커널 스터디(iamroot 18기) 7주차 내용 정리 #1, ARM 코어 구조와 명령어

문연수·2021년 8월 31일

iamroot (ARM)

목록 보기

1. ARM System


  • CISC - Complex Instruction Set Architecture (ex. x86)
    n byte size instruction. => PC + x (variable)
  • RISC - Ruduced Instruction Set Architecture (ex. ARM, MIPS, RISC V)
    fixed byte size instruction => PC + N (fixed)

ARM ISA (Instruction Set Architecture)

  1. thumb-16 - 2 byte
  2. thumb-32 - 4 byte
  3. ARM - 4 byte
  4. Jazzle - 1 byte

2. ARM Hardware

AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture)

AHB Bus: Slow Bus
APB Bus: Slow Bus, But faster than AHB Bus
AXI Bus: Fast Bus (Main Bus)
CHI Bus: Coherent Hub Interface (newly added, 2013)

Why Bridge is needed ?

Bus synchronizes faster devices and slow devices.

Fetching Instruction Size

Instruction size8-bit memory16-bit memory32-bit memory
ARM 32-bit4 cycles2 cycles1 cycles
Thumb 16-bit2 cycles1 cycles1 cycles


Memory Remapping


3. ARM Core

  • ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • MAC: Multiply-Accumulate
  • Barrel Shifter: Bit-shift unit
  • Address Register: Program Counter
  • Incrementer: increase PC value to size of instruction
  • Sign extend: convert 8-bit and 16-bit numbers to 32-bit values.

Simple Code

simple C code

x = 10;
y = x;

to ARM assembly

mov r0, #10
STR r0, [sp, #8]
LDR r0, [sp, #8]
STR r0, [sp, #12]

상수가 크면? 값을 쪼개서 저장!

4. Register

General Purpose Register

  • r0 ~ r12
  • r13 (sp) - Stack Pointer
  • r14 (lr) - Link Register
  • r15 (pc) - Program Counter

sp, lr 을 사용하는 이유

  1. 지역 인수 저장
  2. 인자 전달
  3. 돌아올 PC 설정

What is CPSR

Current Program Status Register

PSR (Program Status Register)

Condition flags

  • N : Negative
  • Z : Zero
  • C : Carry
  • V : oVerflow

Interrupt Mask

  • F : FIQ mask
  • I : IRQ mask

Thumb State

Thumb instruction that increases performance and reduces program size.


to the below

5. Mode

NameAbbreviationPrivilegedMode [4:0]
Fast Interrup requestfiqyes10001
Interrupt requestirqyes10010


6. Interrupt


  • NMI - Non-Maskable Interrupt
    **NEVER EVER** Maskable
  • IRQ - Interrupt Request


  • FIQ - Fast Interrupt Request
    Maskable, but handle faster than IRQ
  • IRQ - Interrupt Request

7. Banked Register

A banked register maps one-to-one onto a user mode register. If you change processor mode, a banked register from the new mode will replace an existing register.

8. Condition mnemonics

MnemonicNameCondition flags
NEnot equalz
CS HScarry set/unsigned higher or sameC
CC LOcarry clear/unsigned lowerc
PLplus/positive or zeron
VCno overflowv
HIunsigned higherzC
LSunsigned lower or sameZ or c
GEsigned greater than or equalNV or nv
LTsigned less thanNv nV
GTsigned greater thanNzV or nvz
LEsigned less than or equalZ or Nv or nV
ALalways (unconditional)ignored

9. Pipeline

1. Fetch

fetch loads an instruction from memory

2. Decode

decode identifies the instruction to be executed

3. Execute

Execute processes the instruction and writes the result back to a register

Using a pipeline speeds up execution by fetching the next instruction while otheer instructions are being decodeded and executed.

10. Executions, Interrupts, Vector Table

Exection / InterruptShorthandAddressHigh address
Undefined instructionUNDEF0x000000040xFFFF0004
Software interruptSWI0x000000080xFFFF0008
Prefetch abortPABT0x0000000C0xFFFF000C
Data abortDABT0x000000100xFFFF0010
Interrupt requestIRQ0x000000180xFFFF0018
Fast Interrupt requestFIQ0x0000001C0xFFFFFF1C

11. Cache

ARM has two forms of cache

Von Neumann style

It combines both data and instruction cache

Harvard Style

Harvard style core has separate caches for data and instruction

TCM (Tightly Coupled Memory)

TCM is fast SRAM located close to the core and guarantees the clock cycles required to fetch instructions or data.

12. Architecture Revisions

ARM {X} {Y} {Z} {T} {D} {M} {I} {E} {J} {F} {S}

  • X - family
  • Y - memory management / protection unit
  • Z - cache
  • T - Thumb 16-bit decode
  • D - JTAG debug
  • M - fast multiplier
  • I - embeddedICE macrocell
  • E - enhanced instructions (assumes TDMI)
  • J - jazzle
  • F - vector floating-point unit
  • S - synthesizible version

최근에는 이러한 방식으로 네이밍 하진 않음.


대표적으로 자주 사용되는 명령어

  • ADD - Add two value
  • AND - Logical bitwise AND two value
  • B - Branch relative +/- 32 MiB
  • BL - Relative branch with link
  • CMP - Compare two values
  • LDR - Load a single values from a virtual address in memory
  • MOV - move a value into a register
  • MRC/MCR - move coprocessor from an ARM register from a status register / conversely
  • MRS/MSR - move to ARM register from a status register (CPSR or SPSR) / conversely
  • MUL - multiply two value
  • ORR - logical bitwise OR of two value
  • SUB - subtract two values
  • STR - store register to a virtual address in memory
  • SWI - Software interrupt
  • TEQ - Test for equality of two values
  • TST - Test for bits in a values

Barrel Shifter

MOV r7, r5, LSL #2 ; r7 = r5 << 2 = r5 * 4


[책] ARM System Developer's Guide (Andrew N. SLOSS, Dominic SYMES, Chris WRIGHT)
[이미지] https://bnmbiw.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/embedded-hardware.png
[이미지] https://theorycircuit.com/arm-processor-introduction/
[이미지] https://jiming.tistory.com/archive/201511?page=3
[사이트] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Microcontroller_Bus_Architecture


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