Linear Regression 정리

나다경·2022년 12월 29일


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Chapter 2. Simple Linear Regression

Regression Analysis

Study a functional relationship between variables

  • response variable y(dependent variable)
  • explanatory variable x(independent variable)

Simple linear regression model

  • When E(Y)E(Y) is a linear function of parameters, the models is called a linear statistical model.
  • Simple linear regression model : E(Y)=β0+β1xE(Y)=\beta_0+\beta_1x

Method of estimation

Sum of squares for error(SSE)

  • The least squares estimators β0^\hat{\beta_0} and β1^\hat{\beta_1} are the estimators of β0\beta_0 and β1\beta_1 that minimize the sum of squares for error SSE(β0,β1)SSE(\beta_0,\beta_1)

Method of inference

  • Consider a simple linear regression model : Y=β0+β1x+ϵY=\beta_0+\beta_1x+\epsilon

  • Assumption

    • E(ϵ)=0E(\epsilon) = 0
    • V(ϵ)=σ2V(\epsilon) = \sigma^2 that does not depend on xx
    • Suppose nn independent observations are to be made on this model
      : Yi=β0+β1xi+ϵiY_i = \beta_0+\beta_1x_i+\epsilon_i

Measuring the quality of fit

Decomposition of Sum of Squares

Coefficient of determination

  • R2R^2 : Proportion of variation of y explained by x

Chapter 3. Multiple Linear Regression

  • Multiple linear regression model : E(Y)=β0+β1x1+...+βkxkE(Y)=\beta_0+\beta_1x_1 + ... + \beta_kx_k

Least squares estimates

  • minimize i=1n(yiβ0β1xi1...βpxip)2\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \beta_0 - \beta_1x_{i1} - ... - \beta_px_{ip})^2
  • normal equation : ei=yi(β0^+β1^xi1+...+βp^xip)=yiyi^e_i = y_i - (\hat{\beta_0}+\hat{\beta_1}x_{i1}+...+\hat{\beta_p}x_{ip}) = y_i- \hat{y_i}
  • estimate of σ2\sigma^2 : 1np1i=1n(yiyi^)2=1np1SSE\frac{1}{n-p-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i- \hat{y_i})^2 = \frac{1}{n-p-1}SSE

Matrix approach

Method of inference

Properties of estimates

Recall that

Measuring the quality of fit

Decomposition of sum of squares

Multiple correlation coefficient(MCC) & Adjusted MCC

  • R21R^2 \uparrow 1 means that determination of y by linear combination of x becomes larger or proportion of variation of y explained by x1,...,xp
  • As the number of explanatory variables increases, R2R^2 always increases and SSESSE unconditionally decreases.
  • R2R^2 is inappropriate for comparing the fitness between models with different numbers of explanatory variables. Therefore, consider the following adjusted R2R^2

Interpretations of regression coefficients

yi=β0+β1xi1+...+βpxip+ϵiy_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_{i1} + ... + \beta_px_{ip} + \epsilon_i

  • β0\beta_0(constant coef.) : the value of y when x1=x2=...=xp=0x_1=x_2=...=x_p=0
  • βj\beta_j(regression coef.) : the change of y corresponding to a unit change in xjx_j when xix_i's are hold constant(fixed)

Chapter 4. Regression Diagnostics: Detection of Model Violations

Validity of model assumption

yi=β0+β1xi1+...+βpxip+ϵiy_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_{i1} + ... + \beta_px_{ip} + \epsilon_i, ϵiiidN(0,σ2)\epsilon_i \sim iid N(0,\sigma^2)

Linearity assumption

\Rightarrow graphical methods(scatter plot for simple linear regression)

Error distribution assumption

\Rightarrow graphical methods based on residuals

Assumptions about explanatory variables

\Rightarrow graphical methods or correlation matrices


  • If a regression equation is obtained from the population, the difference between the predicted value and the actual observed value obtained through the regression equation is error
  • On the other hand, if a regression equation was obtained from the sample group, the difference between the predicted value and the actual observed value obtained through the regression equation is the residual

Residual plot

(x1,r)/.../(xp,r)(x_1,r)/.../(x_p,r) plot

  • If the assumptions hold, this should be a random scatter plot
  • Tools for checking non-linearity / non-homogeneous variance

Scatter plot

  • (xi1,yi),...,(xip,yi)(x_{i1}, y_i), ..., (x_{ip}, y_i) for linearity assumption
  • (xil,xim)(lm)(x_{il},x_{im})(l\neq m) for linear independence(multicollinearity)

Leverage, Influence and Outliers

  • Leverage : Checking outliers in explanatory variables
  • Measures of influence : Cook's distance, Difference in Fits, Hadi's measure & Potential-Residual Plot
  • Outliers : Leverage(outliers in the predictors), Standardized(studentized) residual(outliers in the response variable)

Chapter 5. Qualitative Variable as Predictors

  • Sometimes, it is necessary to use qualitative(or categorical) variable in a regression through indicator(dummy) variables

Chapter 6. Transformation of Variables

  • Use transformation to achieve linearity and/or homoscedasticity

Variance stabilization transformation

  • The distribution of YxY|x may not be a normal distribution.
  • Therefore, E(Yx)E(Y|x) and V(Yx)V(Y|x) may have a functional relationship with each other. Example: Poisson distribution, binomial distribution, negative binomial distribution
  • When the distribution of YxY|x or the functional relationship between E(Yx)E(Y|x) and V(Yx)V(Y|x) can be known, a special transformation can satisfy the assumption of the normal distribution and eliminate the functional relationship.
  • Log transformation is typically used a lot to reduce variance

Chapter 7. Weighted Least Squares(WLS)

\Rightarrow Residual plot shows the empirical evidence of heteroscedasticity(이분산성)

Strategies for treating heteroskedasticity

  • Transformation of variable
  • WLS
  • (b) of Transformation of variables gives the same result as WLS, but it is difficult to interpret the result.

Weighted Least Squares(WLS)

  • We use WLS when we suspect an equally distributed assumption of error.
  • It is used when you want to create a regression model that is less affected by outliers.
  • Idea
    - Incorrect observations adjust the weight to have less effect on the min of SSE
    - If wi=0w_i=0, the observation is excluded from the estimation and is the same as OLS if all wiw_i are equal.

Sums of Squares Decomposition in WLS

Chapter 8. The Problem of Correlated Errors

  • Assumption of independence in the regression model: the error terms eie_i and eje_j are not correlated with each other. Cov(ei,ej)=0,ijCov(e_i,e_j)=0, i \neq j
  • Autocorrelation
    - The correlation when the observations have a natural sequential order
    • Adjacent residuals tend to be similar in both temporal and spatial diemensions(economic time series)

Effect of Autocorrelation of Errors on Regression Analysis

  • The efficiency of LSE for regression coefficients is poor(unbiased but no minimum variance)
  • σ2\sigma^2 or the s.e. of the regression coefficient may be underestimated. In other words, the significance of the regression coefficient is overestimated
  • Commonly used confidence intervals or significance tests are no longer valid

Two types of the autocorrelation problem

  • Type 1: autocorrelation in appearance(omission of a variable that should be in the model)
    \rightarrow Once this variable is uncovered, the problem is resolved
  • Type 2: pure autocorrelation
    \rightarrow involving a transformation of the data

How to detect the correlated errors?

  • residuals plot(index plot) : a particular pattern
  • runs test, Durbin-Watson test

What to do with correlated errors?

  • Type 1: consider another variables if possible
  • Type 2: consider AR model to the error \rightarrow reduce to a model with uncorrelated error

Numerical evidences of correlated errors

Runs test

  • uses signs(+,-) of residuals
  • Run: repeated occurrence of the same sign
  • NR: # of runs
  • Idea: NR \uparrow if negative corr, NR \downarrow if positive corr
  • Use it under the assumption called as AutoRegressive model of order 1(AR1)
  • Durbin-Watson's statistic & Estimator of autocorrelation
  • Idea: small values of dd is positive correlation & large values of dd is negative correlation

Chapter 9. Analysis of Collinear Data

  • Interpretation of the multiple regression equation depends implicitly on the assumption that the predictor variables are not strongly interrelated
  • If the predictors are so strongly interrelated, the regression results are ambiguous : problem of collinear data or multicollinearity


  • Regression assumption: rank(X)=p+1
  • Multicollinearity is not found through residual analysis.
  • The cause of multicollinearity may be a lack of observation or the uniqueness of the independent variables to be analyzed
  • The multicollinearity problem is considered after regression diagnosis including residual analysis

Symptom of multicollinearity

  1. Model is significant byt some of xix_i are not significant
  2. Estimation of βi^\hat{\beta_i} are unstable and drastic change of βi^\hat{\beta_i} by adding or deleting a variable
  3. Estimation result contrary to the common sense

Numerical measure of multicollinearity

Correlation coefficients of xix_i and xj(ij)x_j (i \neq j)

  • Pairwise linear relation but can't detect linear relation among 3 or more variables

Variance Inflation Factor(VIF)

  • VIF>10 evidence of multicollinearity

Principal components

  • Overall measure of multicollinearity

What to do with multicollinearity data

  • (Experimental situation) : design an experiment so that multicollinearity does not occur
  • (Observational situation) : reduce the model(essentially reduce the variables) using the information from the PC's, Ridge regression

Chapter 11. Variable Selection

  • Goal: to explain the response with the smallest number of explanatory variables
  • Balancing between goodness of fit and simplicity

Statictics used in Variable Selection

  • To decide that one subset is better than another, we need some criteria for subset selection
  • The criteria is minimizing a modified SSEpSSE_p

Adjusted multiple correlation coefficient

  • For fixed p, maximize among possible choices of p variables
  • For different p's, maximize

Mallow's CpC_p



Partial F-test statistics for testing

Variable Selection

  1. Evaluating all possible equations
  2. Variable selection precedures(Partial F-test)
  • Forward selection
  • Backward elimination
  • Stepwise selection

Chapter 12.Logistic Regression

  • Dependent variable:Quanlitative & Independent variables:Quantitative or Qualitative

Modeling Qualitative Data

  • Rather than predicting these two values of the binary response variable, try to model the probabilities that the response takes one of these two values
  • Let π\pi denote the probability that Y=1 when X=x
  • Logistic model

  • Logistic regression function(logistic model for multiple regression)
  • Nonlinear in the paramters but it can be linearized by the logit transformation
  • Odds : Indicates how many times the probability of success is that of failure
  • Logit
  • Modeling and estimating the logistic regression model
    - Maximum likelihood estimation
    • No closed-form expression exists for the estimates of the parameters. To fit a logistic regression in practice a computer program is essential
    • Information criteria as AIC and BIC can be used for model selection
    • Instead of SSE, the logarithm of the likelihood for the fitted model is used

Diagnostics in logistic regression

  • Diagnostic measures
  • How to use the measures: same way as the corresponding ones from a linear regression

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