-1

Would you buy an automobile made by a company with a high proportion of recalls? Would that change if they told you they had cleaned their act? What does it really cost for your users to find your bugs for you?

* Answer

  • No I'm not.
  • It's hard to believe that they solve the problems properly.
  • They don't think there's a problem with what they buy. If they feel the product has a defect, they won't purchase it.

- Exercise 0-2

How many fence posts 10 feet apart do you need to support 100 feet of fence?

* Answer: 11

- Exercise 0-3

Have you ever cut yourself with a knife while cooking? How could cooking knives be made safer? Would you want to use a knife that had been modified that way?

* Answer

 The knife can cut the handler but aren't a bug. The knife cuts the object, and that is the blade's function. Therefore, rather than modifying the knife, trying to protect the hands is a more appropriate way to solve the problem.

- Books

  1. The C Programming Language 2/e
  2. C: A Reference Manual
  3. Data Structures and C Programs
  4. The C Puzzle Book.
  5. How to write Portable programs in C.

- Keywords

  • Symbol
  • Token
  • Lexical Analysis
  • Syntactic
  • Semantic
  • Library routines


  • astonish: 놀라게 하다
  • get in the way: 방해가 되다
  • that was shortly after: ~한지 얼마 되지 않은 시점이다
  • the decade that followd: 지난 십수년 간
  • countryside: 한 지방, 시골 지역, 전원지대
  • merely: 단지
  • contemplate: 숙고하다
  • manuscript: 원고
  • enlighten: 깨우치다, 계몽하다, 개화되다
  • sniggle: 구멍 낚시(?)
  • thorough: 철저한, 순전한
  • thoroughly, 완전히, 순전히
  • convince: 확신시키다
  • emphasis: 중요성, 강세
  • distill: 증류하다
  • ample: 충분한, 넓은
  • through: 통해
  • brevity: 짧음
  • doubt: 의심
  • gained from the aid of: ~의 도움으로 얻은
  • snare: 올가미
  • delusion: 망상
  • countrivance: 연구
  • plastering: 도벽, 석고처리, 회반죽칠, 미장 공사
  • peculiar: 이상한
  • subtler: 더 미묘한
  • hence: 그 후
  • slip up: 실수를 하다
  • recognize: 알아보다
  • post: 기둥[말뚝], 푯대
  • reputation: 명성
  • firm: 회사
  • fluke: 요행

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