Chapter 2. Simple Linear Regression
Regression Analysis
Study a functional relationship between variables
- response variable y(dependent variable)
- explanatory variable x(independent variable)
Simple linear regression model
- When E(Y) is a linear function of parameters, the models is called a linear statistical model.
- Simple linear regression model : E(Y)=β0+β1x
Method of estimation
- The least squares estimators β0^ and β1^ are the estimators of β0 and β1 that minimize the sum of squares for error SSE(β0,β1)
Method of inference
Measuring the quality of fit
Decomposition of Sum of Squares
Coefficient of determination
- R2 : Proportion of variation of y explained by x
Chapter 3. Multiple Linear Regression
- Multiple linear regression model : E(Y)=β0+β1x1+...+βkxk
Least squares estimates
- minimize ∑i=1n(yi−β0−β1xi1−...−βpxip)2
- normal equation : ei=yi−(β0^+β1^xi1+...+βp^xip)=yi−yi^
- estimate of σ2 : n−p−11∑i=1n(yi−yi^)2=n−p−11SSE
Matrix approach
Method of inference
Properties of estimates
Recall that
Measuring the quality of fit
Decomposition of sum of squares
Multiple correlation coefficient(MCC) & Adjusted MCC
- R2↑1 means that determination of y by linear combination of x becomes larger or proportion of variation of y explained by x1,...,xp
- As the number of explanatory variables increases, R2 always increases and SSE unconditionally decreases.
- R2 is inappropriate for comparing the fitness between models with different numbers of explanatory variables. Therefore, consider the following adjusted R2
Interpretations of regression coefficients
- β0(constant coef.) : the value of y when x1=x2=...=xp=0
- βj(regression coef.) : the change of y corresponding to a unit change in xj when xi's are hold constant(fixed)
Chapter 4. Regression Diagnostics: Detection of Model Violations
Validity of model assumption
yi=β0+β1xi1+...+βpxip+ϵi, ϵi∼iidN(0,σ2)
Linearity assumption
⇒ graphical methods(scatter plot for simple linear regression)
Error distribution assumption
⇒ graphical methods based on residuals
Assumptions about explanatory variables
⇒ graphical methods or correlation matrices
- If a regression equation is obtained from the population, the difference between the predicted value and the actual observed value obtained through the regression equation is error
- On the other hand, if a regression equation was obtained from the sample group, the difference between the predicted value and the actual observed value obtained through the regression equation is the residual
Residual plot
(x1,r)/.../(xp,r) plot
- If the assumptions hold, this should be a random scatter plot
- Tools for checking non-linearity / non-homogeneous variance
Scatter plot
- (xi1,yi),...,(xip,yi) for linearity assumption
- (xil,xim)(l=m) for linear independence(multicollinearity)
Leverage, Influence and Outliers
- Leverage : Checking outliers in explanatory variables
- Measures of influence : Cook's distance, Difference in Fits, Hadi's measure & Potential-Residual Plot
- Outliers : Leverage(outliers in the predictors), Standardized(studentized) residual(outliers in the response variable)
Chapter 5. Qualitative Variable as Predictors
- Sometimes, it is necessary to use qualitative(or categorical) variable in a regression through indicator(dummy) variables
- Use transformation to achieve linearity and/or homoscedasticity
- The distribution of Y∣x may not be a normal distribution.
- Therefore, E(Y∣x) and V(Y∣x) may have a functional relationship with each other. Example: Poisson distribution, binomial distribution, negative binomial distribution
- When the distribution of Y∣x or the functional relationship between E(Y∣x) and V(Y∣x) can be known, a special transformation can satisfy the assumption of the normal distribution and eliminate the functional relationship.
- Log transformation is typically used a lot to reduce variance
Chapter 7. Weighted Least Squares(WLS)
⇒ Residual plot shows the empirical evidence of heteroscedasticity(이분산성)
Strategies for treating heteroskedasticity
- Transformation of variable
- (b) of Transformation of variables gives the same result as WLS, but it is difficult to interpret the result.
Weighted Least Squares(WLS)
- We use WLS when we suspect an equally distributed assumption of error.
- It is used when you want to create a regression model that is less affected by outliers.
- Idea
- Incorrect observations adjust the weight to have less effect on the min of SSE
- If wi=0, the observation is excluded from the estimation and is the same as OLS if all wi are equal.
Sums of Squares Decomposition in WLS
- Assumption of independence in the regression model: the error terms ei and ej are not correlated with each other. Cov(ei,ej)=0,i=j
- Autocorrelation
- The correlation when the observations have a natural sequential order
- Adjacent residuals tend to be similar in both temporal and spatial diemensions(economic time series)
Effect of Autocorrelation of Errors on Regression Analysis
- The efficiency of LSE for regression coefficients is poor(unbiased but no minimum variance)
- σ2 or the s.e. of the regression coefficient may be underestimated. In other words, the significance of the regression coefficient is overestimated
- Commonly used confidence intervals or significance tests are no longer valid
Two types of the autocorrelation problem
- Type 1: autocorrelation in appearance(omission of a variable that should be in the model)
→ Once this variable is uncovered, the problem is resolved
- Type 2: pure autocorrelation
→ involving a transformation of the data
- residuals plot(index plot) : a particular pattern
- runs test, Durbin-Watson test
- Type 1: consider another variables if possible
- Type 2: consider AR model to the error → reduce to a model with uncorrelated error
Runs test
- uses signs(+,-) of residuals
- Run: repeated occurrence of the same sign
- NR: # of runs
- Idea: NR ↑ if negative corr, NR ↓ if positive corr
Durbin-Watson test(a popular test of autocorrelation in regression analysis)
- Use it under the assumption called as AutoRegressive model of order 1(AR1)
- Durbin-Watson's statistic & Estimator of autocorrelation
- Idea: small values of d is positive correlation & large values of d is negative correlation
Chapter 9. Analysis of Collinear Data
- Interpretation of the multiple regression equation depends implicitly on the assumption that the predictor variables are not strongly interrelated
- If the predictors are so strongly interrelated, the regression results are ambiguous : problem of collinear data or multicollinearity
- Regression assumption: rank(X)=p+1
- Multicollinearity is not found through residual analysis.
- The cause of multicollinearity may be a lack of observation or the uniqueness of the independent variables to be analyzed
- The multicollinearity problem is considered after regression diagnosis including residual analysis
Symptom of multicollinearity
- Model is significant byt some of xi are not significant
- Estimation of βi^ are unstable and drastic change of βi^ by adding or deleting a variable
- Estimation result contrary to the common sense
Numerical measure of multicollinearity
Correlation coefficients of xi and xj(i=j)
- Pairwise linear relation but can't detect linear relation among 3 or more variables
Variance Inflation Factor(VIF)
- VIF>10 evidence of multicollinearity
Principal components
- Overall measure of multicollinearity
What to do with multicollinearity data
- (Experimental situation) : design an experiment so that multicollinearity does not occur
- (Observational situation) : reduce the model(essentially reduce the variables) using the information from the PC's, Ridge regression
Chapter 11. Variable Selection
- Goal: to explain the response with the smallest number of explanatory variables
- Balancing between goodness of fit and simplicity
Statictics used in Variable Selection
- To decide that one subset is better than another, we need some criteria for subset selection
- The criteria is minimizing a modified SSEp
Adjusted multiple correlation coefficient
- For fixed p, maximize among possible choices of p variables
- For different p's, maximize
Mallow's Cp
Partial F-test statistics for testing
Variable Selection
- Evaluating all possible equations
- Variable selection precedures(Partial F-test)
- Forward selection
- Backward elimination
- Stepwise selection
Chapter 12.Logistic Regression
- Dependent variable:Quanlitative & Independent variables:Quantitative or Qualitative
Modeling Qualitative Data
- Rather than predicting these two values of the binary response variable, try to model the probabilities that the response takes one of these two values
- Let π denote the probability that Y=1 when X=x
- Logistic model
- Logistic regression function(logistic model for multiple regression)
- Nonlinear in the paramters but it can be linearized by the logit transformation
- Odds : Indicates how many times the probability of success is that of failure
- Logit
- Modeling and estimating the logistic regression model
- Maximum likelihood estimation
- No closed-form expression exists for the estimates of the parameters. To fit a logistic regression in practice a computer program is essential
- Information criteria as AIC and BIC can be used for model selection
- Instead of SSE, the logarithm of the likelihood for the fitted model is used
Diagnostics in logistic regression
- Diagnostic measures
- How to use the measures: same way as the corresponding ones from a linear regression